Ransom. Terri Reed
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Название: Ransom

Автор: Terri Reed

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781474048088


СКАЧАТЬ He said Jillian’s release was his priority. Was that true or just lip service to get her to acquiesce to his plans? “How can you be sure Santini doesn’t have spies in your department? On your team? Men following me? You say you’ve been after him but unable to catch him. Have you ever considered the reason might be someone in your organization is working with Santini?”

      Blake’s eyes narrowed. “Believe me I’ve thought of every possibility. I’ve had everyone involved in Santini’s case carefully vetted. This IBETs operation is small for a reason. I’ve handpicked each member. There is no way any one of them would betray the team.”

      She wanted to believe him. There was something in his tone that spoke of his determination and frustration. Despite his best effort to control the circumstances, he couldn’t. Santini somehow managed to evade capture time and again. And for a man like ICE agent Blake Fallon that had to be driving him mad. “Do you know who the man was that broke into my apartment last night?”

      “No. Unfortunately, he wasn’t on our radar until after we found out about him attacking you.” He didn’t sound pleased. “Now that we know he’s involved and on the trail of the necklace, we’ll be on the lookout for him. Did you get a good look at him?

      “No. He wore a mask and it was dark. Don’t you know what he looks like? How is he connected to Travis? To Jillian?” She shuddered, remembering the vile man’s voice and the way he’d grabbed her. She thought for certain he would hurt her. “He threatened to kill me, thinking I was Jillian.”

      “The best we can surmise is this man wants to usurp Santini’s throne. My informant gave me a name, Ken Odin, but we can’t find him in any databases.”

      The thought that there were two men out there that wanted to do her and Jillian harm had her pulse picking up speed. She clasped her hands together to keep them from shaking. “He claimed Travis bragged about stealing the necklace from Santini.”

      “I doubt Travis understood the magnitude of what he’d taken from his boss. If he’d had any idea the value of the necklace or the trouble that would come down on his head, I doubt he’d have stolen it. Unless he really is that reckless.” Blake steepled his hands. “But because he did steal it we have an opportunity to use the situation to our advantage.”

      Which brought them back to the plan where Blake hoped to lure Santini out into the open and capture him. “So I go to Fort George with the necklace to wait for Santini.”

      Blake gave a short nod. “Yes.”

      She’d never done anything dangerous before. She’d lived her life following the rules, making sure everyone had what they needed and picking up the slack where she could. Putting herself deliberately in harm’s way went against her own sense of self-preservation. But for Jillian she had to. And she had to rely on this man to protect her. “And you’ll be close by watching, right?”

      His expression softened slightly. “Yes.”

      The small glimpse of consideration, of compassion, didn’t assure her, instead it made her heart beat too fast and her mouth turn to cotton. It was clear he knew what he was asking of her was dangerous and yet, he still asked. And she had no choice but to confront her fears and do what needed to be done. For her sister’s sake. And for her own. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she hadn’t done all she could to rescue her sister. She swallowed, trying to find her voice again. “If I don’t cooperate with you, I’ll be arrested.” The thought of jail terrified her. She didn’t want to go to prison. If she were incarcerated, who would save her sister? “Is that, right?”

      “Yes.” His frown wasn’t a scowl but more troubled, which made her wonder if he wasn’t as happy at the prospect as she’d have thought.

      Maybe he wasn’t as cold as he’d like her to believe. But then again, he was asking her to risk her life by following his plan. Was she crazy to trust him? Did she trust him? She smoothed her hand over her denim-clad thighs. “What happens if he doesn’t bring my sister to the fort?”

      He didn’t flinch. His expression hardened. She hadn’t thought it possible. His jaw must ache with tension. “When we have him in custody, we’ll get her whereabouts from him.”

      A sour taste settled on her tongue. That wasn’t very reassuring. “What if Santini doesn’t show up?”

      “Then we’ll follow whoever does take the necklace.” His words held a thread of impatience that hadn’t been there before. Was he not used to anyone questioning him? “They will lead us to Santini.”

      “And to my sister,” she reminded him with a good dose of her own hardness infusing her voice.

      He nodded and visibly seemed to check himself. The impatience dissipated to be replaced with a placating look that grated on her nerves. “We have every intention of recovering your sister.”

      His words should have assured her even if his expression infuriated her, but the way he said recover made her think the worst. A chill scraped across her flesh. The cold, harsh room seemed to close in on her, stirring up old fears to mingle with new ones. How had her life come to this? What should she do? How did she save her sister?

      Please, Lord, don’t let anything bad happen to Jillian. Give me wisdom. And the courage to act. “What will happen to her husband, Travis?”

      “He’ll be arrested along with Santini’s other men.”

      Jillian would be devastated. Liz would help her through her disappointment, and they would go home together to resume their lives, hopefully putting this whole ordeal behind them.

      “What if Santini figures out you’re there?” A shudder rippled through her as possible scenarios played through her mind. She’d be an easy target if Santini decided to eliminate her. And her sister. “Can you guarantee my safety? My sister’s safety?”

      “I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and get your sister back safely,” Blake answered, his voice low, resolute.

      His determination rang through. He believed what he said, but could she? Could she put her life in his hands? Did she have faith enough to rely on someone else? Her natural inclination to keep people at arm’s length fought her need to depend on him. Depending on anyone was such a foreign concept. Did she have it in her to do so? What choice did she have?

      It was either go along with his plan or go to jail, which would be a death knell for her sister. It looked as if she had only one option. A hard option for her. It would require her to dig deep to find the necessary will to trust, to count on this man.

      “Fine.” She clenched her jaw, mirroring the way he’d gritted his teeth earlier. The accompanying ache had her pressing her lips together to relieve the pressure before saying, “I’ll do it your way.”

      A flash of relief crossed his handsome face. Had he really thought she wouldn’t cooperate, given he’d threatened to arrest her?

      “Good.” His tone wasn’t nearly as sharp as it had been before. “You’ll have to follow my instructions to the letter if we are to succeed.”

      Of course he’d say that. His words confirmed her assessment that he was a man who liked to be in control, to call the shots. Well, she had a dose of that, as well. She arched an eyebrow. “I’ll do whatever I have to in order to protect my sister.”

      “I wouldn’t expect anything СКАЧАТЬ