Deliver Me From Evil. Mary Monroe
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Название: Deliver Me From Evil

Автор: Mary Monroe

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758283993


СКАЧАТЬ we started,” he replied, stretching his naked body out on the mattress, lying on his back. “Come on over here,” he ordered, with a grin. “And get that worried look off your face. I got everything under control.”

      “We don’t know that for sure, Wade,” I insisted, flopping down next to him on the mattress. “What if J.R. calls the cops? What if he doesn’t pay the ransom? I won’t be able to go back home,” I wailed. It was hard for me to talk because Wade was covering my face and mouth with hot, hungry little kisses. His tongue slid across my lips like a paintbrush. At the same time, he was pulling off the rest of my clothes. He didn’t speak again until I was just as naked as he was.

      “You ain’t going back to him one way or the other, anyway. When we get our hands on that money, you take yours and split. Get you a place in Hawaii like you’ve been dreaming about. Me, I go on back to L.A. and resume my career. If we don’t get the money, I go on back to L.A., anyway, and you come with me. We’ve talked about this umpteen times. It’s way too late for you to be getting cold feet.” Wade was squeezing my breasts so hard, it hurt. He frowned when I pushed his hands away. “What’s your problem, woman? We’ve done this a million times.”

      “Wade, what if J.R. calls the cops and has them trace the call you just made? Shit! This thing is falling apart before it even gets started,” I exclaimed, sitting up.

      “Woman, it ain’t that easy to trace a call. And, even if they did, I could say I’d called his number to check on some videos I wanted to rent. You told me yourself that the phone in the store rings off the hook all day long. Remember how long the line was busy before we finally got through?”

      I nodded, lying back down, one hand reaching for Wade’s dick. He parted his thighs, with a smile and a wink, looking sexier than ever.

      “From what you done told me about the brother, he ain’t a stupid man,” Wade added. “Even though he looks like one. He wore them boxy, horn-rimmed glasses when we were in school, and he looked like the geek from hell. All the other kids used to call him Clark Kent behind his back.”

      Clark Kent. I laughed to myself. Clark Kent was a clumsy, timid geek, but he was also Superman in disguise. I had been lucky to end up with a black Clark Kent. Wade was a sexy beast by every standard, and women, especially lovesick women like me, let him know that. However, some would have argued that my husband had Wade beat by a country mile. Any woman with a practical mind would never have chosen Wade over Jesse Ray. Wade represented a good time, and that was all. Jesse Ray had so much more to offer, especially security. And, to a lot of women, that would have been enough. And, it had been for me for a while.

      Wade went on. “Didn’t you hear how scared he sounded? I’d be willing to bet my share of the money that he ain’t going to call no cops. Shit. You didn’t marry no fool, after all.”

      “Well, from now on, we call him from a pay phone,” I insisted.

      Wade nodded and smiled as he climbed on top of me. “You are the one paying the cost to be the boss, so whatever you say is fine with me. As long as I get paid, I ain’t complaining.”

      Wade’s body was magnificent. Even though he drank everything but shoe polish and lived on junk food, he was all muscle. Just the thought of making love with him was enough to get me off. And thinking about Wade was the only way I could get off when my husband made love to me lately. It had not always been that way.

      Sex with my husband was good during the first few years of our relationship. But that was because Jesse Ray had done his best to impress me. Once we got comfortable, he made love to me on the run, often glancing at the clock on our bedside stand and slurping on my titties at the same time. He flipped and flopped around on top of me, sweating and squealing like a banshee, his long, thin body propped up on his bony arms like a brown grasshopper.

      Compared to Wade, my husband seemed like a mute in bed. Wade was the noisiest lover I’d ever been with. The way he carried on when he was having sex, you would have thought that somebody was killing him, or at least beating the dog shit out of him. Even though we were the only ones in the big, shabby house in South Berkeley that his mama rented, I covered his big mouth with my hand to keep his mama’s neighbors from hearing things they didn’t need to hear. It was bad enough that every time Wade brought me to the house, the neighbors on both sides peeped out of their windows.

      He was rough, too. He flopped up and down on me like he was riding a bull. The reason the mattress was on the floor now was because we’d finally broken the slats on the cheap bed frame that he’d been sleeping on since he was in junior high.

      I removed my hand as soon as he came and rolled off of me, panting, wheezing, and moaning like some creature caught in a trap. He was breathing so hard that the hot air streaming out of his mouth irritated my eyes. The sweat that had dripped from his body had saturated the thin sheet, which had almost slid off the mattress.

      “Oh, baby, that was the best yet. Seems like the older you get, the better you get. Ain’t a young girl in this state that can snap, crackle, and pop her pussy the way you can! Shit. Even you couldn’t do all this when you were a young girl yourself,” he told me, slapping my backside. This was one of the few things that I didn’t like about having sex with Wade. He slapped me on my rump the way I’d seen the jockeys at Bay Meadows slap their horses’ asses.

      Wade sat up and looked down at me, wiping his face with the tail of the sheet. I was still on my back, looking up at the cracked ceiling. I had so many thoughts swimming around in my head, I couldn’t tell where one ended and another began. One was, I didn’t like it when Wade, or any other man for that matter, reminded me that I was no longer a young girl. I had a house full of mirrors, so I knew that. I was vain, so how I looked to other people concerned me. Despite Wade’s choice of words, I still enjoyed his company. He did the one thing that my husband now did only every once in a while: he made me feel desirable. I could look and smell like a pile of shit and Wade would still cover me with kisses. The last time I approached my husband, smelling like a rose and wearing my sexiest negligee, he rolled his eyes at me and told me to go put on some clothes before I caught a cold.

      “Was it good for you?” Wade asked, once again squeezing my breasts so hard that I pushed him away.

      “It was good for me,” I told him. Though my mouth said one thing, my mind said another. Like if it bothers me now when people mention my age and I’m only thirty-one, what is it going to be like when I’m fifty-one? Would I still have enough of the ransom money left over to get a face-lift then?

      I needed to keep my mind on the current situation. I couldn’t afford to let myself get too distracted.

      “Why do you still have that worried look on your face, girl? Didn’t I tell you that I got everything covered?” Wade asked, looking worried himself.

      “Have you ever done something like this before?” I replied, trying to at least look like my mind was focused on the right things.

      Wade gave me a puzzled look before he responded. “Kidnapped somebody?” For a moment he looked like he wanted to laugh. “Hell, no, I ain’t never kidnapped nobody.”

      “Then how do you know you’ve got everything under control?”

      “Look, this was your idea,” he snapped, with one hand up in the air like he wanted to slap my face. He screwed his face into a frown and patted his stomach. Then he let out a stream of belches, which rolled out of his mouth like thunder. “I shouldn’t have ate them day-old sardines and oysters this morning.” He belched again, shaking his head and patting his stomach some more. “I wasn’t that crazy about doing this shit with you in the first СКАЧАТЬ