Streets of New York. Mark Anthony
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Название: Streets of New York

Автор: Mark Anthony

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781935883012


СКАЧАТЬ down and I could see light from a flashlight creeping underneath the closet door. I knew that the cops were now in the same room as me.

      “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?” I cursed to myself.

      I didn’t know if I should just let them open the door and hope that they wouldn’t see me but I knew that that was a long shot. The odds would be against me. I also wanted to bust out of the closet and run but that would have been an even longer shot.

      For some strange reason, I began thinking about my daughter Ashley. At that point something told me to grab the doorknob. And that is exactly what I did. I took my left hand from off of the gun and with it. I reached and grabbed hold of the door knob. As soon as I grabbed the knob I could feel the knob slowly being twisted.

      I knew that playtime was over and there was no time left to figure out what to do. I immediately put both of my hands back on the gun and stood off to an angle so that I was not right in front of the door. Although I was nervous as hell, I made sure not to make any noise. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Before I knew what was what, the door violently swung open.

      “Mu’fucka!” I screamed, rapidly firing three shots.

      “Gun!” one of the cops yelled.

      I knew that one of the cops had got hit. I couldn’t tell if the other cops were shooting back or what. Maybe my shots were ricocheting off of the protective shields that some of the cops were carrying.

      My shots had caught the cops off guard and I had a split second to capitalize on that. As I yelled, I continued firing and bolted from the closet. When I was about three feet from the escape window, I closed my eyes and dove head first out the window, breaking the glass and everything.

      “Aw shit!” I yelled as glass shattered and shots rang out from what sounded like every direction.

      The advantage I had was that the cops didn’t want to get hit by their own friendly fire so they had to hold back somewhat as they fired at me. The craziness and boldness of me jumping out of the window was my other advantage.

      It was pitch black outside and I hoped and prayed that I would clear the neighbor’s ten-foot fence before I hit the ground. The move was mad risky on my part because I couldn’t see where I was going and I could have literally killed myself but I had no other options. I had to do what I had to do.

      In a matter of seconds, I came crashing down, face first into the neighbor’s garbage cans. The crash sound was tremendous! Glass rained down on top of me. The wind had been completely knocked out of me and pain shot through my body. I was going purely on adrenaline as I quickly made it to my feet. I stumbled a bit and tried to gather myself.

      Shots were being bust at me from what sounded like shotguns as well as handguns. I didn’t waste any time shooting back. The truth was it wouldn’t have mattered because I had dropped my gun when I jumped out of the window and it was too dark to look for it, not to mention that I didn’t have the time.

      I got my wits together and I immediately hauled-ass, jumping over neighboring fences. I could tell that the cops would soon be right on my tail as I heard all kinds of commotion, yelling, tire screeching and numerous police sirens. Somehow I’d made it into an alley area. I came across an abandoned car that looked as if it had been stripped of its parts. The tires and everything were missing as the car sat only on its four axles. The abandoned car was extremely close to the ground and it didn’t look as if a human being could fit underneath the car.

      That was my only hiding spot and chance of escape. I knew I had to act quickly. I dropped to my stomach and forced myself underneath the car. I scraped my flesh in the process but that was my least worry. I squirmed to make certain that all of my body was fully underneath the abandoned car. I could barely breathe due to the weight of the car pressing down on me, which barely left room for my lungs to contract and expand and I began hyperventilating due to nervousness.

      It was a hot and humid summer night and I was sweating my balls off! Suddenly I heard and saw footsteps... I could only look one way because there was absolutely no room for my head to fully turn. I tried to force myself not to breathe but I was so out of breath from running and the pressure of the car on top of me forced me to breathe real heavy. I was afraid that the cops might hear.

      “I know that black bastard is out here somewhere,” one said.

      My heart continued to pound into the pavement. I saw at least six sets of feet and I knew that there had to be more cops but I just couldn’t see them all. Then things just got real quiet. And I saw the six sets of feet briskly walking off.

      “Just chill right here Promise,” I told myself as I wondered if the cops seen me and were they just frontin’ like they were walking away in order to bait me out of my hiding spot? I didn’t know but I did know that it didn’t make any sense to take a chance of coming out, so I just laid face down on the ground and tried to calm down. Then I saw more feet.

      “Hot-damn!” I hissed to myself.

      “Who got hit?” one cop asked another.

      “Schwartz got hit and so did the bitch! She took one in the neck and Schwartz got hit on the wrist.”

      “Anybody else?”

      “That’s all we got so far but it could be more. I bet you even money that bitch fucked up the raid! This job ain’t meant for no woman!”

      From what I could make out, the cops had to be talking about their co-workers.

      “No way! We can’t just blame it on her because she’s a woman... It’s that fuckin’ criminal bastard! Can you believe the balls on that cocksucker? If I see his ass out here I’m blasting him! I don’t give a shit if he’s armed or not. Shit, call Al Sharpton, call Jesse, I don’t care. I’ll shoot that bastard in the back of his head if I see him!”

      “I’m with you on that... And I didn’t see anything when the DA questions me.”

      That was exactly why I didn’t care about bustin’ a cop. It’s like they got their own little gang or something. I couldn’t believe how they were talking.

      As I continued to lay on the ground the entire area around me became bright as daylight. The sound of a helicopter hovered above and it must have been shining its searchlight down on the ground.

      “Just relax, they don’t know where you at,” I told myself.

      I lay on that ground for hours. The sun had come up and I was still on the ground underneath the abandoned car. It had to have been at least five hours since I’d made it underneath the car and cops were still mulling around checking for me and checking for clues. I had been smoking weed and drinking Hennessy all night long up until the cops had showed up. I had never made it to the goddamn bathroom and I had to shit and piss like a muthafucka!

      There was no way that I was gonna take a chance and come out, but I literally couldn’t hold it no more. So right there on the ground, I straight pissed in my pants. All that Hennessy was coming out of me by the gallon!

      My stomach and my legs and my crotch got warm as hell from the hot piss, but I had to do what I had to do. I just was hoping that the piss wouldn’t start to roll from underneath the car. But I felt confident that my clothes would absorb it all. Pissing solved one problem, but I still had to take a shit. I was ready to shit in my pants just to get some relief, but couldn’t take the chance on the smell СКАЧАТЬ