1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel
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Название: 1 Law 4 All - Vegas

Автор: Billy Angel

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781456620509


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      "I guess the mob has great respect for the law," Jimmy half-smiled.

      Rizzo nodded. "Especially when the law keeps the strip safe from petty criminals."

      They wondered to the table number on the tickets. They were stage-right, first row.

      After sitting Jimmy said, "I snooped around the hotel after you left this morning. Some of the servers say Sneed is a regular. They remember him as a lousy tipper. They also said he hangs around with Ralph Locci. I checked and Locci is the hotel's CEO."

      Rizzo took in what Jimmy said. "I ran a background check on Larry Sneed. He's a U.S. Senator with no rap sheet. He's clean, as far as the law is concerned."

      They pondered the information exchange throughout the performance. The Elvis Presley impersonator had the over sixties crowd mouthing the words to old Elvis favorites.

      For the jailbreak finale, the dancers wore feathered headdresses with mirrored bikini outfits. Jimmy remarked after the applauds died down, "There was more costume on their heads than on their bodies!"

      Sugar and Tonya bounced towards their table about twenty minutes after the cast took their final bows. The first thing out of Rizzo's mouth was, "How do they get your outfits so shinny?"

      Tonya perked up. "Those are tiny mirror-sequent's. They're glued on to the material."

      Jimmy noted, "Your costumes don't leave much to the imagination."

      Sugar replied. "Now you can understand why Meg, our hot wax, esthetician is on speed dial."

      Jimmy scrunched his face. "That hurts just thinking about it."

      Sugar said, "Beauty and style have their price!"

      A hungry Rizzo said, "I'll take beauty and you take style and let's get out of here!"

      They laughed and left the lounge to dine at Anthony's. Paula suggested the prime rib and the garlic-parsley potatoes. They knew better than to doubt their hostess. When sixteen ounce, medium rare slabs of meat were placed in front of them, a hush covered the table. Tonya and Sugar picked up their steak knives and forks and dug in.

      Sugar asked Jimmy in between her first and second mouthful, "Aren’t you hungry?"

      Jimmy snapped out of his amazed stumper. He couldn't believe Sugar made no comment on the size of her prime rib. His face flushed at the prospect of feeding this girl for extended periods of time.

      When they finished their meal, Rizzo asked, "How do you girls eat so much and stay sooooo thin?"

      "We dance it off," Sugar stated. "We burn more calories during rehearsal and a show than most football players during a practice and a game."

      Sugar noticed Jimmy scratching his head. "Don't worry honey, you don't have to feed me sixteen ounce steaks every night. Just when there's no dessert in sight."

      Tonya remarked, "Talking about dancing off the calories, I need to get my man home early. We got some serious desserting to do!"

      "Us too," Sugar said. "No dessert here. You guys get cheesecake…..later!"

      Rizzo said, "Before we go, Jimmy and I want you to continue helping us find out what happened to Janelle. Tell whoever assigns your escort jobs that you had a great time with Sneed and Wing. If they need more escorting, you'd be happy to oblige."

      "That would be Russell Toms," Tonya contributed.

      Sugar turned to Jimmy. "Do you think it's safe? Last time we talked about escorting them, you read us the riot act."

      "This time," Rizzo stated flatly, "We'll be right on your tails."

      "That's where you'll be dancing shortly," Tonya smiled.

      Jimmy added, "And we may wire you for sound."

      "I want my wiring tonight. Bye you all." Sugar said taking Jimmy's hand. They all left the table together.

      The next morning Sugar lifted the sheet covering them in Jimmy's bed. His organ was standing at attention. She whispered in his ear, "One for the road."

      A mini-grin showed on Jimmy's sleepy face. She rolled on top and put him inside her. Ten minutes later, she collapsed on him. Then, suddenly, Sugar jumped off. Her tall body scurried around the room, naked, picking clothes off the floor.

      Jimmy perched his head on his hand, elbow bent. Enjoying the beautiful figure scooting about, he said, "Don't forget that piece of string with a patch over there in the corner."

      Sugar stopped and picked up her black thong. She walked over to the side of the bed. With her crotch a little above his eye level, she put the thong on. "Say good-bye dear!" Then she ran to the bathroom, clothes in hand.

      Two minutes later, she flew past his bed. "Rehearsal started ten minutes ago. We're putting in a new routine this week. Text you later," she said sprinting out the door.

      Jimmy turned over and took a nap. When he awoke he called Mac.

      "Hey Jimmy. How did your weekend go?"

      Jimmy shook head, "You won't believe it." He told Mac about the shootout on the border and that Sugar and Tonya escorted Senator Larry Sneed and his friend, Li Wing, on Saturday night.

      "I don't believe it," Mac commented five minutes later. "I haven't heard from any team members yet. I'm planning a round of calls this afternoon."

      Jimmy asked, "Has anyone heard from Janelle?"

      "Nope. Nothing. Kitiona says that Mark, her brother, wants to fly to Vegas now."

      "Tell him to hold off. I think we may have a Chinese connection. If so, he and Kitiona may need to do some investigating in China."

      Chapter 21 A Prelude

      Mac spent the afternoon calling the other Foundation members. Ben walked in as Mac dialed Carol. "I'll put this on speaker. I'm calling Carol," Mac told him.

      "Hi Mac," Carol said reading her caller ID. "Any updates?"

      "You first," Mac prioritized. "Oh, Ben's here too. You're on speaker."

      "Hi Ben. Keeping Mac and Bob out of trouble these days?"

      Ben responded. "Hi Carol. You know that's a full time job."

      "You guys remember my close friend, Carl Grandson? His blog, Under DC's Rug, has turned into a quasi, social-political gossip spot. When Carl fished for information about Senators and Las Vegas he got a hit. A reader linked to a post from a year ago about one particular Senator who likes to gamble."

      "Back up a second," Mac needed clarification. "You have a year old post from an Internet gossip column about a gambling Senator?"

      "Yea, his name is Larry Sneed, Senator from Arizona."

      "Where does he gamble?" Ben asked.

      "Don't have that info yet. But Carl has a friend with influence. We're getting a peek at the Congressional travel records tomorrow СКАЧАТЬ