THRIVE! 7 Strategies for Extraordinary Living. Felicia T. Scott
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Название: THRIVE! 7 Strategies for Extraordinary Living

Автор: Felicia T. Scott

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780970489821


СКАЧАТЬ greatest challenge with life is that it’s daily. We must face each day with its uncertainties, disappointments, failures, regrets and frustrations, along with its opportunities, possibilities and hopes. For many, living can be more difficult than death. I have always said, “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but rather life without a sense of purpose.”

      Being born into the human race qualifies you for the hurts, joys, changes, needs and growth processes that life demands. However, successful passage through the uncharted waters of life's ocean is only possible with the compass of a sense of divine purpose and destiny. After all, it is not what happens to you that really matters, but what you do about what happens. In essence, your response to life is more important than what life throws your way.

      Few individuals have mastered the secrets to overcoming the challenges of life. The key to effective living is learning the principles and precepts established by the Creator. Felicia T. Scott has captured these time-tested principles and precepts in her masterful work, Thrive! 7 Strategies for Extraordinary Living. Her experiences, which are common to us all, serve as the backdrop for her lessons and strategies that are both human and divine.

      This book is a classic presentation of the eternal wisdom embedded in the knowledge of God and His love for mankind. Her simple approach leaves a profound impact on the human spirit. Her skill with a poet’s pen composes each line into a musical tune that makes the heart sing, cry, smile and think. I love this work and encourage you to read it with an open heart and mind.

      Thrive! will help you strive for the best in life and give you the tools to overcome all obstacles. Read on, explore and enjoy its timeless wisdom!

      Great work!

      Dr. Myles E. Munroe

      BFM International

      Nassau, Bahamas


      In light of the heightened interest of the need for “spirit” care, many books have been written to help us deal with the emotional side of life that is often overlooked or completely ignored. Unfortunately, most people feel distanced from or embarrassed by the sometimes elusive and cerebral theories that encourage us to discover the “inner child” or “embrace the real self.” Ordinary people have difficulty connecting with such abstract terminology and shy away from psychological terms or concepts that must be explained by trained experts.

      Before I continue, I wish to clearly state that I am a supporter of mental health counseling and fully recognize its benefits. In fact, I believe there are many cases in which professional help must be used to make any real or tangible breakthroughs. However, one thing remains true of the person seeking professional help or just trying to understand himself or herself better — you are the author of your own destiny! Healing can only take place if you are ready and willing to face the issues of your life and make the necessary changes. Dealing with the complexities of human emotions is not easy. Like physical health, emotional health takes time, exercise and discipline. But its rewards include more fulfilling relationships and a well-rounded life.

      Your relationship with yourself is second only to a relationship with God. The idea of a relationship with yourself is foreign to many. We just don’t make the time for spiritual connection to our true emotions and philosophies. We live our lives out of necessity, disconnected from our real desires, hopes and fears. Most of our actions are dictated by “need to,” leaving very little time for self-discovery. Neglecting yourself is dangerous and it cheats every single relationship that you have in your life.

      THRIVE! The word alone has the power to make you feel like you can take on the world. And you can, but let’s be real, shall we? This book will not change your life overnight. It will not solve all of your problems. All of the answers you need for a successful life are not in this one book. Promising you attractive results without focusing on the effort you will have to invest in your own transformation is the stuff fantasies are made of. Your transformation won’t take place until your actions and thoughts about life begin to change.

      However, with the strategies discussed in this book, I believe you can begin to resolve some of the issues in your life. You will be inspired and encouraged to take an honest assessment of your thoughts and attitudes, and then challenged to take some practical steps toward improving yourself and your life. Extraordinary living is not problem-free living. It is living in emotional and spiritual control of your reactions to the challenges of life.

      This book is about personal evolution through H.E.A.L.I.N.G.TM Originally titled From My Window: Relevant Expressions of an Ordinary Woman, it was self-published in the New York area in the fall of 2001, shortly after the tragic events of September 11. As I traveled around the country sharing the book’s message, I became keenly aware of the great need for H.E.A.L.I.N.G.TM in individuals and communities.

      My original mission with From My Window was to share with others the lessons I learned as I overcame depression. Having suffered in silence for seven years myself, I was aware of the fact that many people suffer from depression in isolation without the support of family and friends. However, I quickly realized that beyond depression, many people just needed encouragement in dealing with the daily stresses of family, work and society that often stretch us and in their own way breed dysfunctions as we try to fit into the different roles that we have chosen or have been forced into. In response, the work evolved into a personal transformation tool purposed to encourage and inspire you to “make your life extraordinary.” This expanded and revised edition also features the Thrive! H.E.A.L.I.N.G.TM Journaling Guide to help you apply the lessons of self-discovery you will learn.

      It is time for you to realize that you control your destiny. You can live an extraordinary life! You can live free from the weight of your past. You can find the courage to live your dreams. Every task can be mastered if approached with a sound and reasonable plan, some flexibility and a resolve to win. God ultimately has the best in mind for all of us, but we must assert our rights to extraordinary living! Life will provide the opportunities, but we must do the work of seizing them by finding our seat in the classroom of life.

      Thrive! is about your journey. It is about moving beyond the realm of merely surviving into a life that is full and satisfying. You have been through so many challenges already. You’ve already faced situations beyond your imagination — you know that you can survive. But are you ready to do more? Are you ready to define success and personal fulfillment for yourself? Are you ready to Thrive?

      First, a disclaimer: I do not declare myself to be an expert on anything or anyone other than myself. I am a woman who battled depression for seven years. I spent my late teens and early adulthood in an emotional vacuum, void of hope and self-love. I am sharing these lessons as a friend who seeks to encourage you to do whatever it takes for your emotional health and well-being. On my journey of H.E.A.L.I.N.G .TM, I discovered seven strategies for extraordinary living. They are:



      Help While You’re Hurting — Though it seems like a contradiction to help someone while you’re in pain, the truth is that you can’t sit around just waiting to feel better about your life. Your productivity, IN SPITE OF your pain is the key to your freedom. Your healing will come from exercising your muscles and using whatever strength you already possess. You don’t need more; you just need to do something with what you already have!

      Enjoy Life’s Process — Find the blessings of where you currently are and you will unleash a power in your life that will help you convert adversity into СКАЧАТЬ