THRIVE! 7 Strategies for Extraordinary Living. Felicia T. Scott
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Название: THRIVE! 7 Strategies for Extraordinary Living

Автор: Felicia T. Scott

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780970489821



      Sometimes our emotions can take a lesson from the physically challenged. They learn how to live despite their disabilities. When we are temporarily handicapped emotionally, we must learn to live in control of our condition. Sometimes we just can’t spring back immediately, but we must never become “used to” being emotionally disabled.

      We can’t use excuses, because life doesn’t accept excuses. Life responds to persistence. There are no magic cures and sometimes you just have to do it. I can’t tell you how to muster up the “feelings” to get the job done. Just do it even though you don’t feel it — the emotions will soon follow suit. Whatever you’re afraid to face, force yourself to face it. Hiding from it doesn’t make it go away. Hiding only serves to make its effects last even longer.




      frozen in a moment

      in a place in time.

      my past and future

      playing before me.

      everything is in motion,

      yet i am sadly still.

      living in a limbo that i don’t understand.

      aware of the changes before me

      knowing they are “the inevitable.”

      nevertheless, i fight them

      i struggle...

      trapped in the questions

      for which others lack answers.

      waiting for my body and mind

      to line up with my heart.

      everything i do and feel

      seems to be standing outside of the real me.

      like a robot, programmed to “just dealing.”

      what about overcoming?

      mustering strength for every move

      don’t take my smile for granted,

      because it took everything in me to paint it for you.

      please let me make you laugh,

      because only then do i know that i can

      touch someone else.



      encased in ice.

      reality, rehearsal

      truth, fiction

      who do you see?

      the image i’ve perfected, or

      do you really see me?

      “i know you,” you say

      but how can that be?

      for i’ve discovered sometimes i’m a stranger

      not who i thought myself to be.

      i’m just numb

      but don’t worry.

      it will pass

      i’ll “live” again

      i’ll destroy the mask.


      CHAPTER 3

      Just What The Doctor Ordered


      Retreat and isolation tend to be our initial response to pain. Both physical and emotional attacks cause us to withdraw when we have been hurt, rejected or offended. Our emotional energies shut down, and we stagger in a state of inertia. We are hungry for companionship in our pain, yet we shy away from probing questions. We want comfort and reassurance, but to accept them would prove that something is really wrong. During these times we just want a break. Emotional pain can be physically fatiguing and it is natural to want to withdraw, but a healthy “time out” is different from throwing in the towel.

      Helping someone else is one of the prescriptions for dealing with pain. By helping others and sharing your experience, you open your heart to new solutions and the answers needed for your own life are often discovered. Your self-esteem soars as you provide emotional comfort for someone else. Your actions serve as a reminder of your own strength and capabilities.


      It is an expression of faith to invest your wisdom and emotions in others. Though you could forget the world and just focus on “self,” you are subconsciously communicating a message of strength to your spirit. You are reminding yourself that the world is bigger than where you are, and if the world is bigger then you can move to a new and better place in it. In essence, you are recognizing that God has a purpose for your life, and by having faith you are declaring that He is bigger than your challenge. God always responds to faith.

      Biblical wisdom inspires us to “fight the good fight of faith.” Unleashing faith is a powerful exercise that makes demands on your expectations and perspective by requiring you to stretch to see the possibilities. You must dig deep within and meet negativity with faith in God’s goodness. Never acting alone, faith will demand that you have hope and love in your heart. Defeat is a part of every success story. If hope is alive, then it’s simply not over. Hope always finds a new way, a new perspective — hope just won’t quit! Hope is more than the belief that things can change and become better — it is the expectancy that it will happen for you!


      Sharing your experience with others is like winning a battle a thousand times over. When you first defeat it, it’s for you. But as you share the experience with someone else, you encourage them and release hope into their lives. A word of caution however — be wise about who you share your heart with. Make sure you have the strength to face what others may try to do with your weaknesses. I have had the experience of sharing my weakness with individuals who could not handle them and either distanced themselves from me, or used my frailty as a weapon in a time of disagreement.

      Once you’ve determined that you are ready — by all means share! Help others avoid the same pitfalls. Let your experience be the foundation for others to make better decisions. Get involved in the community and world around you. We help others because each of us has something others can benefit from. Again, you must use balance. Some people don’t want to change, and you must learn to walk away from anyone who doesn’t seem to want better for themselves. But foolish is the person who walks СКАЧАТЬ