The Trick To Getting A Mom. Amy Frazier
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Название: The Trick To Getting A Mom

Автор: Amy Frazier

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781472026293


СКАЧАТЬ cocked her head, her gaze unwavering. “Because I like you.” Simple as that. Yet not so simple when her family obviously wanted Kit out of their lives.

      Kit glanced over her shoulder to where Sean and his sister were engaged in heated stage whispers. Nina, Noah and Olivia huddled near their aunt.

      Kit looked back at Alex, a little person with an enormous heart. “I like you, too,” she replied and felt pounds lighter for having admitted it.

      Alex stuck the smoothed dollar in the slot, and the docile machine gave up a bottle of water. Scooping it out of the bin, she handed it to Kit.

      “Thanks. Can I buy you one?”

      “Alexandra,” Mariah called over. “Come finish cleaning up.”

      The McCabes had always been clannish and tough as nails. They’d worn their hardscrabble respectability like a badge. The Darlings couldn’t buy respectability with a bushel of money and a gold-plated plaque from the governor.

      Kit turned on her heel for the elevator. To hell with them. All of them.

      “Kit!” Alex called as the elevator doors slid open.

      “Let her go, Alex,” Mariah urged.

      “Kit!” Sean called as she stepped into the car. “Wait!”

      She punched the button for the lobby and felt an enormous sense of escape as the doors shut and the car began to descend, leaving Sean behind with his sanctimonious sister. Kit kicked the metal wall. Hard. Pain shot through her big toe.

      In the lobby, she hobbled toward the entrance and the parking lot.

      “Kit!” Sean had emerged from the second elevator.

      She hobbled faster through the lobby’s automatic doors and into the parking lot toward her motorcycle. Freedom on a kickstand.

      But Sean’s stride was too great. Catching up with her, he grasped her good arm and spun her around.

      “Stop, dammit.” His dark eyes burned into her. “Why are you running?”

      Her heart raced in a rhythm all out of proportion to her brief sprint. Sean did her in with his smoldering eyes and push-me-pull-me looks. His yearning tinged with anger.

      “Why aren’t you inside with your family?” she demanded.

      He held her arm as if he had every right to touch her. He didn’t. Kit had fiercely guarded her right to tell a man when he could and when he could not touch her.

      “Let me go,” she growled.

      He threw his hands in the air and took a step backward. “Not everyone in the world is the enemy, Kit.”

      “Tell that to your sister.”

      “She acted like a jerk. I apologize for her behavior.”

      “You owe me nothing.”

      “Ah, Kit….” A look of pain suffused his rugged features. “For a long time I’ve owed you an apology.”

      It was her turn to take a step backward.

      “Back in school—”

      She held up her hand to ward off what she realized was coming.

      “In school,” he continued, undeterred, “I asked you out, then stood you up.” His words seemed scraped and raw. “I’m sorry.”

      She couldn’t believe he’d brought that old hurt into the open.

      “Why did you stand me up?” She pulled herself ramrod straight, prepared herself for his macho defense. Or, at the most, the admission of teenage stupidity. Peer pressure. Folding to a dare. “Why?”

      “Jilian…” He cleared his throat. Clenched and unclenched his hands. “Jilian told me she was pregnant. With Alex.” His words sounded forced. “I wasn’t thinking about anything or anyone else. We were married right after you left town.”

      Dumbfounded by this unexpected confession, Kit felt a stab of empathy for his wife. The gossips must’ve had a field day. “How would Jilian feel if she knew you were telling me this?”

      In the light of the parking lot lamps, Sean’s face appeared drained of all color. “Jilian’s been dead six years. Car accident.”

      Kit didn’t know what to say. She’d been prepared to stand up to him if he’d apologized for being a jerk. But this halting admission was too filled with pain.

      “You didn’t have to tell me all this.”

      “I did.” He glowered at her as if he hadn’t wanted to tell her anything. “Because you shouldn’t think I wasn’t attracted to you. Then.”

      He said then, but his eyes said now. She’d seen desire in men’s eyes before. Lust. Crude and controlling. The look in Sean’s eyes was different, tinged with vulnerability. Telling her the truth had cost him.

      Unaccountably, tears stung her eyes.

      “Kit…” He moved to draw her to him, kiss her maybe. She couldn’t quite tell. His tenderness and unguarded yearning made her wild. She could have handled his scorn. Or his pity. But not this sensitivity.

      Drawing back, she slapped his face with all her might. As much to punish him for arousing her deeply guarded feelings now as for his inadvertent cruelty all those years ago.


      HIS CHEEK STILL SMARTING from Kit’s slap, Sean stepped out of the hospital elevator and into a McCabe celebration. With all the goings-on, surely his bruised ego would go unnoticed.

      Pop and Jonas had arrived in the maternity floor waiting room and Brad was passing out cigars, both real and chocolate. The kids were wild from junk food, missed bedtimes and the adults’ high spirits.

      “Once he decided to come, there was no stopping him!” Brad exclaimed, his chest puffed out. “And he’s a keeper, all right. Eric Aaron McCabe. Seven pounds, eleven ounces and eighteen inches of squalling testosterone.”

      Jonas clapped Brad on the back.

      “He’s right. I just saw him. And Emily looks great, too.”

      Mariah appeared around a corner. “I’ll call Nick and Chessie,” she said. “They’d better move back home quick before the selectmen declare Pritchard’s Neck has its quota of McCabes.”

      “Hush, girl.” Pop gave his only daughter a loving glance that belied his gruff reprimand. “There could never be enough of you to suit me.” Penn had fathered five children. Now he counted on those offspring to build his dynasty.

      A nurse appeared, and Sean recognized her as one of Pop’s poker pals. “Visiting hours are over, and you need to let the new mom rest. But, if you can control yourselves, I’ll bend the rules just the tiniest bit and let you take a peek at the new family member…who’d СКАЧАТЬ