Ransom. Terri Reed
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Название: Ransom

Автор: Terri Reed

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781474048088


СКАЧАТЬ of her standing up to him? For some reason that pleased her and irritated her at the same time. Had he been baiting her to see if she’d fold under the pressure?

      She hadn’t. At least, not yet. She was too worried for her sister’s well-being. When this was over and they were both safe, then she’d collapse. But not in front of Blake Fallon. That would be not only humiliating and degrading, it would let him know that her bravado was just that—bravado, manufactured and fragile. But she would be brave. She had to prove to Blake, to herself, that she had the mettle to see this ordeal through. Only with God’s help could she do it.

      A wave of fatigue crashed through her. Her shoulders drooped. She glanced at her watch. They’d been here for a long time. She hadn’t eaten since the midmorning snack on the plane. She needed to find a hotel, but mostly she wanted to get away from this confusing man. “Can I go now?”

      Blake rose and picked up the box, tucking the necklace back inside. “I’ll escort you to a safe house.”

      Oh, goodie. Not. She would rather go alone. Then she wouldn’t have these confusing and conflicting thoughts about the agent. “I’ll find a hotel, thank you.”

      “Not happening.” His tone was adamant. “I want you where we can protect you.”

      Despite how irritating she found him, she couldn’t deny that having some protection eased some of her anxiety. She’d be stupid not to accept. She’d already agreed to his plan, she now had to find it within herself to allow him to protect her in every way. That included her accommodations.

      “Fine. You can be in charge of where I stay.” She rose and held out her hand. “My box, please.”

      She wasn’t going to let the box or the necklace out of her sight. The necklace was her only bargaining chip and the box’s sentimental value was worth more to Liz than the price of the uncut diamonds.

      He hesitated for a moment, clearly uncomfortable letting her take ownership of the priceless bauble, before placing her mother’s jewelry box on her palm. Her fingers closed around the wood, feeling the carvings dig into her flesh. Liz traced a finger over the roses carved into the side. A wave of sadness washed through her as she held the box in her shaking hands. She missed her mother so much. Liz had been only ten when she’d passed, but her memories of her mother were still very vivid and bolstered her courage.

      Liz was going to need every ounce of strength she possessed to make it through this nightmare. She sent up another silent prayer for help and safety for Jillian, for herself, as she followed Blake out of the interrogation room.

      The CBS officer waited for them in the hallway with her suitcase. “Exit through that door.” He pointed to the opposite end of the hallway from where they’d entered.

      “It needs to appear that you’re going about the plan as normal, so go straight to the rental car pickup,” Blake told her. “There’s a phone in the glove box of your rental. When it rings put it on speaker so I can give you directions. I’ll be right behind you.”

      Apparently they had anticipated her cooperation. She should be angry, but she was too freaked out and tired to stir the embers of anger. Though she nearly let loose a hysterical chuckle, no doubt born of fatigue and panic. Blake was certainly sure of himself. That could be a good thing. At least she hoped so. She grabbed the handle of her luggage and rushed out the exit, which led her back to the terminal.

      She hurried through the security exit and out of the airport. Stars twinkled in the dark sky. She took a moment to breathe in the cold air to clear her head. The freezing temperature was painful to her lungs. Within seconds her face felt as if icicles were forming on her skin.

      She crossed the street, heading to the car rental desk and stepped into line. A large body bumped into her, knocking her off balance. “Hey!”

      A hard object pressed into her side. “Don’t scream or I’ll put a bullet in you.”

      Terrified, Liz stiffened. She recognized the voice whispering in her ear. It was the intruder from her apartment. Santini’s rival for the diamond necklace. She turned her head, wanting to see his face.

      But he shifted out of her peripheral view and pressed the barrel of the gun harder into her ribs and growled, “Don’t look at me. Just walk.”

      Frantically, she searched for Blake as she stepped out of line with the man and moved toward a waiting car. She couldn’t make out the driver’s face. His dark gray hoodie covered his head and hung over his face.

      The blare of a horn caught her assailant’s attention.

      Liz’s gaze whipped to the left in time to see Blake jump out of a nondescript sedan and run full speed toward her. From the corner of her eye she saw the Canadian customs officer racing to intercept her attacker.

      The man with the gun cursed, then pushed her away, sending her stumbling toward Blake. Her would-be captor jumped into the waiting vehicle before the customs officer could reach him, and the little blue coupe took off like a rocket, weaving through traffic. The customs officer was on his phone in seconds, presumably calling other law enforcement to pursue the two men.

      Blake grabbed her by the biceps. “Are you okay, miss?”

      Taking his cue to act as if they didn’t know each other, she nodded, “I’m fine, thank you.”

      She shrugged out of his hold, unsettled by the way his hands burned through the material of her coat to her skin.

      He nodded and returned to his sedan. His tall, lean frame folded into the driver’s seat. She watched him drive away with anxiety twisting her up in knots. Feeling exposed, she hurried to the car rental counter. After signing for the rental car, the man handed her a set of keys to a silver sedan.

      Once inside the vehicle, she locked the doors and then opened the glove box to find the phone Blake had said would be there. She had to admit she was grateful to have him on her side. She was nuts to think she could have pulled off rescuing her sister alone. Within seconds the small cell phone rang. She pressed answer and then the speaker button as she’d been instructed. “Hello.”

      “All right, Liz,” came Blake’s voice. Some of her tension eased, knowing she had a link to him through the phone. “The address where you’re going has already been programmed into the car’s onboard GPS. Start the car and hit the route button. I’ll fall in behind you. Nathanial will also be following. If we think you’re being followed, we’ll give you further instructions.”

      “Okay.” Her hands shook as she started the car, then hit the route button on the navigation system in the dashboard. Immediately a disembodied female voice gave her directions to follow.

      She gripped the steering wheel tightly as she drove through traffic. A surreal sensation blunted the edges of her fear. Was she really doing this? “That man with the gun was probably Ken. He was the same man who broke into my apartment. I recognized his voice.”

      “I’ll let Nathanial know.”

      A shudder worked through her, tensing her shoulders even more until they were hiked all the way to her ears. The man had almost had her for a second time. Thankfully, Blake had been there. But could she count on him to save her again? To save her sister?

      She prayed so. Because if Blake failed her, then her sister would die.

      “Nathanial caught СКАЧАТЬ