The Zen of Joy. Matti Anttila
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Название: The Zen of Joy

Автор: Matti Anttila

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781619337282


СКАЧАТЬ that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher. –Joe Vitale

      What do we do instead? We strive and struggle to achieve “goals,” thinking that once we achieve one or more of them (or more likely many, many of them), then and only then we can relax and feel good. Feel good about our achievements and having “stuff.” ”Stuff” is anything and everything that is outside of us. Be that finding our ideal mate, landing the dream job, buying a car and/or a house, creating a “home” from the house, dining out in fine restaurants, buying a Rolex watch, having fancy duds, having “security” in a job, a pension plan, retiring, travelling, sky diving, scuba diving, ticking off items from the “bucket list,” having children, grandchildren, spending time with friends, even volunteering for a worthy cause.

      What else is on your list? A bigger flat screen TV, a movie room in your home, a place in the country with a swimming pool, hot tub and sail boat? You name it. If it is on the “outside of you” and you are striving to reach the goal of having it, the “horse is before the cart.” Don’t get me wrong…

      There is absolute nothing wrong with wanting or having any or all of these things. There is definitely nothing wrong with the process of deciding or uncovering that you want any or all of this “stuff” that is outside of you, and there is not a thing wrong with doing “what it takes” to get these things. However …

      The reason we want “stuff” is To Feel Good! When we marry, we feel good. When we get the house, we feel good. When we have a child, we feel good. When we land a great job, we feel good. When we find the job actually does provide satisfaction, challenges we love to tackle, pride and wonderful co-workers, we feel good. Why else do we buy anything but to feel good?

      Are there exceptions to this rule? Try it out. We buy food so we can nourish our bodies because being healthy makes us feel better than being hungry, starving or malnourished. (We may also buy junk food that feeds our addictions, but even that is to feel good. An addict, be they a drug addict, alcoholic or a “sugarholic,” feeds their habit in order to lessen the pain they are in. Lessening the pain feels better than staying in it.)

      We seek shelter, renting or buying accommodation in order to feel good, because for most of us, being sheltered from the elements feels better than being cold and wet in the outdoors 24/7. We buy a vehicle (motorcycle, car, van, truck, bicycle) to get us where we want to go faster, more efficiently. You may think I am beating this theme to death here, but there is a reason. When we finally “get” it, then and only then can we see clearly how we have been taught to put the cart before the horse.

       Everything we do, we do in order to feel good.

       Two Great Secrets:

      1) There is a shortcut to feeling good and it doesn’t depend on getting any “stuff,” and

      2) When we choose to feel good first, it’s easier to get “stuff.”

      The Zen of Joy manual will uncover the tools and techniques of how to “feel good first.” How can we feel good before we get any of the “stuff” on our list of goals? How can we use the state of feeling good to magnetize ourselves to receive the “stuff” on our list of goals to be achieved? The Zen of Joy “secret” is that we can employ simple, easy-to-use, step-by-step protocols to find that “feeling good place” inside of ourselves. The secret is nothing new. You may have seen the movie The Secret and even used some of the techniques. You may have read countless books on manifesting and/or achieving your goals and even had success with the tools and techniques you found in them.

      Here is how The Zen of Joy protocols are different: The Zen of Joy is about how to get the most return from the least amount of time commitment. The Zen of Joy is about the “Art of Doing Less and Achieving More.” In fact, each chapter has a small but definite time commitment and each time commitment is clear.

       The good news? You can do this.

       The bad news? It does require time and energy.

      More good news: The Zen of Joy is about how to get the most results form the least amount of time and energy. How? Get ready for the paradox. The Western Medical Model has us thinking this way: When there is a problem, take a pill, put on a salve or cut it out, or in the case of cancer, burn it out. Cut, burn or poison (surgery, chemotherapy or drugs) is the response. Further, the “instant gratification” society has us expecting immediate results. (“Just give me the pill for it.”) The more TV we watch, the closer our modus operandi moves to the “instant gratification” model.

      Paradox Alert. The paradox in The Zen of Joy is that some of these techniques are actually instant, while at the same time, they need a long term commitment to get the full benefit. You will see this in the first protocol, which takes only a few moments to implement and gets an immediate response. The kicker? We need to do it more than once. In fact, as we continue to use it and get its immediate benefits, this first protocol also builds our “Zen of Joy Muscle” over time.

      Great news: If you just do the first Protocol, you may find the secret to feeling good … all the time, any time … 24/7! You could use just this protocol and attain everything you have ever wanted in life. The benefit of using the other protocols is that they mutually support each other. And they do so in a gentle and loving way.


      The Three Biggest Subconscious Beliefs That Hold Most of us Back. Motivational author Joe Vitale says there are three subconscious beliefs that work against our higher good. They are:

      1) We don’t love ourselves fully,

      2) We don’t feel we deserve success,

      3) We feel money is tainted at best and dirty and evil at worst.

      Open Secret: No one can love you more than you love yourself. Opening up to self-love is the first step to allowing in love from other, outside sources. The truth is, of course, we are pure love and the aim of TheZen of Joy is to allow ourselves to be pure love, to reconnect with the inner source of love. But, we get ahead of ourselves. These Zen of Joy Protocols also address feelings of not deserving success and Protocol #2 begins easing our money worries, quickly and easily in just a few minutes a day. Welcome on board this joyous journey into The Last Frontier: The Inner Journey of Joy.


      Love and laughter be with you always,

      Matti Anttila

      Victoria, BC, Canada

      October, 2012

      Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change. Life’s too short to be anything…but happy. - Anonymous


      When СКАЧАТЬ