Streets of New York. Mark Anthony
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Название: Streets of New York

Автор: Mark Anthony

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература


isbn: 9781935883012


СКАЧАТЬ the money and she had only been around Squeeze for a short time. But see, the thing that was motivating me to get back to NY to try and make some dough out there was the fact that my daughter, Ashley, was in New York. I couldn’t confirm anything but I had this sick feeling that she was being bounced around foster homes and that was driving me insane.

      My plan was to get to New York, get my hands on some real long money, find out where Ashley was staying so that I could straight up kidnap her and bounce out of New York for good and never return. So if putting up with Squeeze and his phony ass was gonna get me the things I wanted plus get me in touch with my daughter in the shortest amount of time possible, then I was willing to put up with whatever it was that I had to put up with. But at the same time, if that nigga tried to snake me or play me I wouldn’t hesitate to go to war wit’ his ass...

      The next day when I was back in Philly, I made numerous attempts to contact Show. I called his crib and his cellphone. Each time his phone would just ring through to his voicemail. I left the nigga like seven messages and he never called me back, not once.

      My head was really spinning trying to figure out what was up with Show. Maybe Squeeze had started filling his head with some garbage about not messin’ wit’ me. I didn’t know. As Marissa walked around her house in a red thong and a matching red bra, she reminded me so much of Audrey in terms of the advice she would give me.

      “You see this tattoo?” Marissa asked me as she was referring to the tattoo of a pair of yellow and black snake eyes that was on her lower back.

      “Yeah,” I replied. I couldn’t help but also stare at Marissa’s big Puerto Rican booty.

      “I put that tattoo there because cats always wanna get at me because of my body. And they always wanna hit it from the back and they are always happy as long as they’re getting what they want. It’s all good when they getting what they want but I know that even the niggas that I let hit this, as soon as they feel they don’t need it anymore, those are the exact niggas that will snake my ass the fastest. They’ll snake me faster than my biggest enemy simply because they’ll feel like they know me better than any of my enemies.”

      “I still don’t get the whole reason behind you tattooing the snake eyes on you,” I replied.

      “Well it’s basically like this, nobody knows how to get back at a snake better than a snake. So niggas might get close to me and then later try to get over on me and snake me but it’s like my snake eyes tattoo is letting niggas know that I can be a snake too. If they try to snake me, I’ll come right back at them and snake they ass right back!”

      After that long drawn out explanation of her tattoo, I sarcastically asked Marissa, “So is there a point to why the hell you brought that up?”

      Marissa playfully punched me as she said, “Yeah there’s a point to what I’m getting at... What I’m trying to say is that your boy, Squeeze, is gonna try to snake you so you better be prepared to strike back.”

      “Yeah, I know that. You right. I don’t trust that nigga no more. Especially the way his ass was coming across all sheisty.”

      Later that night after Marissa and I had had sex, she fell asleep but I stayed up and watched music videos. It had to be about four o’clock in the morning when I heard some noise outside that sounded like an army of footsteps.

      The only light that was on inside the house was the light coming from the television in Marissa’s room. I immediately turned off the TV, went downstairs, ducked and crawled to the living room window. I peeked from behind the burgundy vertical blinds.

      “Oh shit!” I said to myself. “Muthafucka!”

      Marissa’s front yard was crawling with cops who were more than likely about to raid her house in an attempt to capture my ass! I darted back upstairs to Marissa’s second floor bedroom and violently shook her awake.

      “Get the fuck up, Marissa! Five-O is rolling on me right now!”

      Thank God Marissa immediately woke up. She was somewhat in a daze but she came to her senses very quickly. As I grabbed the handgun, my heart was pounding a thousand beats a minute. “Hurry up and run downstairs to the door. Try to stall them for like a minute!” I instructed Marissa.

      She quickly grabbed her robe and did exactly as I’d instructed. I paced back and forth as I quickly weighed my options. Fortunately for me, I had prepared for this situation many times. I had my escape route planned well in advance just in case the cops ever tried exactly what they were doing.

      My escape route was out the second floor window of the bedroom, which was right next to Marissa’s bedroom. The reason was that right underneath the bedroom window was a two-foot ledge that I’d be able to stand on and launch myself into the neighbor’s yard. That was assuming that I’d be able to clear the neighbor’s ten-foot fence in the process.

      My belief was that the cops might have Marissa’s yard filled with cops but not the neighbor’s yard. If I was able to make it into the neighbor’s yard with the big fence, then I would be able to buy myself about thirty seconds to a minute of lead time to get away on foot from the pigs.

      I stood at the top of Marissa’s steps gripping my gun and listened. I didn’t wanna just open up the window and jump out until I absolutely had to. Marissa opened the front door but she kept the metal screen door locked and that separated her from the police. Based on what the police were shouting, Marissa must have surprised the cops while simultaneously taking away their element of surprise.

      “Can I help you?” Marissa asked.

      “Philadelphia Police! Open the door right now!”

      “Is there a problem?”

      I could hear the sound of metal clanging that sounded like the cops were trying to pry open the front door.

      “You know why we’re here! This is your last warning! Step away from the door!”

      When Marissa asked the cops if they had a search warrant, I knew that the cops were not there simply to question people. They were coming in the house and there was no two ways about it!

      With the vertical blinds closed and all of the lights off in the house, I darted to the escape window and I made sure not to create too much movement at the window. I attempted to open the escape window. I realized that I had fucked up big time. Not once had I ever practiced opening the window. The unlocked window was stuck and it was not budging! I began panicking as I heard all kinds of noise and commotion coming from downstairs.

      “Get the fuck outta my house!” I heard Marissa yell.

      “Goddamn!” I thought to myself. I was beyond shook and didn’t know what to do or where to go.

      “Go!” I heard the cops yell. Seconds later, I heard them yell, “Clear!”

      I knew that they were checking room by room and I ran and hid in the closet. I could hear mad footsteps and mad noise. I felt like I was in a horror movie running from a nightmare. My heart was beating so fast that I thought the cops could hear it. I gripped the gun with both hands and hid behind the clothes hanging up in the closet. My legs and feet were fully exposed. If the cops were to open the closet, I would immediately be busted.

      “Clear!” the cops shouted from another room. They СКАЧАТЬ