1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel
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Название: 1 Law 4 All - Vegas

Автор: Billy Angel

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781456620509


СКАЧАТЬ exchanged phone numbers. Then they walked the girls to their car and watched them pull out of the parking space.

      "Well, our sexual fantasies weren't fulfilled tonight," Rizzo said to Jimmy waving good-bye to Sugar and Tonya.

      "Sugar could get into my blood," Jimmy remarked.

      "And she'd give you diabetes if you don't monitor your contacts," Rizzo said smiling.

      Jimmy considered getting the girls to help. "Do you think it was smart to ask for their help? After all they are amateurs."

      "It’s not going to hurt. Besides, we'll get some future dates out of tonight. They are kind of cute. And we'll get our own information when I do a more extensive search for this Janelle Park person," Rizzo assured Jimmy.

      "Ok, see you in the morning for some basketball. Be ready to guard someone!" Jimmy bellowed walking to his car.

      In the morning, Jimmy and Rizzo played and their team held court for a good hour. Exhausted they showered and walked to the 'Shut-up Café' for breakfast. The café was a few doors down from the YMCA. It could sling grease with the best in town. Many of the players snatched up their ham and eggs morning special before heading off to work.

      "Can you believe last night's Duke-North Carolina game?" Jimmy asked.

      "Don't tell me, Duke got the calls….again." Rizzo answered.

      "Numbers don't lie. NC had nineteen fouls and Duke had three at the half."

      Rizzo shook his head. "Get over it! Duke not only buys players with after graduation annuities, but owns the ACC officials."

      Jimmy groaned, "Take me away from stupid sports. We need to focus on Janelle. What did you find out about her?"

      "Mostly driver's license stuff. She is 26 years old, 119 pounds and 5 foot, 11 inches tall. She has long red hair. She was hired by the Galaxy to work in the Starlight room as a backup dancer over a year ago. Her Nevada driver's license is less than a year old. I plan on checking out the address on her license. And I'm going to contact the hotel's human resources this morning and drill them for more information. That is in between monitoring the ongoing cases my guys are already working on."

      "That's a good start. Should we tell Sugar and Tonya what we have?"

      "No. let them do some digging and we'll compare notes later tonight."

      Jimmy closed his eyes. "I'm going to need a nap to stay awake waiting for the girls to get off work."

      Jimmy's cell phone alerted him to an incoming text message. He pulled his phone out of his pocket along with his wallet.

      Rizzo said, "I got the bill."

      "Good. Sugar sent me a text." Jimmy said with a hint of excitement in his voice.

      "How sweet is it?" Rizzo said grinning.

      "She wants to see me in an hour - courtesy room 208, whatever that means."

      Rizzo shook his head. "Take care of that sweet stuff and call me if she gives you anything. I want to trip on bye the address on Janelle's driver's license."

      An hour later, Jimmy arrived at the Galaxy. The valet took his car. He found room 208 and knocked on the door.

      Sugar opened it and stepped back so Jimmy could get the full effect. She was wearing a long, peach colored silk robe. Her high heels accented her long legs dressed with black nylons. In heels, she almost matched Jimmy's six foot three inch height.

      "Come in," she said.

      Jimmy walked wide-eyed into the room, closing the door behind him. As he brushed by her, she took off his sports coat. Sugar laid it on a chair and said, "We need to finish what Mr. Evan Williams started last night."

      Sugar stepped in front of him and like a magnet, walking backwards, she pulled him to the bed's edge. She sat down and worked his pants to his knees. "You don't need any priming do you?" she remarked.

      Jimmy pulled off his shirt and stepped out of his pants while Sugar laid back on the bed watching. Her silk robe opened exposing Champaign glass, sized breasts and a hairless torso. Jimmy captured this surreal moment then crawled slowly next to her. This was Sugar's party and he would let her pick the music, he thought.

      Sugar's wet anticipation from the night before and her cowgirl position kept Jimmy stiff and guessing. After she finished twice, she rolled him over on top of her. He felt her nylon covered legs wrap around him. As he rocked, one of her shoes came off and rolled down his back triggering his explosion. Collapsing on her, he whispered, "You dropped something."

      She sighed, taking a deep breath, "I'm going to send over a double Evan Williams tonight!"

      "And I will sip and enjoy," Jimmy expressed, more than satisfied.

      Sugar interrupted their blissful peace. "I found out where Janelle works or worked."

      Jimmy raised his head and propped himself up on one elbow. "Oh, yea!" After a few reflecting seconds, he asked her to elaborate.

      "Nobody's seen her for over a week. Janelle has or had a best friend. Her name is Wendy Wells. But she was fired a couple of days ago. In fact, I'm taking her place in the Starlight Room tonight."

      Jimmy sat up straight. "That's great work. Now Rizzo has two people to track down."

      Sugar smiled, then let out a long breath. "I wish I didn't have to go back to rehearsals so soon. Morris is such a stickler for being in shape."

      "He sounds like a good coach to me," Jimmy beamed back. "Let me take care of the room."

      "Don't worry about it. These rooms are set aside for us during rehearsal times. Union says we need our own space for breaks, if we want it. And we girls share."

      "God bless the union!" Jimmy pounded his fist into the air.

      They took a quick rinsing shower together and left the courtesy room twenty minutes later. They held hands as they walked through the lobby, looking like two people on their honeymoon.

      "See you tonight, Anthony's, elevenish." Sugar proclaimed strutting towards the Starlight Room.

      While Jimmy waited at the valet for his car, he sent a text to Rizzo, 'find dancer wendy wells'.

      Chapter 7 The Search Begins

      Rick Rizzo answered his phone, "Lieutenant Rizzo."

      "Riz, it's Jimmy."

      "I understand you made progress with Sugar this morning," Rizzo chuckled.

      "You might say that in more ways than one," Jimmy paused.

      Rizzo picked up that Jimmy was talking about sex along with the Wendy Wells lead. "Is she as sweet as she looks?"

      Jimmy slowly expressed the word, "Sweeter!" while flashing on Sugar's shoe falling on his back.

      "Who is this Wendy Wells?" Rizzo abruptly changed the subject and had to wait a few extra seconds for Jimmy's answer.

      "Sugar СКАЧАТЬ