Lasting Impressions. John Schlarbaum
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Название: Lasting Impressions

Автор: John Schlarbaum

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781456625368


СКАЧАТЬ blood pressure rose. He now empathized with what Jeremy had gone through moments earlier: the urge to lunge and throttle someone.

      "No, just a headache," Frank replied, clenching his teeth.

      "What were you two celebrating? From your condition, it looks like it was an all-nighter," Jeremy inquired.

      "This and that," Mark said, turning to Edward. "Making plans for the new school year, that's all."

      "Shouldn't I have been invited?" Jeremy began. "If it affects the group, we should all be present."

      "We knew you and Susan had certain strategies of your own to work on, so we theorized a little amongst ourselves."

      Jeremy ignored the comment. "Who's coming with me to Burt's? I can't stand this idle chit-chat any longer."

      Looking to Mark, Edward said, "We were going to the store for some munchies."

      "I'm not going to force you to come with me. If you're coming, come. If you're not, don't." Jeremy walked away, leaving the others behind. "What about you, Frank?" Jeremy asked, stopping momentarily.

      "Actually . . ." Frank began.

      "You better go with him, Frankie, or he'll lose all faith in you," Edward whispered.

      "And he won't love you any longer," Mark added.

      Frank looked to Jeremy who was waiting impatiently for a response. "I have some things to do at home," he finally replied.

      "Fine!" Jeremy turned and stormed up the street.

      "Now you did it. You got Jeremy mad at all of us," Edward said, as he circled Frank. "That was very bad. What kind of punishment do you think he deserves for being such a bad boy, Mark?"

      "Well," Mark said, as he also began to circle Frank. "If it was my call, I think I'd administer a swift—"

      "Punch in the stomach?" Edward interrupted, pulling his hand back and forcing it toward Frank's mid-section. Just before impact, he stopped, as Frank instinctively bent forward to lessen the blow.

      "Nah. He's had enough punishment the last few days," Edward said, stepping away from Frank. "Yesterday he got beat up and today he upset his hero, who will probably stop talking to him altogether."

      "That's if we're lucky," Mark said with a laugh.

      Frank was ready to snap. He'd been physically abused by Jeremy and now had to endure verbal abuse from the two people he loathed the most. As Edward and Mark walked away taunting and teasing him, Frank felt only one emotion: unbridled hatred.

      Now is the time to become my own person - not simply a stick figure in the shadow of Jeremy Atkins and his pompous pals. Frank figured with one bold act he could tarnish the reputations of all three foes.

      Walking back to his house alone, Frank felt like a changed person. He'd no longer have to play others' games to get ahead. He had a few of his own to play . . . games that would be played using only one set of rules: Frank Taylor's.

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