Lasting Impressions. John Schlarbaum
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Название: Lasting Impressions

Автор: John Schlarbaum

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781456625368



      "On his income, the paperboy is lucky to get paid every other week, dear."

      Both laughed out loud.

      "I must admit, Mom, since the divorce your sense of humour has come back as wicked as ever," Susan said, grabbing the dirty dishes. "So . . . you didn't answer my first question. Do you think Jeremy will ever pop the question?"

      "Where you two are concerned, it's probably the only thing that he hasn't popped."

      "Marion, how dare you talk about your daughter that way! You should be ashamed of yourself," Susan said in a condescending tone.

      "I've always had an open relationship with my daughter and if she wants to ruin her life with the town's most eligible bachelor, that's her decision. If he's handsome and rich, then what's a poor mother like me to do?" Marion raised her hand to her forehead.

      "Oh Mom, will you please get a life," Susan said, echoing one of Jeremy's favourite phrases.

      "I have one, honey, and need to get back to it in a few minutes." Marion walked to Susan and kissed her on the cheek. "The work of a realtor is never done. Thanks for lunch."

      Susan followed her mother to the back room where Marion slipped her shoes back on. "As far as your question, Susan, why don't we talk more about it later, okay?"

      "Sure. It's not like I've seen him at the jewellery store or anything."

      "If you do," Marion began, walking out the door, "make sure he also buys the mother-of-the-bride a nice gift."

      "Deal." Susan closed the screen door and returned her mother's wave. "See you tonight."

      Susan headed upstairs to her bedroom, where she opened her closet.

      "Now, what does one wear to the christening of a new motorcycle?"


      Olivia couldn't believe her luck. After numerous requests and three months of waiting, the Lasting Department Store had finally received a shipment of mauve lipstick and matching eye shadow. For the majority of Lasting residents this wasn't an earth shattering event, but for Olivia it was an omen of better things to come.

      Nearing the end of the school year, Olivia overheard a conversation between Jeremy and his tramp girlfriend Susan Parker. At the time, Olivia was minding her business, casually walking to her next class. Really. Maybe she was kind of following Jeremy - very discreetly, mind you. The last thing she needed was for her true love to turn and say, "Hi." What would I do? Most likely something very juvenile. To have Jeremy discover her stalking him would also be a disaster. It might call into attention her motives for such an act.

      Life without Jeremy would be no life at all . . . or so this was her thinking.

      Olivia had been pursuing Jeremy in the halls when she showed up, all goody two shoes and sunshine. What an act! Who was she trying to dupe? Everyone knew she was a slut. Slut slut slut! Tragically, Susan still had Jeremy wrapped around her little finger like thread on a spool.

      "Hi, handsome," she had cooed. "Do you have some time for me?"

      It was sickening the way she acted with him. Repulsive was a better word!

      "For you I've got all the time in the world," Jeremy replied, as she dragged him into a stairway alcove. Infuriated, Olivia decided to eavesdrop on their private conversation, believing Susan had some important news.

      It would be great if Susan found out her mother was moving them to Florida or better yet, the Antarctic! Jeremy would have to find a new girlfriend, right? What if she was pregnant and it wasn't Jeremy's? He would never speak to her again. Then, after the original shock had worn off, he might decide to find a younger girlfriend. One who'd better fit his image of what a good woman should be. That sort of had a Cinderella-like feel to it, didn't it? Olivia thought. And who better to play the starring role than the ever maturing Olivia Baker?

      As Olivia continued to listen to their conversation, she was disappointed.

      "Mom promised to buy me a new prom dress and I wanted to know your favourite colour."

      His favourite colour! After dating for three years, this hussy didn't know his favourite colour? How imbecilic could you be? If Olivia Baker was Jeremy Atkins' girl, he wouldn't have to wade through such drivel. No siree! Every utterance Jeremy spoke would go directly into Olivia's subconscious and conscious memory, to be retrieved in a split second! If this she-devil had any brains, she'd know his favourite colour was . . .

      Not knowing the answer herself, Olivia leaned over the stairwell railing.

      "My favourite colour?" Jeremy thought aloud. "I guess it would have to be . . . ah . . . mauve."

      It took Olivia a few seconds to figure out what colour mauve was, but when she did her whole world came together.

      Mauve, of course! she thought. His scarf is mauve and so is one of his shirts! How could I have overlooked this vital piece of his psychological makeup? They always say that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but what about his eyes? What if he were to see something pleasing every day on the same person? Maybe then he would forget about these nobodies and look for a real woman!

      Olivia ascended the steps two at a time, alerting the couple below someone had been listening to them talk. Jeremy stepped out from beneath the stairs and looked up, only to catch a glimpse of a skirt before it disappeared.

      "It would appear you have an admirer," Jeremy lied, turning back to Susan.

      "Perhaps it was an admirer of yours. Did you think of that?" she replied with a smile.

      Jeremy looked up the stairwell. "As you know, sweet Susan, I only have eyes for you."

      Susan put one hand on Jeremy's cheek and placed her other hand roughly on his crotch. "It's not your eyes I'm worried about, big boy," she said with a smile, planting a kiss on his lips. "I have to get to class," she said. "I'll tell Mom about your mauve preference and call you tonight, all right?"

      "You do that. Talk to you later." Jeremy looked down the deserted hallway and smiled. "High school, what a waste."

      During the weeks following Jeremy's colour revelation, Olivia spent all her saved allowance and birthday money on mauve shirts, skirts, socks, pants and even a set of pale purple matching bra and panties - these she hadn't worn yet, saving them for "The Big Night" that would inevitably come. Alas, these new and highly recognizable clothes got everyone's attention except Jeremy Atkins', unless he heard about the girl they were calling the Purple People Eater.

      By all accounts, at the end of the school year, Olivia Baker was still a nobody as far as Jeremy was concerned.

      With another school year on the horizon, Olivia hoped her new method of getting noticed would arrive in time. When she made her daily pilgrimage to the department store and spotted the expanded makeup display, she believed her pleas had been answered. She'd realized that what a boy looks at first is a girl's face, not her clothes. If she had attractive features, only then would he check out what she was wearing.

      Back home Olivia emptied the contents of her shopping bag: 10 packets of mauve lipstick and eye shadow. She ripped open one of each and headed to her full length wall mirror. With extreme care and time consuming accuracy, she applied both products СКАЧАТЬ