Knock Knock Whooz There?. Marvin Griffin
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Название: Knock Knock Whooz There?

Автор: Marvin Griffin

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781456623012


СКАЧАТЬ I think he is," Religion answered.

      "Dat still shouldn't be shit." Famous said again reaffirming his initial statement. Now Famous facial expression was different. He cracked his knuckles.

      "What's up my nigga? Fame tell the crew what you know." Equal questioned.

      "I can tell you this; any nigga can get in the dope game, even soft niggas. But put that same nigga around a bunch of killers and he'll look fierce, but call 'em out and he'll bitch slap up. Watch!"

      It seemed like the longer the crew stood there the hotter it got and Religion had just about taken all he could take.

      "My nigga we can talk 'bout dis shit in the car or when we get to your old girl's crib or something 'cause a nigga gun burn up standing out here in this hot sun."

      Justice and Equal hustled across 22nd in route to Justice's truck as everybody else walked to their car. As soon as they were on the other side of the street Justice pressed his alarm key to unlock the doors. He continued to make his way to the driver's door and climbed in immediately. Equal climbed in on the passenger side right behind him.

      "Boy you still got dis Bronco?" Equal said questionably.

      "Ya know it. I ain't gone never get rid of the Bronco. Shiit nigga you know how many young hoes I done fucked in here." Equal and Justice exchanged a casual laugh as they glanced around the truck's interior. Equal couldn't help but notice a quilt and pillow in the back seat. A sly grin formed across his face as he wondered just how many.

      Justice cranked the Bronco up, looked into his side mirror and gradually eased out into traffic. He clicked his Alpine sound system on, smashed his cigarette lighter in, and propped a half smoke in his mouth. As they cruised up 22nd avenue a Goody Mob hit, Soul Food came through the woofers and tweeters. The base from the music shook the entire truck and everyone inside it. Justice cut his eyes over at Equal as he hit his joint. He noticed Equal glaring out the window. Something was wrong with him, he just had this look on his face. Maybe the music was too loud. Justice turned it down. Then he put his joint out, maybe that was the problem. But Equal continued to glare and Justice couldn't figure out what his problem was. All he knew was that he was about to be a rich man so he needed to loosen up. And he was the one who sequenced the entire lick.

      Justice made an illegal turn down State Road 9, and the all white Bronco traveled towards the bus terminal. I-95 was also connected to State Road 9, about a mile down. That's the interstate Justice had in mind to take to the city. He could see the highway in his mind's eye. But Equal caught on fast.

      "My nigga you don't think I want to see da city? That's all I been looking at all night is highway." Equal snapped.

      "Oh my bad dawg, I'll turn dis mutha fucka around and we'll roll through the hoods. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking about anyway."

      Justice sat up in his seat and looked in his rearview mirror as he broke the speed on the truck. "70.60. .50. .40. .30.. 20.. Justice knew that only way he could head back in the other direction was he had to violate. There wasn't a median strip on State Road 9 only grass that separated the two highways and it was for official use only. But that was a small thing to a giant. Justice's whole life was standardized from one form of violating the law to another. "I mean who in the fuck in the hood pardoned rules anyway? If there was rules on signs or whatever – around they were supposedly there to govern the behavior of black folk and/or there to place statutory limitations on their God given right to roam the earth, they were made to be broken." Justice pondered.

      "Definitely! All you had to do was watch your back and don't get caught."

      Justice didn't have any intentions on getting caught doing anything. He thought he'd made sure that it wasn't a police insight when he pulled to the shoulder of the highway and drove across the prohibited grass. Then no sooner after he got back on the road did he see a state trooper coming up from behind flashing their police lights.

      "Oh shit, nine!" Justice berated his self as Equal turned and looked back over his shoulder at the state trooper approaching swiftly.

      "Man where in the fuck them crackas come from?" Equal questioned. But Justice never responded. Now he had other things to worry about other than wasting time on rhetorical questions. As Justice peered out his rearview mirror he ordered Equal to pass him his 9mm in the glove compartment. Equal followed his orders. He made sure it was cooked before he passed it to him. Justice could see the brake lights flicker on and off on Religion's black Acura Legend as it zipped by with Fame, Burden, Glory, and himself inside. He could tell the way they were looking that they understood trouble was in the mix. And they were right because Justice refused to cede any ground to his adversaries, that's police or unofficial. He'd promised his self a long time ago he wasn't ever going back to prison. But as a two time felon that's exactly where it looked like he was heading with Equal as his codefendant with the semi weapons he had in his truck. And I said weapons. Because no sooner after Justice finished telling Equal to pass him his gun out the glove compartment he ordered him to grab the chopper AK-47 from under the back seat.

      As Equal rooted around in the chair's cushion he stole a look of the rest of the crew as they made a u-turn behind them. The state trooper was getting closer and closer and Equal could feel Justice breaking his speed. He thought about the blue print-street hustlers manual and what it said about situations like this.

      "You found it!" Justice barked.

      In response, Equal launched back across the chair, AK in hand ready to blast away. "Man this shit ain't happening." Equal thought. "Not on a nigga's first day home. We didn't even get a chance to hit that lick and we already about to smoke a fuckin' cop."

      "What's the plan? What's the fuckin' plan?" Equal shouted. Spurts of spit escaped his mouth.

      "We gotta do 'em!" Justice responded panicky.

      "Pull over. Pull dis mutha fucka ova now!" Equal shouted. In his mind he'd formed the notion if they were going to kill a cop they had to do it where they was. They couldn't wait until they got too far into the city limits. He had the best plan. "Do it now!"

      Justice broke his speed completely and then pulled to the side of the road. As soon as the trooper pulled over Equal was going to ease out the passenger door and open fire. From there they would escape, burn the truck and carry on with their plans.

      "What the fuck dem niggas doing? Why are they pulling over?" Famous shouted as they cruised up behind them. Justice and Equal waited patiently. They anticipated the trooper to either pull on the side of them or behind the truck. But neither scenario happened. In fact, the state trooper didn't stop at all, but zoomed right pass the Bronco never once breaking its speed. Justice and Equal glared at each other for a second in disbelief. Then Equal's head fell back into the headrest. "A false alarm." Equal thought. The relief he felt was beyond words. His eyes narrowed and darkened up the highway looking at the back end of the state trooper's vehicle. He watched it until it made a sharp right on 22nd and vanished from his eyesight. No doubt the trooper was running off to another call. That's all Equal could think of as he glared down at the assault rifle cradled in his hands. "Man dat was close..." Justice thought. Then he burst out laughing.

      Moments later the state trooper drove the vehicle right up on the sidewalk in front of Brick's restaurant, parked, and exited the vehicle. It was a normal routine for her. Everyday around lunch time Brick expected her to show up and patronized his business and order a chicken wing and french fries platter. This is the only place she took her lunch breaks. Her and Brick had built up that type of relationship and they were real good friends. In fact, she knew if she didn't show up or was a little late it would offend Brick and that's the last thing СКАЧАТЬ