If the Ring Fits. Cindy Kirk
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Название: If the Ring Fits

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472004383


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      The sun hung low by the time Travis left the table. With Kate still tagging along, he wandered to the back of the large yard to check out the elk refuge. The familiar rugged landscape of green and brown with the mountains in the distance did little to soothe his jagged nerves. He couldn’t get the sadness in Mary Karen’s eyes out of his head.

      It didn’t help knowing he was to blame. What had he been thinking? He should never have agreed to give Kate a lift to the party.

      If the pediatrician weren’t glued to his hip he could be with Mary Karen right now. Assuring her that she had absolutely nothing to worry about. Confirming that once they completed the annulment papers, what happened in Vegas would forever stay in Vegas.

      Oddly, Travis found the thought bittersweet. He remembered how close he’d felt to her the night they’d said their vows. A closeness that had more to do with their friendship and shared history than the mind-blowing sex.

      Kate slipped her arm through his, yanking him from his reverie.

      “It’s beautiful here.” Her eyes turned surprisingly somber.

      “David and July do have a nice yard,” Travis agreed.

      “I don’t mean just the yard—although it is lovely.” Kate slanted a sideways glance in his direction. “I mean Jackson Hole. It’s magnificent.”

      Travis settled his gaze on the land he loved so much. While some people thought of his birthplace only as a place to ski, he knew that was only the tip of what Jackson Hole and the rest of Wyoming had to offer. He casually untangled his arm from Kate’s and hooked a boot in the lower rung of the fence. “There’s no place like this on earth. Leaving this state was the hardest thing I ever did.”

      Kate lifted a dark brow. “Why did you?”

      Although he’d been old enough to strike out on his own, he’d refused to walk away from his brothers and sisters. Which meant he had to go with them. “I didn’t have a choice.”

      Kate wrapped her arms around herself as if suddenly chilled. “The feeling—that you don’t have a choice—is awful.”

      Travis nodded.

      “You went to school in Nebraska, right?”

      “I did.” Travis spent almost a decade in Omaha. “Great education. Nice people. Awesome college football team. Still, those years seemed endless.”

      “Medical school and residency are definitely not for the faint of heart,” Kate agreed.

      Travis chuckled. “School was easy. It was everything else that was hard.”

      Like the time his sister Margaret had been rushed to the hospital with appendicitis the morning of his Anatomy-Physiology final. She was still in surgery when he’d been called to the high school because his brother Zac had been suspended for fighting.

      Kate’s gaze grew puzzled. “I don’t understand.”

      He considered making a joke and changing the subject. That’s what he usually did when someone asked about his family or something related to his past. But for some reason, he felt like talking tonight. For it all to make sense, he had to start at the beginning.

      “Shortly after I graduated from high school, my parents died in a car accident.” Without even realizing what he was doing, Travis dropped into the monotone he used whenever he spoke of his parents’ deaths. “Their will made it clear they wanted my uncle in Omaha to raise us if anything happened to them. But Len was a lot younger than my mom and still single. He wasn’t sure he was ready for the responsibility.”

      “I’m sorry about your parents.” Sympathy filled Kate’s eyes. “Since you went to school in Nebraska, I assume your uncle finally came around?”

      He nodded. “We convinced him that all he had to do was provide the house. My sister Margaret and I took full responsibility for our brothers and sisters.”

      Travis settled his gaze on a herd of bison in the distance and tightened his fingers around the fence post. Prior to his parents’ deaths his life had revolved around girls, sports and school. Taking on so much responsibility at such a young age had been a huge change. But he’d seen no other option. “If Meg and I hadn’t agreed, Len wouldn’t have taken us in and our family would have been split up. My brothers and sisters would have been thrown into the foster-care system.”

      Kate tilted her head. “How many siblings do you have?”


      “No way.”

      The shock in her voice made him smile. He lifted a hand and pulled his fingers together in an almost-forgotten gesture. “Scout’s honor.”

      Kate’s brows pulled together. “I can’t imagine how you made it through college and medical school while still fulfilling the promise you made to your uncle.”

      Her interest appeared genuine, and he was discovering that talking to Kate kept him from noticing how close Mary Karen was sitting to Joel. Or how pretty M.K. looked with the sun hitting her hair.

      “Travis?” Kate prompted.

      He pulled his gaze back and focused on the woman at his side. “For starters, I lived at home. I studied while attending sporting events and dance recitals. Thankfully they were good kids. Challenging at times, but a little fire can be a good thing.” Travis’s lips lifted in a satisfied smile. “Not a slacker in the bunch.”

      Kate glanced around. “Are any of them here tonight?”

      “None of them live in Jackson Hole.” Leaving his family in Nebraska to set up practice back here had been hard. But, at that point, they’d all been adults and capable of making their own decision. Still, he hadn’t given up hope that they’d all one day find their way back home. “I’m hoping that will change. Even though we live hundreds of miles apart, we’re still close.”

      A thoughtful look blanketed Kate’s face. “With such a successful parenting experience, I’m surprised you don’t want kids of your own.”

      Travis shrugged and watched the sun slip behind a cloud. Until he’d been thrust into the father role, he hadn’t realized all that being a parent entailed. He’d felt overwhelmed. Inadequate. Even now he wondered if they’d grown into fine young men and women in spite of his efforts and countless rookie mistakes.

      He pulled his attention back to Kate and found her staring. But not at him. “What’s so interesting?”

      “Your ‘old friend’ and Joel Dennes,” Kate blurted out. “They sure seem to be hitting it off.”

      Travis followed Kate’s gaze and frowned. Was his ski buddy holding Mary Karen’s hand? Just then she threw back her head and laughed.

      A surge of something that felt an awful lot like jealousy stabbed Travis in the side. Usually he was the one making M.K. laugh.

      “There’s a certain gleam in your eyes when you look at her.” Kate’s gaze turned sharp and assessing. “Were you lovers?”

      She sounded almost hopeful, but that СКАЧАТЬ