The Doctor's Valentine Dare. Cindy Kirk
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Название: The Doctor's Valentine Dare

Автор: Cindy Kirk

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474040730


СКАЧАТЬ them fall. “And I want them to hear—and understand—me. Sometimes I think I need an interpreter.”

      Instead of laughing at the ridiculous thought, Sylvie’s expression grew thoughtful. “Yes. I believe that might be helpful.”

      Josie gave a little laugh. “Too bad I can’t simply snap my fingers and conjure one up.”

      “You don’t need to do that, not when you have the perfect person at your disposal.” Sylvie leaned back in her chair smiled. “Noah Anson wants something from you. You need something from him. From where I’m sitting, it’s a match made in heaven.”

      Saturday night, standing at the door to his grandmother’s house, Noah faced his sister. While he knew Daffodil frequently visited Pauline, it was rare for him to run into her here.

      “Good evening, Daffodil.” He studied the younger sister who’d gone from worshiping him to not being able to stand the sight of him.

      The pretty little girl had grown into a striking young woman. With her petite frame, blond hair straight and loose to midback, and big blue eyes, she could have been the poster girl for a 1960s flower child. The fact that she had a propensity for wearing all organic clothing only furthered that image.

      Daffodil had been one of the top students at the boarding school where she’d been dumped after their parents’ divorce. After graduation, instead of going to college as he’d hoped, she’d become a hairstylist.

      That had been the first in a series of mistakes she’d made, all because she’d refused to accept his guidance.

      “Who’s at the door?” Pauline’s voice carried from the back of the house.

      The fact that he was chilled while wearing a wool topcoat told him his sister must be freezing in her bare feet and loose-fitting cotton pants and collar-less shirt.

      “It’s Noah,” Daffy called over her shoulder then stepped aside. “Come in.”

      Her tone was deliberately careless, rather than rude. Still, Noah absorbed the punch.

      He didn’t like feeling helpless and ineffectual. That was exactly how he felt around Daffy. Dealing with her was incredibly frustrating. No matter how calmly and logically he responded, she bristled.

      At this rate, they’d never reconcile. Though Noah knew plenty of men with little or no contact with their siblings, Pauline and Daffodil were basically his only family. Though he maintained a cordial relationship with his parents, they both had new spouses. He and Daffy had long ago been relegated to their past.

      Daffodil gestured with one hand. “Gram and Josie are in the parlor.”

      “Perhaps you and I could grab dinner one night?” Noah suggested.

      Daffy turned toward the stairs. “I don’t think that’d be a good idea.”

      “Look, Daff.” Noah placed a restraining hand on her arm. “Forget that I was right about Cruz. That knowledge gives me no pleasure. As far as I’m concerned, that’s in the past.”

      His sister jerked her arm back. Anger flashed in her eyes, but for a moment, a second, Noah caught a glimpse of another emotion. One that looked like regret.

      Then she was gone, a blur of blue and yellow disappearing up the staircase.

      Noah waited until his sister disappeared from sight before strolling into the back parlor. His grandmother had a cheery fire blazing in the hearth. She sipped a cup of tea while Josie sat on a nearby settee.

      Josie wore a dress of cherry red for tonight’s medical staff festivities. Sexy, razor-thin heels of the same color completed the look.

      She’d pulled her blond hair back in a twist that showed off a slender elegant neck and ears that shimmered with tiny ruby teardrops.

      “Noah.” Pauline rose and opened her arms to him.

      When he stepped close, his grandmother rested her hands on his forearms and studied him.

      Though in her midseventies, Pauline could pass for a woman ten years younger. An active, vital widow, she was relaxed and comfortable in her own skin. A pleased look filled her blue-gray eyes.

      “Some men are made to wear black tie,” she pronounced, then turned to Josie. “Don’t you agree, my dear?”

      His date for the evening rose in a single fluid movement. “I agree. Your grandson looks quite dashing this evening.”

      “As much as I’d love for you both to stay and visit, I don’t want you to be late for the party.” Pauline’s smile widened to include Josie. “The way you look tonight, Noah is going to have to fight to get one dance with you.”

      Josie’s face colored with embarrassment. “Oh, Pauline.”

      “Gram is right,” Noah said, finding the thought irritating, which made his words clipped. “That dress is very...”

      Provocative was the word that came first to his mind, but he substituted “lovely,” which didn’t do the dress, or her, justice.

      Pauline walked them to the door and brushed a kiss across Josie’s cheek. “I won’t wait up.”

      The gesture of affection, directed toward someone his grandmother hadn’t known all that long, surprised and puzzled Noah.

      He opened the door to his Range Rover and helped her inside, inhaling the sweet, tantalizing scent of her perfume.

      Strictly business, he reminded himself.

      Noah wheeled the car from the curb. “I was surprised to see Daffodil.”

      “Pauline invited her to spend the night.” Josie slanted a glance in his direction. “Daffodil is fighting a cold and your grandmother is convinced she isn’t getting enough sleep. I think she wanted to give her granddaughter some TLC.”

      “Gram likes to baby Daffodil.” Noah turned onto the highway in the direction of the Spring Gulch Country Club. “I don’t understand why Daffy doesn’t live with Gram. It’s expensive to rent or buy in Jackson Hole and Gram has plenty of room.”

      “I didn’t move in with my parents when I moved back,” she pointed out.

      Noah inclined his head. “Why didn’t you?”

      “I thought it’d be too hard for us to relate as adult to adult if I was living under their roof. It’d be too easy for us to fall back into a parent-child role.”

      “Yet, you live with my grandmother.”

      “She offered me a room at a fantastic rate. Plus, she’s not my parent.”

      Noah pondered Josie’s assessment. His sister was obviously determined to be seen as an adult. Since she was now, what, twenty-six, it made sense. Which meant he needed to adjust how he responded to her. He only wished he knew how to do that...

      “You СКАЧАТЬ