1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel
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Название: 1 Law 4 All - Vegas

Автор: Billy Angel

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Контркультура


isbn: 9781456620509


СКАЧАТЬ was beat up and is leaving town. We know Janelle's personal effects were taken from her apartment under mysterious circumstances."

      "That sounds about right," Jimmy said. Mac nodded in agreement.

      "Ok gang, input," Ben said.

      Carol started. "I will find out what senators were in Vegas this past month. And focus on anyone that was there about two weeks ago. Their congressional offices keep a log on their whereabouts, 24/7. Then, I'll narrow the dates down to when Janelle sent that text."

      "What if it was a state senator?" Ben mused looking at Carol's image on the computer screen.

      "I can dig into the state records, too. But that will take some time." Carol frowned at her webcam.

      Juan contributed, "I'm working on voter fraud here in Florida for a Republican Pac. You know the definition of swing state is a state susceptible to voter fraud or a state without voter I.D. laws."

      "Enough with the commercial, Juan. What can you handle?" Mac asked.

      "The Galaxy corporate offices are here in Florida. Their Galaxy Extreme hotel is outside of Orlando, near Disney World. It's about ninety minutes from my office. I'll figure out a way to sneak a peek at their bookings. That should open up some interesting doors," Juan surmised.

      Mac volunteered Ben and Bob to trace where Janelle's text message originated. Ben nodded saying, "If Bob can't tech his way through the phone companies records, Col Richard E. Lacey, my retired Air Force pal, may have a helpful connection or two."

      "Kitiona, would you and Mark find out what phone company Janelle used?" Ben asked.

      Mac volunteered, "I'll investigate Ralph Locci."

      Ben semi-ordered, "Jimmy and Rizzo are at ground zero. You guys keep poking around. Maybe you can get more information from Wendy."

      "We'll do our best," Jimmy said. He kept Sugar and Tonya's involvement out of this conversation.

      Ben encouraged the group. "Very productive meeting gang. Get in touch with me or Mac when you get any vital information. One of us will pass it on to the rest of you. I'll give you a few hours notice when we'll all meet again." Ben ended their meeting with a "Go get 'um!"

      Ben glanced at Bob on the couch sleeping. "He worked all night to get this system operational."

      "He did a good job." Mac said. "Let's take him out to dinner."

      Ben agreed. "Sounds good. How about the Spaghetti Factory?"

      The rest of the meeting members planned their next strategic move.

      At the Las Vegas Galaxy Hotel, Sneed and Wing were waking up from their morning naps. Their jet landed at McCarran International Airport. A Galaxy limo met them at the Ambassadors private terminal and dropped them off at the hotel. They went straight to their two-bedroom penthouse suite and crashed.

      When they woke, Sneed called room service ordering coffee and turkey sandwiches. Fifteen minutes later they heard a knock on the door. To Sneed's surprise, Ralph Locci rolled in the cart. "I hope the accommodations are suitable Senator."

      "Yes," said Sneed. He looked at Wing. "Mr. Locci this is Mr. Wing."

      "It's a pleasure," Locci said shaking Wing's hand. "I've made tentative plans for you this evening. You'll meet your escorts for drinks at eight. At nine, they will bring you to the Poker finals. After the finals, they will be waiting for you in the Planets lounge. We have an excellent late night menu."

      Sneed's red-haired flashback didn't temper the night's anticipation. Wing showed a sliver of teeth when his lips parted happily. They were both disappointed in delaying their planned trip to Chelsea's Pony Farm. Sneed looked forward to trying a midget on for size.

      Locci placed two World Series of Poker passes on the meal service cart and started towards the door. "Those passes are good for this afternoon's session, too. If you need anything else, just holler." He gave Sneed a hard glance. "You boys stay out of trouble!"

      Locci left and the door closed. Sneed and Wing attacked the sandwiches. Wing liked American sandwiches.

      Jimmy asked Rizzo, "What did you think of our Foundation group?"

      "You guys are real causal considering where this investigation may take us."

      "We went up against Senator Giardina and Amerastar Corp a little over a year ago. I guess we're getting use to banging on the big guys. How about dinner, Anthony's about seven?"

      Rizzo said, "Got to go, I have a day job. See you then."

      Jimmy said, "I'm going to stop by the hospital to see how Wendy's doing. Maybe she can give us more details on the car she saw. Then, I'll invite the girls to dinner, if they're not working tonight, ok?"

      Rizzo started walking towards the door. He turned, smiled and said, "Give me some Sugar!"

      Chapter 15 Phoenix This Time

      Jimmy told Rizzo the bad news shortly after ordering drinks. "The girls aren't meeting us for dessert. Sugar texted me that they were asked to escort two VIPs' to the poker finals at the Galaxy tonight. They're suppose to have drinks and dinner with them after, too."

      Disappointed, Rizzo lean forward in his chair and speculated. "Hopefully, there's a nice big tip in it for them. Do you think it will be a full service or serve yourself escort evening for them?"

      "Well, the way I look at it, we wouldn't care either way if this was two weeks ago," Jimmy philosophized.

      Rizzo sighed and sipped his Evan Williams. "It's probably better if I turn in early tonight anyways. I have to pick up a prisoner in Phoenix tomorrow morning, He's a roving meth-ice cooker. He's known as the Iron Chief of the Southwest." He stopped and looked at Jimmy. "Do you want to go with me?"

      Jimmy knew he had a light work load the next day. After processing the pros and cons of rescheduling a few clients, he accepted. "I've never met a meth-ice cooker. Maybe, I'll ask him to exchange recipes!" Smiling he said, "Sure, why not."

      The two finished dinner and left for home. "Meet me at McCarran, security station two, 5:30 sharp, cop time not lazy lawyer time!"

      Jimmy walked away mumbling, "No basketball tomorrow!"

      After Locci closed the penthouse door to the Senator's room, he called his mob associate, Lino, in Phoenix.

      "Hello," Lino said.

      "Lino, it's Ralph. Did your boys find Sanchez and discuss the advantages of deeding the Refuse property immediately?"

      "Yea, but it took more persuading than usual. We had to guarantee his family's safety, if you know what I mean."

      "When will the deed be issued?"

      "As soon as he's released from the hospital, probably Monday or Tuesday."

      "Good work, Lino. Come up to Vegas when you're free and I'll comp you at the Galaxy."

      The next morning, Jimmy met Rizzo at the airport. They flew commercial to Phoenix. A sheriff's car met them at the airport.

      The СКАЧАТЬ