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СКАЧАТЬ towns and Templeton rankled, but Izzy forced a smile. “Well, for me, the Cove is most definitely where I belong.”

      He raised an eyebrow. “Never say never. Things change...people change.”

      Uncomfortable with the knowing tone in his voice despite being aware of the huge changes to her personality lately, Izzy cleared her throat and laced her hands on the table. “Shall we talk about the calendar?”

      His gaze lingered on hers before he leaned forward, mirroring her posture. “Sure. How’s it going?”

      “Really well. I spoke with Kate earlier and she’s drawn up a schedule of when each of the volunteer firefighters will be available. It’s now just a case of me deciding what to feature for each month. For the cover, we thought it would be a great shot to have you and the firefighters together.”

      “Sounds good...” He grimaced. “As long as they’re not all built and buff and I end up looking like a stick between them.”

      Izzy laughed. Richard Crawley was at least six feet tall, and the width of his chest gave the impression that the gym wasn’t exactly nonexistent in his schedule. “I’m pretty confident you’ll give them a run for their money.”

      He lifted an eyebrow, his eyes glinting with flirtation. “Glad to hear you say so.”

      Her cheeks heated and she turned from his gaze as a waitress approached carrying Izzy’s wine on a tray in one hand and two leather-bound menus in the other. She placed the menus in front them and the drink in front of Izzy. The young girl smiled. “Your wine, Miss Cooper.” She looked at Izzy and Richard in turn. “I’ll be back to take your order shortly.”

      Reaching for her glass, Izzy took a fortifying sip and fought the nerves that jumped into her stomach. Richard was handsome, charming and effortlessly charismatic. The combination made her nervous when she would so rather be at home wrapped in a blanket and watching an old movie, or else working at the studio.

      He opened his menu. “Shall we go for starters as well as mains?”

      Richard scanned the menu, his brow slightly furrowed and his concentration somber. She needed to stop thinking about her need to be home alone and get fully on board with the project or risk letting Kate down, not to mention Maya.

      Mustering her confidence, Izzy looked at the menu. “Well, as I’m at the Christie and haven’t had the chance to step inside the place before, I think we should take full advantage.”

      He laughed. “I agree. The bill’s on me, so I want you to have whatever you’d like.”

      “Oh, I didn’t mean for you to pay—”

      “I want to. Please. I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy and like to treat a lady to dinner...if that’s okay with you?”

      How could she refuse when his tone was so friendly and gentle? This wasn’t a date. It was a business meeting and the man was being polite and attentive. “Thank you.”

      “You’re welcome. Now, what will it be?”

      The evening passed with a steady stream of conversation about everything from the calendar, to their childhoods, to Richard’s time in Templeton as a young boy to his current work as a TV presenter.

      Their starters were delicious, but it was only as they came toward the end of their mains that Izzy realized just how much she had relaxed. Her plate clean, she set down her knife and fork and sighed. “That was amazing. Thank you for inviting me here tonight. I’ve really enjoyed it.”

      “Good.” He smiled. “I couldn’t help worrying I’d never see you again after my and Francis’s insensitive words about your brother. I can only apologize and promise it won’t happen again.”

      Izzy held his apologetic gaze as insecurity threatened once more. For an hour or so, she’d been in someone’s company who’d made her forget about Robbie. Richard had made her smile, even if laughter had been a step too challenging. Now the guilt over how she’d enjoyed herself and might be able to move on one day came back heavy and unwanted, making her want to flee from the restaurant.

      She picked up her glass and drained the remainder of her wine. “Of course you’d see me again. The only reason we’re here is Maya. Nothing is about you or me...and certainly not my brother.”

      “I couldn’t agree more. What happens outside of the calendar is no one else’s business.”

      Izzy frowned. “Outside of the calendar?”

      “Yes.” He put down his knife and fork and touched his napkin to his mouth, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. “I was hoping you might show me around town while I’m here. I’m sure Templeton must’ve changed since I was a teenager. I’d rather have your company than see things alone. What do you think?”

      Indecision battled. Her mind turned to Trent and his unwavering insistence to be there for her...to be with her. Yet she’d made no promises to him. Had protected herself from his yearnings for both their sakes. When Trent had kissed her at the beach, her entire world tipped on its axis—his sexual need matched her dormant desires with dangerous ferocity. She couldn’t be with Trent and guarantee the safety of her heart, but to spend some time with Richard, an easy, amicable, friendly man who would be in the Cove for barely a week? That could mean a few hours of release and enjoyment without any complication or risk of further pain.

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