The Doctor's Valentine Dare. Cindy Kirk
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Название: The Doctor's Valentine Dare

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474040730


СКАЧАТЬ a valet in gray pants and long topcoat opened her door.

      Rounding the front of the vehicle, Noah handed the keys to the smartly-dressed man, then took Josie’s arm. Though the area under the overhang was dry, those heels of hers were wicked and it didn’t take much imagination to visualize her taking a tumble and sustaining a head injury.

      Once inside they checked their coats, then strolled down the large foyer to the ballroom past huge planters overflowing with fresh flowers. A sweet scent filled the air. Up ahead the sound of big band music accompanied by the clink of fine crystal and laughter could be heard.

      “I’m not good at these things,” Noah confessed. As a teenager, he’d enjoyed the challenges of math and science rather than sports and parties. As a young adult, his career path had taken up his time and energy.

      Oh, he’d become socially adept but he’d never found anyone he trusted enough to share his deepest emotions. For him, trust came hard. The way he saw it, opening himself up to someone was tantamount to giving them a hand grenade along with instructions on how to pull the pin.

      His high school girlfriend had taught him this lesson when she shared with her friends everything he’d told her.

      “I prefer smaller events.”

      Noah pulled his thoughts and attention back to the beautiful woman at his side.

      Josie stopped at the edge of the ballroom and glanced around the room filled with men in black tie and women in cocktail attire. “There will be a lot of people we both know here tonight so it should”

      He wondered who she was trying to convince. Noah lifted a brow.

      She swatted his shoulder. “Yes. Fun.”

      “If you say so.”

      “Think about it. Who I don’t remember, you’ll know. And I can give you the scoop on anyone who’s grown up here.”

      Her prediction held pinpoint accuracy. Noah had attended a number of these events since his arrival in Jackson Hole last year. Each time, he’d smiled at the appropriate moments, made casual conversation with colleagues and then headed home. Enjoying himself, specifically having fun, hadn’t been on tonight’s agenda.

      While he’d had previous conversations with Mayor Tripp Randall, and his wife, Adrianna, there was much he hadn’t known about the couple. Over dinner he learned “Anna” was a good friend of Ben’s wife, Poppy, and that Tripp had been a hospital administrator on the East Coast before returning home to Wyoming.

      “Jackson Hole is really a big small town,” Josie commented as the four of them chatted amiably. “Everybody knows all the news practically before it happens.”

      Anna Randall offered a rueful smile. “That’s so true. I’d heard all about you and Noah spending time together at the New Year’s Eve party so I wasn’t surprised to see you together.”

      “My darling wife hears everything.” Tripp gazed at her with fondness. “I count on her to keep me up-to-date.”

      Anna colored. “I’m not a gossip.”

      “Of course not, sweetheart.” Tripp quickly backpedaled, his expression contrite. “I simply meant—”

      “—that as a midwife, you keep your finger on the pulse of the community.” Josie offered Anna a warm smile.

      “Exactly right. You’ve got yourself a sharp one, Anson.” Tripp gestured with his head toward Josie. “Better watch yourself.”

      Noah gave Josie an assessing glance and smiled. He needed her help reconciling with his sister. The fact he found her easy to be around was an extra bonus. Yet, Tripp was right. He needed to watch himself around her.

      Anytime he’d ever lost his head over a woman, his well-ordered world had been thrown into chaos. He’d vowed not to put himself in that position again.

      It was a promise he meant to keep.

      * * *

      Josie could be impulsive. She readily admitted the weakness. Deciding that Noah Anson was exactly who she needed if she was going to reconcile with her parents and brother might, on the surface, appear impetuous. But she was convinced—or almost convinced—it was the right decision.

      When Noah pulled her into his arms for some pre-dinner dancing, she decided this was her opportunity to hammer out the details of the “deal” she was prepared to propose.

      The problem was, when his arms slid around her and he pulled her close, strategizing became the last thing on her mind. She fit against him perfectly, the top of her head just under his chin.

      His chest was broad, his arms strong. For a surgeon, physical endurance was almost as important as knowledge and talent. Standing for long hours, maintaining control of motor skills was essential. But now, with Noah’s arms around her, Josie was only conscious of how good he smelled and how safe she felt in his arms.

      For a woman who’d prided herself on handling every aspect of her personal life, the realization she could so easily relinquish control—even on the dance floor—was vaguely disturbing.

      Not disturbing enough, however, to pull out of his arms. She let herself relax, determined to enjoy the evening. When her friend Sasha had become ill, Josie had been reminded that each day was a gift to be treasured.

      The call to dinner in the adjacent ballroom sounded and Josie moved with Noah to the other room. It would have been easy to become separated but Noah kept a hand on her arm.

      After gazing over the sea of round linen-clad tables, she turned to Noah. “Is there assigned seating?”

      “Not tonight.” Tripp came up behind them. “If you don’t already have a table chosen, there’s still room at mine. Right over there, where Anna is already seated.”

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