Deliver Me From Evil. Mary Monroe
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Название: Deliver Me From Evil

Автор: Mary Monroe

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758283993


СКАЧАТЬ For one thing, I didn’t trust him. Who could trust, or like, a thirty-three-year-old unemployed man who bragged about the five children he had with five different women? He supported them all, which was a major surprise to me. But it was with money that he made as a burglar, and any other shady way he could come up with. He’d even done time for robbing the Bank of America where my husband stored his money. But that was just one of the many crimes that he’d done time for. With a prison record as long as a mop handle, it was no wonder I didn’t trust him.

      Jason and I had associated with some of the same rough crowds back in the day, but we’d never been friends. We had both come a long way. At one time he’d been one of the best-looking black boys on the block, with his golden brown skin and thick, straight hair. His features were so delicate, a lot of people thought he was gay until he started getting women pregnant left and right. But his skin now looked like sandpaper, covered with scabs, scars, sores, and a mysterious walnut-size knot on his lower jaw. He had fewer than a dozen teeth left. All were at the bottom of his mouth, except for one.

      “I made the call,” Wade said, looking around the room, with one hand on his hip. His other hand was rubbing his nose. “Man, this place is a dump!” he exclaimed, gazing at me with a tortured look on his face. I didn’t comment on the motel room, because it didn’t look any worse than Wade’s bedroom. As a matter of fact, it was cleaner and more organized than Wade’s room had ever been during my visits.

      “What did you expect for what you wanted to pay?” Jason sneered, still ignoring me. “And, for a man about to come into a half million bucks, you don’t need to be so tight. Shit! After this Friday, we’ll be living like kings.” The thick, beautiful black hair that used to cover Jason’s head was a lot thinner now and had more strands of gray than black.

      Wade gave me a quick glance. I didn’t know what all Wade had told Jason. I just assumed that we were all on the same page. Apparently, Jason didn’t know all of the facts, but he did know that half a million dollars were on the table, and that disturbed me. The fact that Wade had been stupid enough to reveal that information to an ex-con like Jason was just one more reason why I had to break off my relationship with him once and for all as soon as I could. Wade and I had gone over our plan at least half a dozen times. Wade was to get fifty thousand for his role. And out of that, he was supposed to break Jason off with ten thousand. The rest was mine.

      Once Jesse Ray paid the ransom, I’d be “returned” to him unharmed. After a week or two, I’d still be “traumatized, frightened, and depressed,” so I would “leave” Jesse Ray and eventually divorce him. With my share of the ransom money, I could move away from Berkeley. Hawaii seemed like a good place for me to reinvent myself, and that’s what I had told Wade. But I had other plans. Plans that I didn’t plan on sharing with Wade or anybody else I knew.

      I was not going to go anywhere near Hawaii, or any other place where I thought Wade would eventually come looking for me. I had never lived anywhere but California, and I didn’t want to give it up. I liked Sacramento, and nobody would think of looking for me there. But I still didn’t plan to take any chances. Once I made the move to Sacramento, I planned to change my hair and make a few other alterations to my appearance. By the time I got done with my makeover, my own mother wouldn’t recognize me. As far as Mama and Daddy were concerned, I planned to tell them the same story that I planned to tell Jesse Ray and everybody else: I was moving to Hawaii. I even had a story ready for the people who’d ask me how I could afford to move to Hawaii. And that story was that I’d borrowed the money from a friend. It would be a friend that didn’t exist, of course, so that was one more lie I didn’t have to worry about being exposed.

      It saddened me to know that my life had come to this. I had not been happy for years, and my marriage had become a joke. But Jesse Ray wasn’t the only man I needed to remove from my life. My relationship with Wade was, and had been, a dead-end situation for years. As much as I hated to admit it, the sex was the main reason I was still involved with Wade. Yes, it was just that good. He could make me come just by rubbing the side of my arm.

      Wade interrupted my thoughts by snapping his fingers in my face. “Take off that jacket,” he told me, removing the baseball cap from my head and tossing it to the floor. I took off the sunglasses myself. “Jason, get busy,” Wade hollered over his shoulder. “Do your thing, brother.”

      I looked past Wade. Jason removed a grocery-store brown paper bag from the shopping bag on the bed and started walking toward me. I was surprised to see that he now walked with a limp. He ignored me and handed the bag to Wade.

      “What’s all that?” I wanted to know. I was no angel and never had been. But I did not make a good criminal. Not only was I too nervous for my own good, but I felt that my role as the “mastermind” had been compromised. It seemed like Wade was calling all the shots now. I was still pissed off with him for involving Jason in our plan. And, now it looked like he and Jason had cooked up another part to my scheme without my knowledge or consent.

      “We have to make this look real good,” Wade said, talking out the side of his mouth. He removed several pieces of rope and a piece of black cloth from the bag. “Where is the camera?” he asked, turning to Jason. Without a word, Jason plucked a Polaroid camera from the shopping bag.

      “What’s all this for?” I asked, looking from one item to another. “You’ve already called J.R., and he knows the deal. We don’t need to overdo anything,” I protested, holding up my hand.

      “You got any black make-up or a black eyebrow pencil?” Wade asked me. “A black eye would add a nice touch.”

      “No. Black eye, my ass. I don’t want to upset my husband that much. Taking his money will be bad enough. And you didn’t answer my question,” I snapped. “I want to know what all of this shit is for?” I asked, pointing at the items that Jason had just produced. “This wasn’t part of our plan. And if we, or you and your boy, start making up things as we go along, we are going to slip up and fuck up.”

      “We just want to sweeten the pot,” Wade told me, wrapping one of the pieces of rope around my wrists. “We’ve come this far. We might as well go all the way,” he said, looking from me to Jason. Wade stripped me down to my underwear. And, for the first time, Jason smiled at me, his eyes stretched open wide as he stared from my crotch to my chest.

      Jason snorted and gave me a thoughtful look. Like he didn’t know what to say next. But then he started talking like he didn’t want to stop. “Shit, shit, shit! The brother is right,” that snaggletoothed sucker said, grinning. “It might take more than a phone call to make this thing work. A few good pictures will sew this thing up tight as a virgin’s honeypot.” Jason snapped his lips shut as his eyes roamed up and down my body some more.

      I sighed and tilted my head back for Jason to tie the blindfold around my eyes. Now at least I wouldn’t have to look at his leering face for a few minutes.

      CHAPTER 7

      All kinds of prostitutes, from elderly women to teenage boys, worked day and night, seven days a week, rain or shine, along San Pablo Avenue, a gritty street that ran from Oakland to Berkeley and way beyond. They did their business between parked cars, stretched out on the ground, with a homeless person as the lookout; in the backseats of their tricks’ cars; or backed up against walls in back alleys.

      But the ones who really meant business did theirs in some of the cheap motels up and down San Pablo Avenue and some of the nearby streets. With rooms that they rented out by the hour, some of the motel owners had the nerve to offer cable TV. It had been a long time since I had been inside a motel as tacky as the one I was in now. If Jesse Ray hadn’t given me a job and fallen in love with me, I would probably be on my back in bed with some stranger in motels like this one on a regular СКАЧАТЬ