Serpent Sting. Toni Grant
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Название: Serpent Sting

Автор: Toni Grant

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780648564638


СКАЧАТЬ the exterior doors and windows open, encouraging the sea air to fill his masculine space. In the busy household, he relished the cool sanctity and privacy of his bedroom suite.

      Laughter drifted upwards from the outdoor swimming pool. Paul and Luciana were playing Marco Polo.

      “Polo!” he yelled cheekily from the open window. Luciana spun on the spot, eyes jammed shut as she tried to locate the distant voice.

      “Nicholas!” she chided, opening her eyes at last. “That’s not fair! You’re not even playing!”

      He laughed. “And that’s cheating Luciana. You can’t open your eyes!”

      He ducked back inside smiling lazily at his good fortune.

      Not so far away, the nightclub scene was gearing up. He’d sample the offerings again tonight, after his commitments were done. Not that Nicholas was complaining about his holiday being interrupted by work.

      He was expected to participate and learn. As always with Silvio, work, pleasure and family time intertwined.

      But there would be no work tonight. Today was Francesca’s birthday. Family time. And long after the dinner celebrations, Nic would return to the exclusive club filled with the pretty, rich and bored.

      Shower, shave, sex. Nicholas turned towards the en-suite.

      Movement caught his eye. In amazement, he watched as the bed sheet moved again and a tiny curl of auburn hair peeked from the top.

      “Francesca?” Nicholas strode to the bundle. “Is that you?” Pushing aside the fabric, he squatted next to the figure, brushing the wayward curls away from tear-stained cheeks. “Hey. Hey. What’s happened my flower?”

      “I didn’t know what to do. I just knew I had to come to you.” Francesca sobbed.

      “Of course. Tell me what’s happened. We can’t have you upset on your holidays.” Nicholas wrapped his arm around her, pulling her against him as they propped against the wall.

      “Will you get mad? I mean they are your friends. I just don’t understand.” She looked into his face and he smiled, patting her forearm reassuringly.

      “They said they had a special 15th birthday present for me, that they were going to take me to a special place that you go to and they were going to show me something there. I said ok.” Francesca stilled, searching her friend’s face for permission to continue. He nodded.

      “Well when I got there, Giuliett said to be part of the group I had to do this thing and that all the girls had done it and it made you happy.”

      Nicholas searched her face, his mind racing as to what Giuliett Seta was specifically talking about.

      “The place was at the back of the garden, with the tall trees and the rocky platform, and you can see the ocean from there too. It’s really beautiful. They said, ‘Sit here,’ so I did. And then they came at me.” Francesca burst into tears.

      “What do you mean, Francesca?”

      “They came at me. They held me down by my legs and hands and then they starting rubbing their hands up and down my legs. They held my legs apart by the ankles and the knees. One girl tried to put her hand under my dress and I kicked her but they kept doing it.”

      Nicholas held his breath. “What happened next?”

      “Well, they all laughed and I tried to stand up. I said this is not what Nicholas wants. And two girls pushed me to the ground and sat on me. This is exactly what Nicholas wants, they said.”

      “Sat on you?”

      “Yes, like this.” Francesca pushed Nicholas to the floor, straddled him and pressed herself firmly against his crotch. Nicholas felt the warmth of her against him as her short dress slid higher along bronzed thigh. He held his breath.

      “They held my arms out wide each side, like a cross. Like this.” She bent low and forward from her hips, spreading his arms to the side. Nicholas breathed the floral scent escaping the valley between her breasts. Dior. He took another deep, deliberate breath of her. Dior blended with the smell of the ocean.

      Nicholas moved his head slightly towards her determined face. Every detail on the bodice of that pretty white dress, every stitch, every undone tortoiseshell button filled his view. And as it peeled open for him, rounded breasts pressed against a black and white striped bikini top.

      Honey-coloured skin speckled with sand. Glorious, shimmering sprinkles of gold pressed into that smooth skin. As she crouched back to sit upon him, his breath traced the cup of her breast. His lips brushed against her nipple. He watched it harden and spring forward towards him. He gently touched it a second time. She was killing him! She settled back on his groin, pressing hard against him.

      His arms remained outstretched. Francesca studied his position and met his eyes with a satisfied look. “Yes, that’s exactly the way they laid me out,” she said.

      “What happened next?” He was almost too afraid to ask.

      “Then they took turns at teasing me.”

      “How?” he croaked.

      “They said, ‘She’s a virgin. Let’s get her ready.’ They kept saying things like that.” Francesca lowered her voice. “Then they all circled my breasts with their fingers. Like this.” Slowly her fingers ran around her breasts in a figure eight. She grabbed his hand to do the same.

      Nicholas watched her pulse catch at her throat. Francesca pressed his hands flat against her, covering her breasts.

      “I screamed, ‘Get away from me,’” Francesca continued, releasing her hold on him. His arms fell to rest on her thighs.

      “The girls all laughed and climbed all over me. I screamed again and they said, ‘Francesca, no one will hear you here. That’s why Nicholas loves this place. When we scream out his name, only the wind and the ocean can hear.’ Is that true Nicholas? Do you take girls there? Do you want to hurt them? Why do you want to make them scream?”

      “Yes, I do take them to that place, but never to hurt them, Francesca. We’re all willing partners, I can assure you.” Nicholas paled. “Did these girls do anything else?”

      “Yes.” Francesca lowered her eyes. Nicholas lifted her chin gently to face him.

      “Tell me, love. Francesca, it’s important that I know everything that happened.” He spoke tenderly, easing her into the difficult subject.

      Francesca frowned momentarily, searching his dark eyes and bit hard on her lip.

      “Giuliett said ‘Stop! It’s my turn.’ The girls pulled me to my feet and held my hands behind my back. One sniggered and I saw them all looking at each other.”

      Francesca pulled Nicholas up from the floor and demonstrated, one hand tightly clasping his wrists behind him. She watched in awe as the extent of his fitness took shape. Muscled shoulders and his bare chest filled her vision and as her hand ran along the bunched biceps and powerful forearms Francesca curiously watched them flinch at her touch.

      “Giuliett did this,” she whispered.