Serpent Sting. Toni Grant
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Название: Serpent Sting

Автор: Toni Grant

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780648564638


СКАЧАТЬ contents: 10%. 5%. Done. Nicholas checked his watch: two minutes. He breathed out, and dropped the USB into his pocket. One more place to go.

      Increasing his silent pace, he crossed the floor to the stairwell and slipped through the doorway. From here, stone steps led to an isolated location at the lower ground level. An intimate place designed for the most discreet arrangements. One minute.

      The paved courtyard looked directly over the cliff. It was protected from the steep drop by a low concrete wall. Above, the cantilevered pool deck formed a timber ceiling. A plush daybed furnished the small space.

      Crouching beside large potted lemon trees flanking the doorway, Nicholas stilled as heavy footsteps negotiated the outdoor tiles above. This was unexpected. The footsteps stopped where the tiles met the timber of the pool deck.

      The intruder listened as a second set of footsteps stopped momentarily.

      “Mr Seta,” the guard greeted curtly and continued his rounds. Footsteps shuffled towards the low timber door. It opened. Then shut. The footsteps continued as the guard climbed the steps to the rooftop lookout.

      From his hideout, Nicholas glanced upwards as Carlo Seta paused on the boards directly above. He touched the knife strapped to his leg. Personal satisfaction. That’s all he would gain by killing Seta now.

      Seta stepped back from the edge. Nicholas breathed out lightly. He would complete the task this morning. He had no choice.

      In the predictable rhythm of the past fortnight, overnight, some things had changed. Nicholas knew the protocol. Visiting the island home without family, at this time of year, meant one thing … a new business arrangement. The extra security detail on twenty-four hour duty had arrived well before Carlo Seta and would remain long after his departure. As would the business partners, guests and lavish entertainment that had been organised for their pleasure. The quiet arrival of the mob boss during the evening’s performance confirmed Nicholas’s suspicions.

      During his time on the island, Nicholas had recorded pictorial evidence of the guests visiting the location. His actions contributing to the web of contacts, partnerships and proof held securely within his uncle’s secure database. Along with a string of information linking activities carried out by the clandestine organised crime outfit.

      The task wasn’t difficult. Nic knew most of the faces. He’d worked alongside them almost all of his life. Two new faces had joined the crowd. Last evening they’d arrived with their own security. Better trained and better armed, their reconnaissance stretched beyond the boundary of the villa.

      Instinctively, Nic had waited long after their departure to move closer. There he’d rested the last hours until dawn, hiding amongst the rubble, rocks and low growing heath.

      By now, Alessandro’s team would have gone some way to identifying the new team. Images checked with face recognition software pilfered from some investigative agency. Nic knew this because on any other operation that would be his job.

      Alessandro Delarno called the shots on every job. His uncle risked more than most as he danced the double life of friend and foe to the Italian mafia family and their associates.

      Tasked to take the lead with Carlo Seta, Nic was ready to prove his worth to the vigilante outfit run by his uncle. The time was right to undermine and compromise the group that Detective Francesca Salucci had begun to unravel.

      But Seta was as cunning as he was rash.

      Nic mentally picked at the scab of loss and revenge. His last attempt to disrupt Seta’s interference in family business had ended badly. The wayward thoughts stopped as quickly as they surfaced. Daydreaming sealed a death warrant.

      Seta’s footsteps retreated towards the home’s interior. It was safe to proceed. The intruder set about completing the task of installing the discreet listening device.

      The mob boss’s paranoia had succumbed to this controlled environment. Satisfied that his security protocol could not be breached, Seta relaxed into making binding verbal arrangements, here, beside the pool deck. And when the business was done, a string of pretty young things filled the space encouraging all measure of pleasure and entertainment. It was Seta’s way.

      Nicholas checked the time. Three minutes, thirty seconds. Done. He stepped quietly towards the low wall boundary of the small patio. Above him, a mobile phone rang. Nicholas stilled, caught half way between escape and the home.

      “Seta,” he heard. Then, “Silvio!”

      Seta was again at the deck’s edge.

      “What do you want?”

      Now, he shifted around the timber boards—steps made in annoyance.

      “Last night went well.”

      There was a short silence.

      “I won’t discuss this. Have you found that whore Salucci?”

      Another short silence.

      “Then you are of no value to me. The Commission are just as useless. Stay out of my way, old man. And smash that phone! No phone calls will ever be tracked to me.”

      Seta ended the call abruptly. Footsteps stalked towards the interior. A door slammed against the steel and concrete construction.

      Nicholas ignored the emotions threatening his actions and checked his watch. Five minutes. He’d wasted too much time. Sunshine split the horizon. The whole underside of the deck was suddenly bathed in morning light. Now he’d have to find a new place to hide and wait out the next shift change.

      The intruder slipped over the low wall into the thick rosemary undergrowth. Behind him a glass door opened. The mistress stepped onto the paving and padded towards the outdoor lounge. Seta followed her to the open doorway. He paused at the precipice, his temper simmering in his clenched fists.

      “Anya Frida! What is it? I’m not in the mood for your childish games,” he grumbled at the Russian beauty.

      “Come on Seta,” she purred, turning her pretty blonde head towards him. “Before our guests arrive for breakfast and you are too busy for me. I want you again. Here, out in the open with only the sun and air between us.” She slipped the silk wrap off her shoulders and it fell in a pool of colour at her feet.

      Wrapping the tie cord seductively around her neck and pulling it gently, she cooed, “Take me any way you please, but first …”

      The old man stepped into the coolness and she knelt before him. Spreading his bathrobe she rubbed her hands along his naked legs and reaching his buttocks, she pulled him to her, whispering, “It’s my turn.”

      CHAPTER 5

      27 January

      Ibiza, Balearic Islands

      It was hot. Steamy hot like it was about to storm. And as the moon chased the sun, the air remained thick and damp.

      The sprawling Spanish villa, traditionally styled with large passageways and tiled floors, caught every small breeze and directed it through the interior. Rooms led seamlessly from whitewashed arches. Moorish pendant lights lit the passageways in a soft glow.

      Central to the home, a wide stairwell connected the ground-floor living СКАЧАТЬ