Zionist Architecture and Town Planning. Nathan Harpaz
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      Another two activists, Arthur Ruppin and Davis Trietsch, were part of the branch of Practical Zionism in Berlin, and both intersected with architect Alexander Levy’s activities in Berlin before and after the war. Even though Levy in Building and Housing in New Palestine comments that the studies of Ruppin and Trietsch contributed very little to the field of building and housing, he still admired their contribution to the topics of Zionist emigration and settlement.

      In the subsection “Life in the Cities,” Ruppin observes that the streets in this region were narrow and crooked, except for some modern quarters with wide streets in such towns as Beirut, Damascus, Jerusalem, and Jaffa, and, in the “European” sections, the streets were equipped with narrow sidewalks. Ruppin also mentions that in recent years the government forced new guidelines to create wider new streets and to widen existing streets by demolishing houses. He describes the planning and design of the houses in the region:

      In his report Ruppin СКАЧАТЬ