Serpent Sting. Toni Grant
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Название: Serpent Sting

Автор: Toni Grant

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9780648564638


СКАЧАТЬ nuzzled into her neck, his hands burning hot through the fabric, branding her hips with his fingerprints.

      Francesca smiled shyly. When he looked at her that way and spoke in that particular emotional drawl she became quite self-conscious.

      “As tempting as that sounds,” she responded coyly, “there are important people waiting for you,” she added, impishly strolling into the open door of the lift and facing him. Her eyebrow raised in a flirt. “Having said that, I’m open to suggestions.”

      CHAPTER 9

      It was time for fresh air and a change of scene. At last, the evening’s entertainment marked the end of the formalities and Francesca made her way to the open doorways leading to a porch that overlooked the extensive gardens. Knowing she would be followed, she grabbed two full glasses from the drinks station near the open doorway.

      Francesca felt him approach. Her skin prickled in anticipation of his warmth. She breathed the scent of him.

      “Are you having a lovely time?” Sinclair enquired, holding her hand to his lips, before placing his arms to encircle her waist. He bent his head close to her ear, nibbling at softness.

      “Yes, thank you. Are you?” Francesca spoke softly, leading him to the shadows, not wanting to expose their hideout to the many who still sought his attention.

      The band belting out Bee Gee classics in a seventies montage tribute ended with How Deep is Your Love, and Sinclair spun her into his arms, swaying with the music as they danced slowly together.

      “My night just got better,” he responded, holding her close to him and peering over her head. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to spend any time with you. These things are hard work, but necessary. Promise I’ll make it up to you.”

      He looked downwards through the darkness at her expression. “Work’s work, Sinclair. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m just pleased that the day has gone off without a hitch. I’m so very proud of you. Besides, I can make my own fun.”

      “Oh yeah?” Sinclair pulled her to him. The body encased in that sexy black dress needed his attention. His fingers traced a path from her breast to her shoulders and neck.

      Sinclair bent his head towards her, gently playing with the tangle of curls. He breathed out slowly and his fingers caressed the side of her neck. Her body tingled at the sensation and she leaned into the wall that was his chest.

      “You smell so good,” he murmured, breathing deeply before taking her mouth with his.

      His hands found the low hollow of her back. Tracing along her hips, fingers ran the length of her side, resting below her heavy breasts.

      “Taste me,” she dared, staring lovingly into the pools of dark chocolate that were his. He could take her anywhere when he looked at her like that.

      His tongue teased supple skin. The pleasure wound its way through her.

      Francesca wanted him more than anything in her life. She met his mouth and her body succumbed to a riot of sensations. She pulled away from him in the darkness.

      “Sinclair McCrae. That is not what I meant by making my own fun!” Francesca giggled.

      He smiled at her. “No?”

      “I meant, see that lady over there,” she said indicating a silver-haired lady with her nose in the air but her eye on a rather handsome young man standing across the room.

      Sinclair nodded steering them further into the shadows so he could continue to feel his way around her glorious curves. If only he could find a more private location.

      “There’s something funny going on between her and the gentleman in the corner. The one talking to the Governor’s wife.”

      “What do you mean?” Sinclair responded, resting his hand over her hips.

      “I think they’re having an affair. Look at her! She’s continually looking in his direction. See how she’s positioned within the group. If he’s not her lover, they’re up to something. Earlier in the night, when everyone was mingling, she disappeared to the foyer. Moments later he did too. I wouldn’t have thought much of it but I was watching her watch him. She literally signalled him and he left straight away. Do you know how many places you could meet for a tryst in this place? I’ve counted them.”

      “Francesca Salucci! You can’t make wild accusations … wait, trysts? Have you a particularly favourite location you’d like to try?” Sinclair turned his laughing eyes to her face. She may have just solved his dilemma.

      “With you, my darling, tonight I am looking for a more permanent location. A place we won’t be disturbed so I can explore that beautiful body of yours inch by glorious inch.” Francesca kissed him passionately on the lips and glided into the grand ballroom.

      Sinclair followed her to the crowded dance floor, gathered her to him and they moved together slowly. He wasn’t done yet.

      “Francesca, do you remember the first time we made love?” he whispered close to her ear.

      Francesca blushed. “Yes,” she choked, glancing around in case someone had overheard him. His lips grazed her ear lobe suggestively. She felt the heat rising along her cheeks. “Sinclair.”

      “And that’s exactly how you said my name.”

      “Sinclair,” she began again as he faced her, his eyes filled with desire. She couldn’t think. She didn’t care. By the look on his face, this was promising to be one long night. Her face turned crimson at the realisation. She glanced away.

      “Look at me,” he demanded softly, wrapping his hands in hair. He pulled her head back gently so that she must fully face him. “Do you remember my words to you that night?”

      “Yes.” She was breathless. “Let me know your passion, lover. I’ve longed to see it written in your eyes when I make love to you.”

      He smiled and his eyes glazed over.

      “Hmmm,” he said in agreement. “Show me your passion, Francesca. I want to see it in your face, taste it on your lips and when you spread your legs to take me, feel it deep within you.”

      Francesca responded in a strangled whisper, her eyes wide and her cheeks pink with desire. “What the hell are you doing to me?”

      He growled softly, a deep primal sound in the back of his throat and led her directly to the exit.

      CHAPTER 10

      “Who was that woman you were talking to tonight?” Francesca snuggled into his warmth.

      “Which woman was that, love?” Sinclair asked, lazily stroking her bare arm. Perhaps Johnno was right. Maybe they could marry. He certainly was more in love with her than ever. And my god tonight she’d shown him just how much she needed him. “I spoke to a lot of ladies tonight.”

      “The woman in that stunning gown everyone was talking about,” Francesca responded. The woman he’d spent all night trying to avoid, she thought.

      “Oh. That was Norah. We worked together in Afghanistan. She’s another medic.”