Economic Resurrection. Halim Quddus
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Название: Economic Resurrection

Автор: Halim Quddus

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781456625290


СКАЧАТЬ nightmare. Violence is a nightmare. Starvation is a nightmare. War is a nightmare. And the way we will change the world from being a place where these things happen to a place where they no longer do is not through what we do in a traditional sense, but because we wake up from the living nightmare in which they occur. We have been asleep without knowing it, taking part in a great forgetting - of who we are, what our power is, where come from and what we truly need. But a great awakening is on the horizon, stirring like a new dawn in each of us. Its no accident that enlightened masters are called the "awakened ones. " And now a species that has been asleep too long is on the verge of a mass awakening. "

      No matter how old you are, what your condition is and what your level of education is, you can rise up and live the life you desire. However, first you have to accept that you are responsible for the way you look at your condition. Why? Because what matters most is not what goes on in society, but what goes on in your head. When you get your head right, then you can work to get your life right. It makes sense, doesn't it?

      I knew that if I were to come alive, I would have to change my thinking and ultimately my habits. The habits we develop are crucial because they affect what happens to us in the days and years to come. The past, the present and the future are all closely tied together. So, pay close attention to your habits, because they will influence who you become and what you do.


      The habits I developed over the years are what got me deeper into the hole I was sinking into. It's important for me to mention habits because our lives are a reflection of the habits we've developed. My mother raised me to take care of myself, but I chose not to listen. I chose to give into destructive habits that caused me to get stuck in patterns of behavior that would only lead to more self-inflicted pain and self-destruction.

      As time went on, I started reflecting on my life and came to the conclusion that I had to develop habits that would support my growth. I had to make a choice. Do I remain who I was and sink deeper into the painful world I had created, or do I go into a cocoon like a caterpillar and emerge as a transformed person, awakened to my true self?

      It was time for me to reclaim my power. Yes, I gave my power away to forces that I really had the power to resist. I had to make this decision, because these destructive habits landed me in jail and in rehabilitation several times. The most enlightening experience was a short stay in rehabilitation at Union Memorial Hospital in Union, New Jersey. The time I spent in rehab impacted my life in a big way. I had never been more determined in my life, simply because I wanted to be free from the addiction of drugs, so I could live a dignified and productive life.

      I was tired of trying to be slick and conning people out of their belongings. I wanted to serve people instead of using them for my own selfish reasons. These thoughts were going through my mind as I was getting those mind numbing and slave making drugs out of my system. I was determined to rid myself of the soul-murdering drugs that were killing me slowly. I wanted to get back to the real me. It was time for the real Halim to stand up.

      So the question was, "How can I get back to the real me? " I believe that question is answered in the words of Imam W.D. Mohammed:

      "Most of us are not respecting the human person in our own bodies. And we wonder how come we have so much trouble and we wonder how come we are suffering so much. We wonder why so many people are taking drugs.

      Its because those bodies are only flesh. The human being is gone. If you bring the human being back into those bodies, you will see a difference in the way they behave before the temptation of drugs. When the human being is in the human body, the way that he or she is supposed to be in the human body, we can handle the temptation of drugs. "

      By definition the human being is a rational being . It's the ability to think that distinguishes man from animals. It was time for me to start doing some serious thinking about my life and my future.

      As you can see, I wasn't doing much rational thinking, I was moving on instinct just like an animal. It was now time for me to look at myself as a human being with expressions of care, love, cooperation, forgiveness and rational thinking. These are the qualities that helped awaken me to my real power.


      While I was at the rehabilitation center, there was a counselor who reminded me of something about myself. One day during a counseling session, he said, "I see something in you and it's spiritual." I said, "I know, but I'm afraid of the responsibility that comes with it." His reply was, "It's good and you should use it." At that moment I started reflecting on the principles that had been instilled in me by my mother and the people who helped to shape my thinking before I went off course. The short stay in rehab was a turning point for me. Since that time , I've never had a desire to put any type of drugs into my body.

      Upon leaving rehab , I went to work on myself. My desire was to become stronger in mind and spirit. In spite of the greatness of this nation and all the material and technological advances we have at our disposal, most people lack the discipline it requires to live a prosperous life. Prospering in good and tough times requires discipline . Without discipline, you may be lulled to sleep by those who profit more from you being asleep than from you being awake. I had to form some new habits -habits that would take me where I wanted to go.


      First of all, I had to start keeping my word. When you keep your word, you'll start achieving more. Imagine the relationships you can establish and the money you can make, when you keep your word. It's called keeping an agreement with your self and is the basis for establishing trust.

      When you keep your word, you'll unleash a great source of power that will keep you going, because you'll be in a determined state. A state that in essence says: be truthful with yourself, don 't make any excuses and don't give up. Have you ever heard the expression?

      "My Word Is My Bond"

      Your word is important and will ultimately determine how much progress you'll make and how much trust people will put in you. So, what's a bond? It's an agreement that unites or ties things together. If you keep your word, you' 11 achieve your goals at a rapid pace. When you keep your word, you're actually keeping the agreement you've made with yourself.

      A word is more than letters joined together. It's a force that has the power to create. When you keep your word you become capable of discovering more about yourself while connecting with your family, friends and associates. Keeping your word will allow you to witness major changes taking place in your life.

      As you make your journey through these tough times, it's best that you live the truth, because truth heals and is a liberating force. Resurrection is a process that deals with living the truth. We have to die to the lie, so we can wake-up and prosper.

      The word "prosper" means to flourish or thrive. You are destined to prosper, whether it's in your mind, in your soul, at home, in your business, in your career or even at school. Once you wake up to your potential and accept that you deserve to prosper, you'll be unstoppable.


      To get more from yourself, you have to wake up to the great power that's in and around you. Dr. Martin Luther King, had these words to say about being awake:

      "One of the great liabilities of history is that all too many people fail to remain awake through great periods of social change. But today our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant СКАЧАТЬ