Zionist Architecture and Town Planning. Nathan Harpaz
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СКАЧАТЬ of Experience)8 and E. C. Relph (Place and Placelessness: Research in Planning and Design).9 Space is the container, the physical location, whereas place involves social activities and collective identities.10 These concepts emerged from the field of geography and shifted into social and cultural geography. Christian Norberg-Schulz’s 1979 book, Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture, similarly distinguishes between space and place.11 Some critics viewed this book as a direct attack on the modernist movement in architecture that was seen to produce spaces but not places.12

      The application of the concept of space versus place has become a fashionable method among geographers and historians in recent years, and in many cases used as a tool to promote political agendas. As the study in this book is a product of the field of art history, space and place are interpreted in different manner. While space is a physical entity that reflects the formality of architecture, place stands for its social, cultural, and historical meaning. Zionist architecture in the early twentieth century vigorously searched to find a correlation between formal manifestation and ideological self-identity.


Part 2

       Chapter 4

       The Origins of the Plan

      Alexander Levy’s Building and Housing in New Palestine is the most comprehensive proposal for inexpensive and rapid building construction in the early days of the Zionist movement. It meticulously and methodologically reviews the most advanced European theories and studies relevant to the topic and concludes with concrete and realistic recommendations for implementation. The plan covers such topics as the role of the company in initiating and executing building construction, the crucial availability of materials, the presentation of different types of accommodations, and the utilization and standardization of materials and labor techniques.