1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel
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Название: 1 Law 4 All - Vegas

Автор: Billy Angel

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781456620509


СКАЧАТЬ did as instructed and the food was served fifteen minutes later.

      During the dinner conversation, Jimmy felt a connection with Sugar. Her curly, shoulder length, brunette hair and gray-blue eyes captivated his attentions. He couldn't help but notice her willowy body and long legs as he guided both girls to the table. He concentrated on her while Rizzo chuckled at many of Tonya's remarks.

      The four got around to discussing their day jobs over dessert. Jimmy went first explaining his passion for law and his relationship with the 1 Law 4 All Foundation. Rizzo talked about law enforcement and his dislike of lawyers that free criminals.

      Tonya told a story about dancing around the house in her briefs when she was four years old. And how her mother cultivated her desire to become a dancer through high school. Then she moved to Vegas.

      Sugar jumped in. "Tonya is a natural. She's the best dancer at the hotel."

      "Do you dance too?" Jimmy asked.

      "Yes. Tonya and I dance in the Jailhouse Rock Extravaganza playing at the Galaxy Hotel."

      Jimmy and Rizzo looked at each other without making a sound. Questions boogied in their eyes as they started reading the other's body language.

      "Did I say something wrong?" Sugar asked.

      "No. Of course not," Jimmy stated flatly turning his attention to her. "Why don't we go somewhere quiet for an after dinner drink," he suggested.

      Chapter 5 After Dinner

      The girls followed Rizzo's unmark police sedan in Sugar's Fiat Barchetta. They both followed Jimmy's Honda S2000 back to Jimmy's office. Within five minutes they were driving into the underground parking lot for the Sahara Business Suites Building.

      "I never knew there was a bar at the top of this building," Tonya noted as they met at the elevator.

      "We're going to my office, near the top of the building," Jimmy stated.

      "Don't worry ladies, you're in the company of a LVPD detective. I will protect you if Jimmy tries anything. Anything besides offering you some of that Grand Marnier Cuvée du Cent Cinquantenaire he keeps stashed in his desk."

      Sugar and Tonya shrugged their shoulders. Their investment in the two Evan Williams drinks may still pay penthouse dividends.

      The four sat comfortably in the sitting area of Jimmy's office. Tonya and Sugar sipped their Grand Marniers on the couch. Jimmy and Rizzo sat in the adjacent leather arm chairs with a coffee table made of a square sheet of glass held up by a bronze dolphin between them.

      Jimmy opened the questioning with, "So you ladies work at the Galaxy. How long have you worked there?"

      Sugar responded, "I feel like I'm on trial."

      "Have you ever been on trial?" Rizzo asked.

      "No, but I watch TV. And besides you haven't told us what this is all about. Obviously, you want our help. But you guys are playing your cards so close to your chest that your underwear is all bunched up in a knot."

      Tonya supported Sugar with, "Maybe we shouldn't have sent over those drinks. You guys looked like fun people, but you're acting like a couple of losers right now."

      "Cool your jets, ladies," Rizzo said experienced with integration techniques. He knew when women turn sour on their men, there was no return in the near or distant future. "We're looking into a the possible disappearance of one of your fellow dancers."

      Sugar and Tonya looked surprised. Not sure what they had gotten themselves into, Tonya asked, "Do you have a bathroom here. I need to go."

      "Me too," Sugar said on cue.

      "Yes," Jimmy answered. "Down the hall and to the right."

      The girls got up and left Jimmy's office. Walking down the hallway, Tonya said, "What have we gotten ourselves into?"

      Sugar tried to reassure her. "I trust Jimmy's eyes. Don't worry, I think these guys are the real deal. Hang in there, let me do all the talking."

      "You like his eyes and I'm not suppose to worry. These guys could be serial killers that only rape dead women."

      "Or they could be out to help someone we may know."

      They looked at each other and turned around. They walked back to Jimmy's office and sat on the leather couch, again. "We're back. And we hope you guys are honest and straight forward with us from now on." Sugar asserted their future ground rules with authority.

      "Here's a straight forward question for you both. Do you know a dancer named Janelle Park?" Rizzo asked in his best cop voice.

      Sugar and Tonya turned their head and glanced at each other. "Why would you think we know Janelle Park?" Sugar asked.

      "Because she works at the Galaxy like you guys and she's a dancer," Rizzo calmly stated.

      "Do you know how many girls dance at the Galaxy?"

      Both Jimmy and Rizzo shook their heads. "No, we're only interested in finding one Janelle Park," Jimmy answered with a sigh.

      "There's over two hundred full time and part time dancers employed by the Galaxy every year," Sugar stated firmly.

      "Ok, we don't know much about the number of dancers employed by the Galaxy. But, we could use your help finding one," Jimmy expressed sincerely.

      "Why didn't you say that at dinner, without hustling us to your office," Tonya said mildly annoyed.

      The men both took a deep breath. Finally, Jimmy said, "You know the walls have ears. We don't want to get you involved in anything sinister. If something bad happened to Janelle, we're not interested in you being implicated."

      "Well, what are your intentions?" Sugar asked slowly looking Jimmy straight in the eyes.

      Jimmy blushed and said, "A one nighter had crossed my mind when you sent over those drinks."

      "That's all we were thinking, too," said Tonya. "We only get one night off a week and looks like we wasted it on a couple of do-gooders."

      Jimmy said looking at Sugar, "Let me re-answer your question. A one night stand had crossed my mind earlier, but now, realizing there's more to you than a pretty face and great legs, maybe a two night stand is called for."

      Sugar felt Jimmy's intense sincerity. She wanted to explore this intensity closer. "Ok, you guys, what can we do to help you find this Janelle person?"

      "So you don't know her?" Rizzo asked.

      Both the girls shook their head back and forth. "Like we said, there's a lot of dancers. We don't know her."

      Jimmy said, "You can help us by quietly asking around if any of your friends know her."

      Rizzo added, "And find out if Janelle has any close friends."

      Chapter 6 How About Help

      Their night ended with mixed emotions. СКАЧАТЬ