Play The Game. Doug Dixon
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Название: Play The Game

Автор: Doug Dixon

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы


isbn: 9780758250407


СКАЧАТЬ “Besides, Tangie had nothing to do with me wanting to go out. It was my decision.”

      He twisted his mouth, about to respond, then turned in silence and walked toward the bedroom.

      “Are you going to church with me in a few hours?” I asked.

      Soon after I finished my statement, Curtis walked through the bedroom door without responding. Well, fuck you, too, I said under my breath before turning off the rest of the lights in the house.

      My alarm sounded at around eight o’clock. I pulled myself from Curtis’s hold and went to the bathroom before starting breakfast. Curtis came out of the bedroom a while later dressed in his jeans and sweatshirt. “Can you make me some coffee and put it in my thermos?” he asked as he grabbed a couple pieces of bacon.

      “Aren’t you going to church this morning?” I asked.

      “I can’t. I’m going down to the shop to see if I can get some work to make up for the money I missed last night.”

      The shop is an old, broken-down establishment where body shop repairmen from at least three generations hang out in downtown Atlanta, drinking while working on people’s cars. Most of their clients are drug dealers because they pay in cash. The owner of the shop is Curtis’s friend, Cedric Nichols. Cedric’s father ran the shop for many years until he passed away, leaving it to Cedric. Since then it hadn’t generated a lot of business, so Cedric opened it up to a list of wanna-be ballers, many of whom did time in jail at some point in their lives.

      “Curtis, we’re not that hard up for money that you have to work on a Sunday. Can’t you just—”

      “Can’t,” he interrupted, kissing my cheek while grabbing his thermos. “Gotta go, ’bye.”

      After Curtis rushed out the door, Brandon came running from his room and into my arms. “Good morning, baby,” I said. “Sit down and eat your breakfast so I can get your clothes together for church.”

      By the time I got to New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, the choir was already singing. Brandon and I took a seat in the middle pews facing the front of the altar as we joined in on the praise and worship.

      Moments later, the voice of the choir began to fade as Bishop Eddie Long appeared at the podium.

      “Amen…amen,” he shouted as he looked over the congregation.

      It wasn’t until he was about to get into his sermon that I realized I had walked off and forgotten my Bible. I looked around to see if there were extra ones in the pockets on the pew in front of me but there weren’t any. Bishop Long began reading from the Book of John as I continued to search. When I looked over to my left, there was an older lady next to me with a fairly large Bible sitting open on her lap.

      I leaned forward, narrowing my eyes to get a peek at the passage, when she looked over at me with a frown before shifting her body, placing her Bible out of my view. You low-down old biddy, I thought as I rolled my eyes at her. Seconds later, I felt a light tap on my right shoulder. When I turned toward the touch there was a slim gentleman sitting next to me with his Bible placed in between us, his finger pointing at the words being read by Bishop Long. I looked up and politely smiled before following his finger across the words.

      As the service continued, the gentleman next to me managed to shift his body closer to me. I felt awkward at first but I focused my attention on the words and blocked him out. Shortly afterward, the service had ended and we were about to disperse. Brandon was asleep under my arm as I got up, carrying him against my shoulder. As I followed the crowd and made my way outside, I stopped and talked to a few of the members I knew.

      “Excuse me, sister,” a voice sounded.

      I turned where I stood, facing the gentleman who had shared his Bible with me. “Hi,” I replied. “Thank you for sharing your Bible with me today. I was rushing out this morning and completely forgot mine.”

      “Not a problem. I’ve seen you in and around church a few times and just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Reggie Gaines—nice to meet you.” He extended his hand. I smiled and we shook hands. “I’m Stephanie Hall, Reggie—nice to meet you.”

      “Good to meet you, and feel free to share the word with me at any time, sister. Are you a member?”

      “Well, not exactly. I’m looking for a church home and I think this is it.”

      “Is this your son?” He looked over at Brandon in my arms. “How old is he?”

      I smiled. “This is Brandon, he’s two.”

      “Two…Has he been baptized yet?”

      “Well, no, but—”

      “Oh sister, you must get him baptized as soon as possible. His soul depends on it.”

      I looked down, slightly embarrassed. “Uh, okay—what do I need to do?”

      “Tell you what. Here’s my card. I work at the church. Give me a call so I can talk to the bishop and make sure he gets baptized as soon as possible.”

      I was in a state of shock because I was so busy trying to get a feel for the church that I forgot to get my son baptized.

      “I would also recommend coming to Bible study. We meet here every Wednesday at six o’clock. In the meantime, I’ll make sure we get Brandon’s paperwork together,” Reggie continued.

      “Thank you so much, Reggie. I’ll do that.” I put his card in my pocket.

      Reggie smiled. “Okay, see you Wednesday.”

      “Have a good day,” I said, walking off.

      I got in my car, immediately upset at myself. I have time to go out and party but forgot to get my son baptized. What kind of mother am I to forget something as important as this? I took Reggie’s card from my pocket and placed it in my cup holder to remind me to call later in the week.

      When Curtis got home he smelled of alcohol again. He walked through the door and kissed me on my cheek before heading toward the kitchen. “Hey, baby? Guess what. I made seven hundred dollars today. Things are starting to look up for us.”

      “Curtis, we need to talk,” I said firmly.

      “Talk about what?” He took off his shirt.

      “Do you know that Brandon hasn’t been baptized and he’s almost three?”

      “Huh, so what? I didn’t get baptized until I was five or six. It’s no big deal.”

      “That’s bullshit. It is a big deal, a big deal to me. I want my son to get baptized right away.”

      “Okay, then make the arrangements.”

      “I need to know that you’re going to support me with this,” I snapped.

      “Sure, just set it up and let me know. What’s for dinner?”

      “What? I’m talking about our son and all you can do is worry about your appetite?”

      “Damn, СКАЧАТЬ