The Trick To Getting A Mom. Amy Frazier
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Название: The Trick To Getting A Mom

Автор: Amy Frazier

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472026293



      “Funny! Two adults down on the ground, groping each other in the mud. One of them a single father and the other…the other trashy Babe Darling’s daughter, no less.”

      “Would it have made any difference if I’d been mud wrestling with, say, Libby Fisk? Or Heather Abernathy? Or Candace Simmons?”

      “Oh, Sean.” Emily gave him a pitying look as if he were a lost boy. “All I want is for you to be happy.”

      “I’m happy enough.”

      “You know what I mean. I want you to have what Brad and I have. I want Alex to know a mother’s love.”

      So did he, but finding the right woman for Alex—and for him—wasn’t just an easy search on eBay. “I don’t need a matchmaker, Em,” he said as gently as he could.

      “If this afternoon’s any indication, I think you do.”

      “So we’re back to Kit.”

      “I don’t think she’s…your type.”

      “I don’t know what kind of woman Kit is,” he admitted, keeping his tone even. “She hasn’t been back to town in nine years. She claims to be a travel writer.”

      “Then she won’t be staying. You need a woman who’ll—” With one hand Emily grabbed Sean’s arm. With the other she clutched her belly.

      “What?” He knew without asking.

      “It’s time!” Emily gasped. “This is labor.”

      “Are you sure?” Had he and Alex precipitated this?

      “Of course I’m sure!” Emily said through clenched teeth. “I’ve had three children. Oh—” Reaching into her dress pocket, she withdrew a cell phone and thrust it at Sean. “Call Emergency Response.”

      “I’ll call Brad.”

      “There’s no time!”

      He punched in 9-1-1 and requested the Emergency Response Unit, then turned his attention to his sister-in-law.

      “I need to sit,” Emily pleaded, breathless.

      As he helped her to the step, he tried not to think about Jilian’s difficult delivery. “Can I do anything for you?”

      “Yes!” She clutched his arm. “Promise me you’ll see Candace tomorrow. Explain about this afternoon. She deserves an explanation.”

      Emily was right. Candace did deserve an explanation. Maybe even an apology. She was a good person. Just not the woman for him.

      Another contraction almost doubled Emily over. Still, she clung to his arm. “Promise.”

      “I promise,” he said quickly to alleviate her obvious distress.

      Looking up, he saw a dripping Alex standing at the corner of the house, fear etched on her face.

      “It’s okay, punkin,” he said, extending his free hand to her. “Aunt Emily’s about to have her baby.”

      “Here?” Alex squeaked, running to him, throwing her wet arms around his leg.

      Emily let out a short laugh. “You two adventurers would appreciate a front-yard delivery, wouldn’t you?” She began to pant.

      Sean put his arm around her and soothed her.

      Within minutes the Emergency Response Unit arrived. Fortunately, the paramedics performed their duties seamlessly. Sean, with Alex plastered to his side, wouldn’t have been much help. He assured Emily he’d wait for her children to get off the bus, that he would bring them to the hospital. He’d also get in touch with Brad. Yes, he knew his pager number.

      As the paramedics began to close the doors to the unit, Emily caught and held his gaze.

      “Let me call Uncle Brad,” Alex chirped, patting the back pocket of Sean’s jeans. “Hey! Where’s your phone?”

      With a sense of dread, he felt his empty pockets.

      “It must have fallen out when you fell in the mud. At Kit’s.” Alex’s eyes lit up. “We’ll have to go back to look for it.”

      “No.” He didn’t like that idea. “Not now. We can use Aunt Emily’s.”

      Alex made a beeline for the phone abandoned on the front step. “But we’ll have to get yours sometime,” she declared with a grin. “And when we do, I’m bringing my books for Kit to autograph.”

      Sean’s stomach dropped.

      He’d thrown himself into Alex’s fantasy of travel and adventure because it was only pretend. And, therefore, safe.

      Then Kit blew into town. A real traveler with iconoclastic baggage. He didn’t so much envy her travels as fear what she represented. She was the siren. Luring his daughter and enticing him with her song.


      KIT SAT IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM cubicle, waiting for a nurse to return with her release forms. The stitched-up gash in her right forearm throbbed as the local anesthesia wore off. Biting her lower lip against the pain, she tapped the fingers of one hand into the palm of the other. It had been one long, frustrating day—starting with that blasted yard sale.

      Sean and Alex McCabe had left her in a stew. Alex, because the kid reminded Kit of herself—or what she might’ve been like if she’d had the benefit of a remotely normal family. And Sean because…well, because Sean was Sean. Strong. Sexy. Self-confident. With an intriguing, barely suppressed anger—or an itch—that ran right below his responsible surface. He hadn’t changed much in nine years.

      Except now he had a daughter.

      Did that mean he also had a wife? He hadn’t been wearing a ring, but what lobsterman did? Around heavy equipment, a ring was a physical liability.

      Why did Kit care about a ring or a wife?

      Getting angry at herself for having given Sean McCabe’s marital status two thoughts had been Kit’s first mistake, she realized, thumping her heels against the examination table, waiting.

      Hopping the neighbor’s chain-link fence to use their backyard hose as an impromptu shower-and-clothes-wash-in-one had been her second. As she’d scoured reluctant grass stains out of her jeans with her fingernails, she had remembered the feel of his body against hers. Remembered the sound of his laugh. The look of intensity in his eyes as he’d explained why he’d stayed to help.

      Because it seems pretty damned important to you.

      Sean shouldn’t have been her concern. Climbing back over the neighbor’s chain-link fence should have been.

      And that was her third mistake. Her thoughts unfocused, she’d slipped and ripped her forearm.

      Where was that nurse?

      Her СКАЧАТЬ