The Christmas Proposition. Cindy Kirk
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Название: The Christmas Proposition

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781408978733


СКАЧАТЬ a little ping.

      “How about we all get something to eat?” Rachel said without thinking.

      Derek’s gaze turned speculative. “What about your husband? Will he join us?”

      “I’m not married. Not anymore.” Rachel spoke in the even tone she’d perfected the past three years. “My husband died.”

      Confusion clouded his eyes. “But you’re wearing a wedding ring.”

      Rachel glanced at her left hand. Should she try to explain? He wouldn’t get it. Even her friends didn’t understand. How could they? They’d never had a husband murdered. Never kissed their spouse goodbye and had a sheriff show up less than an hour later with devastating news. They hadn’t gone into early labor from the shock and been consumed by guilt because the baby, their long-awaited first child, had been too small to survive.

      “Wearing it makes me feel like Tom is still with me, close by,” she said unapologetically. “It probably sounds crazy to you—”

      “Not at all,” he said with such conviction that she almost believed him. “My father passed away from cancer when I was a little younger than Mickie. My mother wore her wedding ring until I was out of high school.”

      The empathy in his voice took her by surprise. And oddly, it made Rachel feel better to know another young widow had also sought comfort in the familiar….

      “I think Rachel likes pizza,” she heard Mickie say.

      Rachel pulled her thoughts back to the present, wondering when the conversation had made the jump from rings to food. “Pizza is good.”

      “Great. Let’s meet at Perfect Pizza.” Derek turned and headed toward the door.

      “Wait.” Rachel hurried across the shiny hardwood after him, Mickie trailing behind her. “You shouldn’t drive. Not yet.”

      He paused and turned. The hand holding the ice pack dropped to his side. “I told you, I’m fine. Once the Tylenol kicks in, I’ll be ready to pitch a no-hitter.”

      Rachel couldn’t keep her eyes off the large hematoma on the side of his head. This was her fault. She should have watched Mickie more closely, made sure the child didn’t throw a ball to someone who wasn’t looking.

      “It’s not your fault,” he said softly as if he could read her mind. “Or anyone’s fault. That’s why they call ‘em accidents.”

      He seemed quite sincere. Gracious as well as handsome. It was a potent combination. Rachel could see why women liked him.

      “Seriously,” he said. “I’m more than capable of driving myself.”

      The easy thing would be for her to agree. After all, he’d probably be okay. But then again, he’d taken a hard hit. He’d been confused and unsteady. No, she couldn’t in good conscience let him get behind the wheel. Not yet, anyway.

      “How about you humor me and ride with us over to the restaurant,” she said. “Depending on how you’re doing after we eat, you can either drive yourself home or I can drop you off.”

      Derek’s quicksilver grin flashed. “You are bound and determined to get me in your car.”

      Although her heart skipped a beat, Rachel ignored the charm this guy seemed to have in abundance.

      “I’m not going to let this drop.” She resisted an unexpected urge to banter. “I don’t want anything to happen to you on my watch.”

      His lips twitched. “Your watch?”

      “Say yes,” Mickie said, finally speaking up. “I want to eat.”

      Derek thought for a moment, then nodded, shifting his gaze to Rachel. “Ms. Milligan, you’ve got yourself a date.”

      A date? All she’d done was offer to drive him for pizza. Because they were hungry. Not because she wanted to get to know him better like you would if you were … dating … someone.

      Rachel opened her mouth, then shut it. There was no point in getting hung up on semantics. They both knew it wasn’t a date. After all, if the guy once voted “The Sexiest Player in the Major Leagues” was going to jump back into the dating game after his engagement scandal, it wouldn’t be with her.

       Chapter Two

      Even though it was only five o’clock, Perfect Pizza was surprisingly busy. But Derek quickly located an empty table in the center of the small dining area.

      He pulled out chairs for Mickie and Rachel, then took a seat opposite the two. After he was sure they were settled in, he snagged menus from the holder on the table and handed them each one. “What kind of pizza do you like?”

      Mickie didn’t even look at the menu in her hand. “Whatever you want is okay with me.”

      He’d noticed the child had done that a lot on the drive from the gym, refusing to offer an opinion, waiting to answer as if wanting to make sure her response was right. She was an odd bundle of energy and insecurity.

      Derek fought the impulse to tease and lost. He’d grown up with a younger sister and Mickie reminded him of Sarah.

      “How about anchovies, cream cheese and pineapple?” It was all Derek could do to keep a straight face at the look of horror that stole over the young girl’s face.

      “I think we’ll pass on that combination.” A tiny smile lifted the corners of Rachel’s lips. She glanced at the menu and scooted closer to Mickie. “We can negotiate on the pineapple and cream cheese, but anchovies are definitely out. Right, Mickie?”

      The child cast a look at Derek. What she saw must have reassured her because she nodded decisively and swiped the air with one hand. “Anchovies aaaaare out.”

      She sounded so much like an umpire that Derek had to laugh. After some friendly banter, they decided on a hamburger pizza with extra cheese. Rachel wanted him to stay at the table and rest, but he insisted on going to the counter to order.

      While waiting in line, he glanced back at the table. Mickie was chattering on about something and Rachel gave the child her full attention. There was a look in the nurse’s eyes that he hadn’t noticed before. Sadness, yes. But also a longing that took his breath away.

      This was a woman who obviously loved children. While her husband’s death must have temporarily put an end to the dream of children of her own, he had no doubt kids were in her future. She was pretty and smart and personable. He was surprised she hadn’t already remarried and started a family. Of course, wearing a wedding ring probably kept the decent men away.

      Derek wondered if she’d consider him a decent guy. He certainly did his best to treat every woman with respect. That wasn’t always the norm in today’s society. Lots of men out there had no scruples. Lots of women, too. An image of his former fiancée flashed before him. He clenched his jaw and focused on the menu board.

      After ordering, Derek returned to the table with a pitcher of soda and three glasses filled with ice. “They’ll bring out the pizza when it’s ready.”

      In СКАЧАТЬ