The Zen of Joy. Matti Anttila
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Название: The Zen of Joy

Автор: Matti Anttila

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781619337282




       There are so many that you would easily have enough to last you all your life. You have a sack with you and you collect these rolls of currency and stuff them into your sack.


       Here, you can use the previous protocol and feel the inner smile as you are doing this. Someone happens to be passing by so you toss them a roll of currency as well. You can be generous because there are so many rolls you could never use them all yourself.


       This exercise helps to increase the “Inner Earth.” Increasing Inner Earth helps to instigate a stream of inbound wealth. There is no telling where or how it will come.


      Now, and this is very important,


       Be open to opportunities and willing to take them as they appear.



      More on The Barefoot Doctor at

       Your second mission, should you decide to accept, is: Do this at least twice a day from now on, but at least for three days. (Time commitment: 3 minutes 2 times a day)

      If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability. -Henry Ford

      Once again, it is time to stop reading, put this manual away. Come back to it in your own time. Remember, there is no schedule. Put this manual down now and stop reading. Don’t let me catch you reading any further until you:

      Take at least one day to luxuriate with this wonderful, awesome, delightful and energizing exercise/protocol called Lifting Money Worries. See ya next time.


       This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn’t the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.

       -Douglas Adams (Author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)

      Protocol # 3 Laughter

       The most wasted of days is one without laughter. -e.e. cummings.

      Laughter is the first of four practices for joy, consisting of the following: Laughing, Smiling, Breathing, Posture (LSBP). I joke about this and say, “When I was younger, I was told LSD was to be my salvation. Now I know it’s LSBP.” (LSD was the Sixties counterculture drug of choice for awhile, reputed to have consciousness expanding properties)

       The benefits? Laughter:

      ☼ Is a shortcut to joy.

      Is efficient exercise (1 minute of hearty laughter is equal to 10 minutes of rowing or jogging -Dr. W. Fry, Journal of General Psychology, 1938)

       Feels good (as reported by many laughers around the world)

       Improves circulation (movement of the diaphragm causes more oxygen to be sent to the cells)

       Boosts the immune system (as most exercise does)

       Stimulates digestion and internal organs (although if you’re busting a gut and rolling around on the floor, that’s the last thing you’ll be thinking about)

       Helps with pain management (you may still have the pain, but you may be too busy laughing to think about it)

       Slows the aging process (if you’re laughing, it means you’re still alive)

       Smoothes out wrinkles (maybe … I’ve still got mine)

       Improves breathing (not sure about this one, sometimes it’s hard to catch my breath when I’m laughing so hard)

      On top of all that, Laughing supports your longevity.

      Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara was 97 years old at the time the article about him appeared in Japan Times. He has written about 150 books … since the age of 75! He works 18 hours a day … 7 days a week! When people asked Dr. Hinohara where he gets his energy, what do you think his answer was? He said, People have it all wrong, thinking that we get energy from food and sleep. No, we get our energy from feeling good.


      First, to get the health benefits (and the feel-good benefits), we need about 10-15 minutes of sustained laughter. Just as with any exercise, a regular habit is best. We don’t expect to only exercise once and continue to get the benefits. It’s the same with laughter. It’s best to build a habit of doing it regularly.

      Regular laughter helps to “tune up” our bodies, minds and emotions to build this “feeling good” state. How do we do that? Other than going to a comedy club every night? There are a number of ways on the internet. You can search for “laughing babies” and watch those videos. You can get creative and search for other laughter sites. Note that humour is subjective and we may only get some half-hearted chuckles from many jokes and humour sites on the net. Again, it takes a sustained 10-15 minutes of laughter to fully receive the benefits.

      Here is another way: Go to my laughter video and laugh with me daily. Here’s what you do. Go to my website and grab the video on the of the page: If you choose to bring your willingness to thetable, you will laugh and maybe smile. You will get some exercise. You can access your child-like playfulness. You may experience some feelings of being out of your “comfort zone.” Again, if you are willing, just allow that … just for a few minutes … and see what happens. ”Authentic Joy” is nothing new. You have it inside always. You will just be doing some “allowing,” allowing yourself to feel it … to touch it.

       Be sure to check with your doctor or health care provider if you have any of the following