Play The Game. Doug Dixon
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Название: Play The Game

Автор: Doug Dixon

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758250407


СКАЧАТЬ to finally meet you. I’m Gloria Washington.”

      “Have a seat, Mrs. Washington. What can I do for you?” I asked as I put my magazine away.

      “You mind if we wait on my husband? He should be coming in any minute.”

      “No problem,” I replied as I pulled out my grade book. “Can I get you anything to drink while we wait?”

      “No, thank you,” she replied.

      I heard loud footsteps coming down the hall. Mrs. Washington and I both looked in the direction of the noise as it got louder and louder. Appearing through the door was a tall, light-skinned gentleman with thick, black curly hair and drop-dead gorgeous looks. He was dressed in a long-sleeved, golf-style shirt that showed off his muscular physique. I was about to jump into club mode and scan the rest of his physical attributes but caught myself.

      “Uh, hi. I’m Tangie Jackson.” I extended my hand.

      “Good to meet you—I’m Walter Washington,” he replied.

      “Have a seat, Mr. Washington. Okay, what can I do for you guys today?”

      “Well, we just wanted to get an update on how Tina is doing. Since this is her first year at Stephenson, we just want to make sure she’s adjusting,” Mr. Washington said.

      “I see, and indeed she is,” I replied. “As you can see, her grades are very good and her conduct is equally good,” I said as I handed them both samples of Tina’s work.

      Tina’s mother smiled. “See? I told you she was fine,” she said, looking at her husband.

      I smiled.

      “Tina talks about you all the time, so my husband thought it’d be a good idea to meet with you personally,” Mrs. Washington continued.

      “I completely understand,” I replied.

      “So, is she getting along well with the other students?” Mr. Washington asked.

      “As far as I can see, things are fine. She works well with other students and she participates in all of the class activities. To sum it up, she’s one of my best students.”

      I noticed Mr. Washington’s eyes scan downward toward my breasts as he nodded in response to my comments about Tina.

      When I got up to show them Tina’s work that was displayed around the classroom, I felt Mr. Washington’s eyes on my ass. When I turned around, my intuition was correct. He wasn’t paying any attention to a word I was saying. He was too busy watching me.

      When our eyes met, he gave me a cunning smile while Mrs. Washington looked at Tina’s drawings. Instead of turning my head I stared directly at him, determined not to be intimidated. I get hit on by many of my students’ fathers but this situation was different. The guy was fucking cute. When he turned his head I quickly looked him over, my eyes stopping at his midsection. It was obvious he had on boxers by the way his penis hung down on the right side. As he took a step forward, I could see how his pants clung to it, showing its thickness. The situation began to feel weird. My heart began to race and I felt a hot flash on the back of my neck. While they continued to look over Tina’s other work, I walked back over and grabbed my Pepsi off my desk and took a sip to cool off.

      “Did my daughter do all this?” Mr. Washington asked as he walked toward me. I nodded as I took another sip. By the time I swallowed, he was standing in front of me holding one of Tina’s projects. “Are you guys going on any field trips anytime soon? If so, I’d love to chaperone,” he said.

      “I don’t think we’re going to have anything going on until after the Christmas holidays.”

      “Well, if you do, give me a call. My wife works rotating shifts at the hospital so one of us should be able to help out,” he said as he gave me a business card.

      I wanted to reach for it but hesitated and composed myself. “We normally send slips home with the kids asking the parents if they want to volunteer,” I replied.

      He nodded as he put his business card away but still kept his eyes on me. Mrs. Washington, who was still standing in the back of the classroom, came over and grabbed her purse out of the chair.

      “Are you about ready, Walter? I think things here are fine,” she said, looking at her husband.

      He nodded, placing one hand in his pocket.

      “Thank you so much for taking the time to see us, Ms. Jackson,” she said.

      “No problem. If you have any questions in the future, just let me know.”

      Mr. Washington gave me a long stare before they both turned and walked toward the doorway and into the hall. With a slight grin, I turned and walked back to my desk to gather my things. Tina’s dad definitely has it going on, I thought as I headed out the door.

      I got home and found a message from Todd to call him at work. We made plans to meet on his lunch break and I couldn’t wait. When he got to my apartment he pissed me off because he forgot the fucking condoms. No matter how much he begged, I still didn’t give in to giving him any without protection. He was so desperate he went into the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich bag and tried to penetrate me. I was so frustrated at that shit that I basically put his ass out. Seeing him naked, though, only made matters worse for my sexual hunger. So if Todd couldn’t get me off, B.O.B., my battery-operated buddy, had to take his place. I went to my closet and pulled out the box that I kept hidden underneath my clothes and pulled him out.

      CHAPTER 8


      I met Reggie at Bible study and he introduced me to several other members of the church. He took me into one of the offices in the back and had me fill out a membership form and a request for baptism for Brandon. Afterwards, we talked about other church activities that I could get involved in once I became a member. Reggie seemed very spiritual, often quoting scripture at the right moment to help me understand more of what my purpose should be as a child of God. It was comforting being in his presence because he was so positive. Before leaving, I took an extra application for Curtis. Since his arrest, the church he grew up in pretty much had turned its back on him and I thought this would be a way to get our family on the right track.

      It was late by the time I finished my meeting with Reggie, so he insisted on walking me to my car. We continued our casual conversation until we reached my car.

      “So, sister, you’re all set. I’ll make sure we get your papers processed as soon as possible. Someone from the church should contact you by the end of the week.”

      “Thanks, Reggie. I wish my boyfriend had been able to come with me, but he had to work,” I said, slightly embarrassed by the lie I’d just told.

      “I’m looking forward to meeting him. I hope we can get him involved in our mentor program,” he replied.

      I nodded.

      “Well, have a safe drive home, sister, and if you need anything, just give me a call,” he said.

      I made it home, and Curtis was sitting on the couch watching TV, drinking a beer as Brandon played with his blocks on the floor.