Thwarting Cupid. Lori Crawford
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Название: Thwarting Cupid

Автор: Lori Crawford

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9781616503727


СКАЧАТЬ should make more of an effort to meet her neighbors. If she had done that before, she would've known long ago that Hutch lived right across the street from her. It was mind boggling.

      Carissa shut off the water and grabbed her towel from the rack to dry off. She paused when she noticed the bruise forming on her arm. She rolled her eyes. It was a byproduct of her little run-in with Kelvin, no doubt. She’d contacted Officer Garcia the moment she’d gotten home. She hadn’t been able to reach him, but his partner had given her an email address to which she could mail the photo. She’d taken care of that before they’d hung up. It was almost too bad. Garcia had been a hottie, too. Carissa frowned. Was it wrong of her to be thinking of one hottie while getting dressed for a date with another?

      Before she could work that thought through, a new problem struck her. Carissa hadn't the faintest idea what she should wear. Her hands froze while her mind made a desperate mental search through her closet. Hutch hadn't told her the name of the restaurant so that was no help. He had said they could walk down to Main Street, which meant she'd need to wear comfortable shoes. Knowing the types of restaurants lining the street was no help either. They ranged from totally upscale to beyond beach casual.

      She hung up the towel and headed to her bedroom naked. She stood in front of her closet, hoping the visual would help her decide. She didn't want to appear to have made too much effort in case she had read him wrong and this was just two friends having dinner and getting caught up on each other's lives. But if he was thinking ‘date,’ she'd need to go in a different direction with her selection.

      She laid a blouse on her bed and pulled out the slacks she always wore with it. Was this too business-like? Carissa held up a skirt and thin sweater that had sparkly thread knitted in. Was this too fancy? She groaned. Why was this so hard? She never fussed this much over her appearance. Besides, it wasn't like he hadn't already seen her at her fanciest best or her grungiest worst, given the tasks they'd undertaken as volunteers.

      Carissa fingered the blouse and mused how much easier it would be if she could just see what he was wearing first. She cocked her head at the thought. He was walking over to her place, right? She had a pretty long driveway, which would be plenty of time to spy what he had on and then slip into something comparable before he got to the door. Perfect!

      While she laid out one more choice, Carissa got that not-so-alone feeling she would get every now and again. Even though she knew it was ridiculous, Carissa still looked around her bedroom as if she could see who was spying on her. She hastily pulled out a matched set of bra and panties in an effort to feel less vulnerable. When she bent over to slide the panties on she felt a twinge in her low back, which made her frown in confusion. She stood up and waited to see if she felt it again. She hadn't ever experienced anything quite like that before. She forgot all about the feeling of being watched to focus on what she'd just felt.

      When nothing else happened, she shrugged and picked up the bra. Now that she'd solved the wardrobe thing and decided that her being watched was impossible through her window’s closed blinds, she wondered how much make up should she wear. It was unseasonably warm out and humid near the ocean. The last thing Carissa wanted was for her face to go sliding off while she and Hutch walked. That would not be a good thing, she thought, bending over to adjust her bosom inside the bra. And that was when all hell broke loose.

      The twinge of pain she'd felt before magnified into flaming daggers that seemed to radiate from her low back, down her legs and up to her shoulders. Tears rolled unchecked down her cheeks and she collapsed on the bed in utter agony. What the heck was happening?

      When the shooting pains eased, Carissa could feel her back muscles clench and spasm even though she was doing everything she could to remain still, hoping the pain would subside. She let her legs dangle off the side of the bed which seemed to help a bit, but she was still in agony. Even though the pain in her back was bad, the pain in her heart was worse. She knew she'd never be able to go out with Hutch tonight. With the pain as bad as it was, she could barely complete a thought. She'd never be able to hold up her end of a conversation. And that was assuming she could manage to walk down to the restaurant with him.

      Carissa looked at the clock. She had thirty-eight minutes before he arrived. Maybe, just maybe, she could get herself together before then. The pain had come on pretty fast. Perhaps it would leave the same way. Holding tight to that thought, Carissa squeezed her eyes closed and prayed for relief in time for her big date. Her fist clenched the bedspread and tears continued to fall, but she was going to find a way to go out with Hutch that evening.

      * * * *

      Quincy groaned in frustration. His luck was getting beyond bad as of late. First, he'd been called off to help a couple patch things up in Colombia. Next, he'd had to make a pit stop in Beijing where a western bride was getting cold feet moments before marrying her eastern fiance. Talk about one heck of a busy day. So busy, in fact, that he was just now getting back to Carissa.

      He'd hoped to have a nice quiet evening relaxing with her while she watched television or read a book. He'd thought he'd hit the jackpot when he'd arrived to find her in the shower. He'd arrived just in time to catch sight of her perky nipples and slick wet body before she'd shut off the water and toweled off. Though to be honest, Carissa dry was just as good as Carissa wet. Especially since she had the wonderful habit of walking around naked for a few minutes afterward.

      He'd been simply standing there, admiring the view of her luscious curves, minding his own business and plotting how he was going to keep whatever men she ran into tonight away, when the waterworks started all over again. Man. Hadn't she had enough of the crying for one day? He knew he had. Quincy grimaced when he saw how she'd grabbed at her back. That car accident must be catching up with her.

      He hated to leave, but the agonized crying was always too much for him. It was for most cupids. They dealt in love and joy and happiness. He wasn't built for tears and he was glad. Even the happy ones had a way of grating on his nerves. But the other kind, well, they were just something else altogether.

      He contemplated her clenched muscles. Whatever plans she had for the night were definitely off. He wouldn't have to stick around and screen possible suitors while she was in such a sorry state. And it just might give him a stay of execution with the higher ups. They couldn't expect him to find her match while she was in such a pathetic state. If he were right about her back, it would be weeks before she'd feel up to doing much more moving around than she had to. It was perfect.

      She sucked in a harsh breath and gave a pitiful moan. That was his cue. Quincy unfurled his wings and disappeared from the bedroom.

       Chapter 3

      He should have brought flowers, Hutch obsessed when he reached Carissa's side of the street. He'd even stopped to buy some on his way home from work, but had gotten cold feet about giving them to her once he'd gotten out of the shower and started agonizing over what to wear. He didn't want to scare her off by moving too fast too soon. Flowers surely would do just that. He wanted to be calm. Cool. Then strike like lightening once the opportunity arose.

      Confident in his approach, he'd selected some khaki pants and a button down shirt for their first outing that didn't involve volunteering for something. His more casual mode of dress also convinced him to leave the flowers behind. He took a deep breath. It had been the right decision five minutes ago. It was the right decision now.

      He decided it was best he stop obsessing over this. It's not like he was just meeting some woman for the first time. He knew Carissa. He already liked her. He knew she liked him. They always had a great time together. He couldn't imagine that would change. He had nothing to worry about. Except he was. He needed to think about something else for a moment.

      He focused on the driveway along the side СКАЧАТЬ