Knock Knock Whooz There?. Marvin Griffin
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Название: Knock Knock Whooz There?

Автор: Marvin Griffin

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781456623012


СКАЧАТЬ in" Equal chanted lively. His lips tightened with resolution.

      "I'm in" Famous said, as he peered around the circle.

      "It's unanimous," Equal spat.

      "So I guess the only issue now is where we gone get the dope from to do this?" I brought the question up to Brick. "Ask them where the drugs at."

      "The dope, all this talk about taking over and we missing the main ingredient. So what's up with that?" Brick asked. Silence permeated the crew as everybody hung on Brick's deliberate question. The truth of the matter was none of them didn't have an ounce to their name; much-less the amount of doe it would take to pull something like this off. "To supply an entire city? Psp, c'mon Brick these niggas full of shit." I thought. Right then Brick should've got up from the table and walked away. Instead Equal severed the silence and said. A shitty grin flashed across his face.

      "There's one thing I forgot to mention to you Brick."

      "And what's that?"

      "That's another reason why you're the leader boss, my bad." Equal stroked Brick. "'Cause you got all the contacts..."

      "Oh I knew it was a catch," Brick said. He shot Equal a smug look and said. "Boy you got it all figured out dont'cha."

      "It ain't that poppa. Boss I mean. I'm just confident in my judgment." Equal responded.

      "Brick, this nigga Equal ain't nothin' but a con artist with an evocative name." I thought. Brick was well aware of that though and he was well aware of the little fable to which his name was attached to. They didn't call him Equal for nothing. Some people even argued that his name should be king con.

      "Yeah, but'cha forgettin' one thing, though money that I'm a legitimate business man and I been so for the last few years, ever since I walked away from the game. And now all the connections I got is in the food and produce department." Brick joked. There was a collective laugh.

      "C'mon stop bull shittin' my nigga B.R.I.C.K. !" Equal placed emphasis on Brick's name. "We talkin' 'bout millions here you clocking dat type of dough here?" Equal threw his hands up. "I seriously doubt it."

      "Naw - you're right, I ain't. But that ain't the issue. The question is where I'ma get that type of dope from, an' how much you talkin' 'bout again."

      "We need at least fifteen kilos of cocaine and 'bout a couple kilos of boy. We'll start off with that. Take over a couple spots first and then go from there."

      "So you talking about almost a million dollars-worth of drugs or more. Man I ain't got that type of juice no more. And I definitely don't have that type of money."

      "Let's just take the shit from one of the coward ass Cubans." Glory suggested. "Brick you put in an order and we'll do the rest."

      "Noo! That's one thing you don't want to do..." Justice said.

      "And what's that?" Glory asked.

      "Go to war with a bunch of wacko ass Cubans and/or Columbians." Justice responded.

      "What'cha scared - let me find out." Glory said, as he stood up and stretched.

      "Homeboy, I ain't scared of nothing. I just know the hood'll sell a nigga out with the quickness. And we'll be warring with them and tryna get money at the same time. Shit'll be too crazy." Justice reasoned.

      "That's good thinking," Equal added. .

      "Naw he right" Burden chimed in. "Them crackas come from overseas, so we don't have access to them like they have access to us."

      "Oh, but y'all niggas ain't got no problem killing up a bunch of niggas, yo own people?" Religion spat.

      "Y'all hol' it down, we gettin' too loud." Famous spoke up.

      "Brick you can put the restaurant up for collateral and let somebody front us the work." Equal suggested.

      "Put the restaurant up you talkin' 'bout my restaurant?" Brick asked in disbelief.

      "Yeah an' I'll get all the admonition we need." Justice said.

      I was a little relieved when I saw the direction the conversation was headed. They didn't even have the drugs. Everybody went back and forth for a minute. Right then Faith emerged from the restaurant and stole everyone's attention. She just had that type of effect on people. Besides Faith being gorgeous everyone knew she had a coveted place in Brick's life. Which is why everybody got quiet as she made her way through the door that adjoined the game room holding the cordless phone up to her ear. She walked towards Brick talking to whoever it was on the other line at the same time. The closer she got you could tell how she cased the mugs of everybody like as if to say yeah um the shit.

      "Brick telephone." Faith announced. But Brick already knew it was for him. He just didn't know who it was.

      "Who is it?" He asked.


      Instinctively Brick extended his hand out towards her to receive the phone.

      "Tell Love I say what's up" Equal said.

      "Yeah, tell my nigga to hang in there" Burden, Famous, Glory Justice, and Religion all gave a shout out in the background. Then they talked amongst themselves through the intermission, mostly about the good ole days when they used to hang out. They talked about different hoes they fucked and even sparred at times about who had the baddest girl or ride that'd grown out of style with time.

      "Hey my nigga, Equal, you remember that slow as green Cougar you had?" Justice cracked a joke.

      "What's up lil bro," Brick spoke in the phone.

      "Wut up big bro. Who all them people is over there" Love asked and Brick commenced to name everybody one by one.

      "That's Famous, Burden, Justice, Religion, Glory, and Equal."

      "Equal? I thought he was locked up?" Love replied unevenly.

      "He jumped yesterday. But he didn't make it here till dis morning you wanna holla at 'em?"

      "Naw I'm straight. Just tell them niggas to stay out there boy 'cause this shit in here ain't nothin'." Love said. His voice drifted off into a sigh. Love just wished he was in Equal's shoes, he wanted to be free so bad. He wasn't alone. Brick wished it was him who surprised him this morning also.

      It made him feel bad because he could even hear the disappointment in his little brother's voice. He was more-so disappointed himself for failing to get Love out of prison by now. But it wasn't like he hadn't tried everything, just nothing seemed to work. Not to mention how much money he spent over the years. It dawned on him that maybe he needed to take a different approach, what only God knew. But he was certainly thinking if a million dollars couldn't move this brother nothing could.

      "I know what'cha can do." Love remembered. "Tell all them niggas to chip in and send me something."

      For a moment or two Brick was in a place of void and he couldn't hear much-less understand. His life still haunted him at times. It was Love's voice that snapped him back to reality when he said.

      "You comin' thru tomorrow?"

      Brick's eyes quickly surveyed СКАЧАТЬ