Economic Resurrection. Halim Quddus
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Название: Economic Resurrection

Автор: Halim Quddus

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781456625290


СКАЧАТЬ leader and teacher, Imam W.D. Mohammed, who's message of prosperity

      impacted my life in a big way.

      My brother Willie Moore ,

      for being the Big Brother, who shared

      good moments with me while also helping me to make it through the tough times.

      And my sister Pearl Jackson,

      a great motivator, who believed in me and always pushed me to do better.


      "Think big, but it's alright to start small".

      Imam W D. Mohammed

      As tough as times are, we're living in an era of great opportunities. Even as we navigate our way through these tough economic times, the fact still remains: we're living in a world of unlimited resources and unlimited wealth. The sad reality is that with so many opportunities around us, many people are economically dead and in need of a resurrection.

      Economic Resurrection is not about doom and gloom. I'm sure you get enough of that from watching and listening to the news. This book is about something more important than that, it's about inspiration. It's my hope that the message contained in this book will inspire you towards getting more of what you need and want. This is the essence of economics, which is the science of motivations. Economics is the study of how people get what they need and want. The fact that you're reading this book, tells me that you believe you can do better economically.

      Resurrection is the act of rising from the dead. There are many forms of death -moral, political, cultural, spiritual and mental death. The form of death I'll be addressing in this book is economic death, which brings with it so many different challenges.

      All of us find ourselves at times, facing challenging moments. Turbulent economic times, such as The Great Recession, can overwhelm us with fear and worry. The good news is that these challenging times can make us stronger, release our greatness or wake us up to reality.

      Instead of feeling like a victim and blaming the government or other external forces for your situation, you can use the lessons from these challenging times to stimulate your own economy.

      We are in the midst of the entrepreneurial revolution. Now, don't take the word revolution lightly or in the wrong way. . . a revolution is a complete change from the way things are usually done.

      The number of entrepreneurs -men and woman young and old, who are launching their own businesses, are remarkable. You can create your own economy, like others have already done, by providing people with quality products and services.

      I wrote this book to show you how to develop the mindset that will help you to create your own economy. Entrepreneurs are able to prosper in good and tough times because they believe in their ability to control their economic destiny. They rely on their creativity, innovation and passion. Entrepreneurs trust themselves to create for themselves.

      My goal in this book is to create a movement of conscious entrepreneurs who want to earn a living while making a meaningful contribution in their community, society and throughout the world. What we can get from ourselves and what we can give others is limited only by our imagination.

      Economic Resurrection is designed to be a blueprint for economic change, but first we have to wake up to what's going on. This book will take you on a journey of self-discovery that will shift your thinking and inspire you to do what we can all do, create and live a prosperous life.

      Halim Quddus November 27, 2011

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      "If you want to be successful... develop your life so that your life is dead to that which takes you down and alive only to that which takes you up."

      Imam WD. Mohammed

      All around us are millions of people who live in financial bondage. They are held captive by fear, addictions, debt and even work. Their lives may reflect the after effect of circumstances and events that happened years ago. They long for freedom, but they don't know how to break free. Maybe you are one of these people. I know I was one of them. For years, I lived on the edge of destruction. I was harming myself and hurting those who love me. My life was a complete mess.

      My life was such a mess that one evening my mother said to me, "Son, one day you're going to wake up and find yourself dead". I didn't understand what she was saying at the time, but I believe it was those words that helped me to turn my life around. My mother saw that I was living a life that would only lead to death. The death I'm talking about is not a physical death. I'm referring to a mental, moral, cultural, economical and spiritual death. I believe G'd always provide solutions for the mess we find ourselves in. All we have to do is pay attention.

      There was a time in my life, when I was broke, using drugs and in and out of jail. I had sunk so deep into the graveyard of poverty that I couldn't even reach into my pocket for bus fare. When a person lacks the resources to take care of the basic things in life, it affects their psychology, self-worth and leads to depression. What a terrible way to live!

      My lifestyle, which was really a death style, was an indication that I needed to wake up. If anyone needed to be resurrected, it surely was me. Although I was out of touch with my true self, I longed to be alive. I wanted more out of life and I was ready to "Be Born Again". Why was I ready? Well, I was tired of robbing myself of the joys and comforts that life has to offer all of us. I knew there had to be a better way. In fact, I knew there was a better way and I was ready to join the ranks of those who were spiritually, mentally, morally, culturally and economically alive.

      For years, I walked around thinking about the words my mother spoke to me, "wake up and find yourself dead". What stood out the most in my mind were the words, "wake up". These words were the beginning of an awakening that revitalized my spirit.

      Do you remember the song, "Wake Up Everybody" by Harold Melvin And The Blue Notes? The message that comes through this song is this: To realize growth in our community, we have to wake up to our unique gifts and use those gifts to change our life and impact the lives of those around us.

      Wake Up Everybody speaks to the need for social consciousness and social responsibility. While this song was recorded in the 70's, the message is relevant to the times we're living in. Don't you think it's time for more people to wake up to their potential and their social responsibility?


      Each one of us have G'd given gifts with which to serve the world. You may have to wake up to certain parts of yourself that have been asleep for years or even decades. Have you been sleepwalking through life? If so, then it's time to wake up. I know that waking up isn't always easy. We have a tendency to want to keep our eyes shut for just a few more minutes. These minutes sometimes turn into hours, days and even years. If we fail to respond to the social alarms that are calling for our attention, we may be in for a rude awakening.

      In her book The Gift Of Change, Marianne Williamson says this about the great awakening:

      "In our sleep, we began to dream. And some of dreams have turned into nightmares. Suffering is a nightmare. Addiction is a СКАЧАТЬ