Saved By The Firefighter. Rachel Brimble
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Название: Saved By The Firefighter

Автор: Rachel Brimble

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474064248
















      Three months earlier

      IZZY SLOWLY OPENED her eyes and languidly stretched, inhaling the scent of sandalwood and man. Turning her head, she stared at Trent’s dark brown, sleep-ruffled hair as he dozed peacefully beside her. She smiled and waited for the regret to set in...but instead only happiness flowed through her.

      She’d done it.

      She’d finally invited Templeton Cove’s hunkiest firefighter into her bed.

      After months of self-protection, weeks of carefully executed sanity, she’d let down her defenses and given in to the man any sane woman on the planet would want to wake up next to. Would this morning bring a new beginning...or would they slip back into their casual friendship once more?

      Her smile dissolved. A friend with benefits was most definitely not on her agenda. Her morals and need for order put paid to that sort of nonsensical relationship.

      She couldn’t guarantee Trent would feel the same way.

      He was a firefighter. A man who thrived on the thrill of risking his life every day; a man who needed to save people. Templeton considered Trent a hero. Someone who lived and breathed his job. One part of a team relied upon by the Cove’s residents to keep them as safe as much as they relied on their police force to do the same.

      Izzy turned her gaze to the ceiling. Her life was the antithesis of Trent’s. She was methodical. Careful. About everything. Trent lived his life as though every moment was his last.

      He shifted and murmured something intelligible. Izzy glanced at him just as his eyes flickered open. His bright green gaze met hers and he smiled sleepily. “Hey.”

      Izzy forced a smile, her stomach tightening just at the sexy sight of him. “Hey.”

      He reached his hand across her naked abdomen and tugged her closer, brushing a kiss over her ear, inching lower to kiss her jaw. He inhaled. “How come you still smell like flowers first thing in the morning?”

      She grinned. “I didn’t realize I smelled like flowers any time.”

      “You do. Always.”

      As he moved his hand higher to gently stroke the underside of her breast, her body heated, and all thoughts of making it clear to him that their relationship couldn’t be a casual thing faltered.

      The frenzied, almost illicit surrender of just a few hours before was replaced with gentleness. A slow, exquisite exploration of each other’s bodies. Izzy stared into his eyes, secretly hoping he saw her and no one else. That she was special to him.

      Her reward was better than she could have imagined or hoped for. His usually intense, concentrated gaze was soft, trusting and full of only her. She had no choice but to respond, her body turning pliant under his gentle caresses as her heart inched closer to love than like. Surrendering, she moved her hands over his back, higher to his shoulders until her fingers were in his hair and their kisses intensified.

      She made love to Trent with every part of her. Held him. Touched him. Loved him because whatever happened next between them...her eyes smarted with tears, it felt so right to be with him. Always.

      * * *

      IZZY BLINKED AND the memory vanished.

      She took a deep breath and clutched her newest portfolio of photographs to her chest as she walked from the developing lab at the back of her photography studio into the front open-plan office. Spreading out the shots on the surface of her huge workstation, she battled the unjust resentment she felt toward the family who’d paid for them. Mother, father, toddler son and his baby sister all smiled at the camera, their eyes shining with love and happiness. She squeezed her eyes shut, anger and frustration making her tremble.

      Nine weeks had passed since Robbie was killed in an explosion at the garage, but the pain still resided in her heart as mercilessly as it had the day it happened. She was nothing but a shell, inside and out.

      She had no brother and two parents who spent months at a time traveling the Mediterranean as they worked as singers on a cruise ship. And now she was entirely alone. Maybe she should have tried harder to reconcile with her parents, apologized for pushing them away. They had tried so hard to comfort and be there for her, but there was nothing Izzy wanted other than her brother. She swallowed. And now separation from her mum and dad had eased a little of the fear of loving them too deeply.

      Opening her eyes, she snatched up the photographs and reached beneath the workstation for an envelope. She slid the shots inside, her hands trembling. Kate, her best friend, continued to accuse Izzy of changing beyond recognition. She’d even suggested counseling. Izzy swallowed against the lump of humiliation as it rose in her throat.

      Doesn’t Kate know how strong I am? That I’ll deal with my grief any way I see fit, and right now that is work, work and more work.

      The security alarm chimed. Someone had stepped inside the studio. Exhaling a heavy breath, Izzy pulled back her shoulders, lifted her head and forced a smile.

      “Hi, how can I...” Her heart stopped. Trent Palmer stood just inside the door. “Why are you here?”

      His dark green gaze bored relentlessly into hers, his strong jaw set as he reached behind him and shut the door. “I came by to see how you’re doing.”

      Traitorous attraction skittered over the surface of her skin before Izzy turned and strode toward the corner she used for staging portrait shots. The fluffy bunnies, huge furry dice and toys СКАЧАТЬ