If the Ring Fits. Cindy Kirk
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Название: If the Ring Fits

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472004383


СКАЧАТЬ had already endured more than her share. When she’d walked down the aisle six months pregnant with twins, the tongues had started wagging. It had started up again when her jerk of a husband walked out on her when she was pregnant with Logan. The spunky blonde had kept her chin up, but he knew the gossip had stung.

      If news about what had happened in Las Vegas got out, M.K. would once again be hurt. But he wouldn’t let that happen. He would protect his friend—and her reputation—at all costs.

      “You were, weren’t you?” Kate pressed. Then her eyes widened. “Don’t tell me you two are still dating?”

      “Any questions having to do with her are off-limits.” His tone made it clear the subject was closed. Still, as they strolled back toward the party, Kate continued to push the issue until he found himself holding on to his temper with both hands.

      “You know Kate, it’s been a long day.” He stopped short of the crowd. “I’m ready to call it a night.”

      The brunette blinked as if she’d heard the words but they didn’t compute. “It’s your party. And it’s not even ten o’clock.”

      “David and July will understand.” The words came out more clipped than he’d intended, but Travis wasn’t about to apologize.

      Her gaze searched his eyes.

      “I’m sorry, Travis.” Kate placed a hand on his arm, two bright spots of pink dotting her cheeks. “Consider me properly chastised. Your relationship with Mary Karen Vaughn is absolutely your business, and none of mine.”

      The apology brought Kate back up in his estimation but didn’t change his mind. Blame it on jet lag and a late night at the hospital, but the party had lost its appeal. He headed across the lawn to where July and David stood, Kate tagging along. By the time he made the rounds and said his goodbyes, the lights were on in the yard and Mary Karen and Joel were nowhere in sight.

      Travis briefly considered asking Kate if she’d seen them leave but thought better of it. He kept the conversation on hospital matters until they reached the sidewalk. Kate surprised him by hailing one of her partners who lived in her neighborhood and securing a ride home.

      “I can take you,” he protested, though perhaps not as strongly as he could have.

      She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you around.”

      Although Travis was relieved to watch her go, he insisted on opening her car door, then waited at the curb until the SUV disappeared from sight.

      For a second he thought about returning to David’s backyard to see if Mary Karen had reappeared. But the way his evening was going, even if he did find her there’d be no opportunity for them to talk privately. Besides, he was tired. Exhausted. Bone-weary.

      After chatting for a few minutes with a couple nurses who’d stopped by specifically to give him a welcome-back hug, Travis headed down the sidewalk. The curb out front had been lined with cars when he’d arrived so he’d been forced to park his new car on a nearby street.

      The approaching darkness shrouded the vehicle in shadows but as he drew close, the remaining light allowed him to see that someone sat inside.

      Not just anyone …

      Adrenaline surged. In several long strides he covered the distance to his red BMW convertible. He jerked open the door and slid behind the wheel. “Hey, stranger. I was looking for you.”

      “I didn’t know you bought a new car,” Mary Karen said. “Not until David told me.”

      “It came in right before I left for Cameroon.” He gestured with one hand to the luxurious interior. “What do you think?”

      “I saw Kate get into Duane’s car.” She leaned over and straightened the collar of his shirt in a gesture that seemed … wifely. She patted his chest then sat back. “I take it you struck out.”

      For a moment he thought he’d heard wrong, or that she was teasing … until he noticed her expression. “C’mon. You know me better than that.”

      “We’re only married on paper.”

      M.K. seemed so tight tonight. But he knew just how to loosen her up. Travis reached over and took her hand, his thumb caressing her palm. “Remember what happened that night, when we returned to the hotel?”

      “Umm.” She noisily cleared her throat and pulled her hand away. “Yes, there was … that.”

      “That.” Travis trailed a finger up her bare arm. “Was fantastic.”

      He started humming a few bars of “All Night Long.”

      “Let me give you a tip.” While he was still humming, Mary Karen leaned close so that her lips touched his ear. “Bringing a date to the party then talking dirty to me is not a way to score points.”

      The tune died in his throat. Was she serious? Travis straightened, his gaze searching hers. It appeared he had some explaining to do. “Kate wasn’t my date, M.K. She lives near me and asked if I’d give her a ride. That’s it. Nothing more.”

      Mary Karen crossed her arms, clearly not convinced. “It looked like a little more than that to me.”

      “Then you need glasses.” His attempt to lighten the mood fell flat. “She’s only a friend.”

      Mary Karen lifted a brow. “A friend with benefits?”

      “Without,” he snapped. “I’m not sleeping with her, M.K. I wouldn’t do that.”

      “I’m not sure I believe you.” Mary Karen held his gaze and flipped a strand of long blond hair over her shoulder. “Joel said you’d been dating Kate before you left for Cameroon and—”

      “Joel Dennes needs to get his facts straight.” Travis spoke between gritted teeth. “Kate and I went out for drinks a couple times with a group from the hospital. That’s the extent of our ‘dating.’“

      “You brought her to the party,” M.K. pointed out. “You never bring girlfriends to these types of gatherings. What am I to assume except … she must be special.”

      Travis had never seen this side of Mary Karen. It was almost as if she were jealous. But that didn’t make sense. He opened his mouth to tell her it wasn’t any of her business—in a nice way, of course—when he realized with a jolt that it was her business. Just like he hadn’t liked seeing her with Joel, she hadn’t liked seeing him with Kate.

      She was his wife.

      He was her husband.

      The second they’d signed that marriage license, the rules had changed. Which meant he owed her more of an explanation. And, an apology.

      “I ran into Kate at the hospital last night,” he said. “David had invited her to the party and she asked me to pick her up. I should have said no.”

      “Hmm.” Mary Karen brought a finger to her lips. “You had time to talk to Kate about the party, yet you didn’t have time to call and let me know you’d gotten back safely.”

      Instead СКАЧАТЬ