Thwarting Cupid. Lori Crawford
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Название: Thwarting Cupid

Автор: Lori Crawford

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9781616503727


СКАЧАТЬ why didn't you say something earlier? What were you doing out traipsing all over the city with this kind of injury?” Yeah. None of these questions sounded like an interrogation.

      “I didn't think I was injured. I mean, my car was pretty bad where he hit me, but the other guy's barely had a scratch.” She fluttered her hands around while she explained. He caught them and placed them out to her sides, where they needed to be to completely relax her back muscles.

      He shook his head. “Rookie mistake. You've gotta get X-rays and stuff to submit to his insurance company. You can't go without getting this treated.”

      She looked away and bit her lip. He got the feeling he wasn't going to like what she was about to say.

      “I didn't quite get his information.”

      Hutch raised an eyebrow and prodded, “Why not?”

      “Well, he kinda pretended to get it for me then took off.”

      “A hit and run? You were in a hit and run?” He pulled up his other knee and sat forward with his full attention on her.

      “I suppose. I think that's what the officer said before he had to run off on a bank robbery. I guess he'll give me details in a day or two.” She shrugged then grimaced at the pain. “On the bright side, remember the guy at the beach?”

      “You’re kidding, right? What are the chances?”

      “Pretty good, apparently.”

      He reached down and brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead. “You've had quite a day haven't you?”

      “I suppose I have.” She wrinkled her nose. “You were definitely the highlight. I'm sorry to ruin our dinner plans.”

      He waved off her apology. “You didn't ruin anything.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and hit the contacts list. “What do you like on your pizza? We can have dinner right here.”

      She bit her lip again in a way that was making him want to kiss it. “You don't have to take pity on me. I'll be fine now. If you have somewhere to be...”

      “Then you can take pity on me. I don't want to eat alone.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “Besides, it's not often I have a captive audience to bore with stories of extreme philanthropy.”

      She groaned and threw an arm across her eyes. “Oh no. Not extreme philanthropy!”

      He swiveled on his butt and stretched out beside her. He held her arm on his chest.

      “Oh yes. I've been known to elicit tears.” He grinned over at her. “Though I think you've already got kind of a head start.”

      She wrinkled her nose. “Sure. Rub it in.”

      He snorted. “What? You expect me to ever let you live this down? Think again, babe.”

       Chapter 4

      And Carissa did. But not about his teasing. Now that the pain in her back had eased, she was free to focus on the absurd turn of events that had her stretched out on her living room floor while one sexy James Hutchington held her hand and stared at her with those gorgeous green eyes of his. Now he was playing with her fingers and her train of thought was as good as gone. She needed to say something. Anything.

      “This ice is really cold.”

      “If it weren't, it would be water.”

      She laughed in spite of herself. She'd almost forgotten how much of a smart aleck he was. “Cute.”

      He had the nerve to wink at her. “I know.”

      “And incorrigible.” Carissa reached for the ice bags with her free hand and grimaced at the pain that came shooting back. He rolled over on his side and caught her other hand.

      “You've got another seven minutes yet before we take it off.” He frowned at her. “That looked like it hurt. Are you still in pain?”

      “Not when I'm still, apparently.”

      “Then be still.” He quirked an eyebrow at her then returned to his previous position on his back beside her.

      “Ummm.... I think I'd like to see your medical license.”

      “Too bad. I left it in my other pants.” He quirked his lips. “But feel free to search these if you're able.”

      She shoved at him the best she could with the arm he still held captive. “Are you flirting with me?”

      “Nah. That was a real invitation.”

      Carissa laughed because she didn't know what else to do. “You must really be going through a dry spell if you have to resort to attempting your charm on an obvious cripple.”

      He gave a playful shrug, but she thought she detected a note of seriousness in his eyes. “I figured if I laid the groundwork now, I'd have less to worry about once you were up and around.”

      “Nice.” She snorted and rolled her eyes. “You really know how to charm a girl.”

      He rolled to his side and propped his head on an elbow to stare down at her. All of a sudden, there was nothing playful about him. It scared her and excited her all at once. Given her position, there was nowhere for her to hide anything from his intense gaze. “Do you want me to charm you?”

      Okay. So this conversation had taken an unexpected turn. What did he expect her to say to that? Did she dare tell him the truth? That she'd love for him to do just that. But how would their friendship change if it didn't work out?

      It wouldn't have been such a big deal if she hadn’t known they were neighbors. But she knew things had a way of working out so she'd be running into him all the time the moment she felt the need to avoid him. Did she dare risk it?

      Carissa stared up into his eyes and saw he was waiting for an answer to his question. His gaze was steady. He was waiting patiently for her to make up her mind. It would be so easy for her to make some wisecrack and break the tension of the moment. It was a tension that desperately needing breaking. It had been one thing to flirt and carry on in a crowded room of donors. It was quite another to do the same alone in her apartment while stretched out on the floor within spitting distance of a couch and a bed in just the next room. She knew what she should do. What she needed to do.

      So she said, “Yes,” with a voice so quiet she almost didn't hear herself.

      He went stock still for a moment. Had she made the right choice? What in the world had her putting herself out there like that? Was it too late for her to take it back? Before he could think she was serious. Except she was serious. Oh crap!

      A gentle palm cupped her cheek. Carissa opened her eyes as he turned her head so she could see him. The smile on his face put a stop to all the panicked thoughts jostling around in her brain. It wasn't in the least mocking. In fact, it looked... relieved? Had he been on the same pins and needles just now as she had? The idea astounded her. His reply shocked the mess out of her.

      “Okay.” He stretched out beside her again and stared up at the ceiling.