New Earth: The Search for Justice. R.D. Ph.D. Pittman
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Название: New Earth: The Search for Justice

Автор: R.D. Ph.D. Pittman

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781456604325


СКАЧАТЬ Admiral Torrance’s units sitting right under my nose up and down the coast.”

      “I talked to Felix just twenty minutes ago and he is fit to be tied over this and doesn’t know what to do. It just so happens I mentioned your name and we both wondered which side you would come down on. Well, now we know, let’s call him right now.”

      “Go ahead,” Alex said. The Seal team leaders and Marines in the room with Alex were intently listening to the entire conversation.

      “Felix, its Joe, and I’ve got General Alex Hanken on the other line.”

      “Joe, please tell me this is going to be a good call,” Hanover replied.

      “The General is aligning himself against Torrance and looking to consolidate the west coast military facilities under his command,” Admiral Byers advised.

      “Well, General Hanken, rumors had it that you had balls bigger than an elephant, and a brain to match. You have my support, and I can assure you that all of the rest of our west coast naval installations will fall in line behind me. I spoke with nearly all of them this morning. Your orders sir?”

      “Admiral Hanover, thank you for your loyalty. My first order to you is to consolidate your officers under your command. I am putting you in charge of all naval operations in the Pacific. Conduct yourself accordingly.”

      “General, I have two aircraft carriers out here in dock. Halsey is supposed to be in charge of naval aviation. He just got here about fifteen minutes ago and he’s sitting across from me.”

      “Felix, are we on a speaker phone?”


      “Admiral Halsey, you will continue to command all naval air operations, but you will report to Admiral Hanover.”

      “General, thank God somebody is taking charge. I will support you all the way to Washington DC,” Halsey stated.

      “Felix, there are two Marine divisions sitting out there under your nose, how about those commanders?”

      “Alex both division commanders are on their way here right now to ask for orders, they report to me, we have them in the fold.”

      “Gentlemen, on this date we begin the task of taking back our country, or let us all die trying, good day.” Alex concluded the call to the cheers of everyone in the debriefing room.

      Alex decided he would visit Elena and Andrade at the stockade, since it was on his way to the residence. FBI Agent Tina Somers, assigned as his personal bodyguard, approached and said.

      “General, are you going to see the Russian spies?”

      “Yes, in fact I am.”

      “General, you know I can’t allow you to do that, unless I accompany you.”

      “Come with me then, and did you get in touch with anyone at FBI headquarters to find out where they stand on this issue?”

      “Yes, it just so happened that Director Jeffers was in Coeur d’Alene fishing during the test and agent Evans reached him about thirty minutes ago.”


      “Director Jeffers is on his way here right now, he is on our side, and so is the entire bureau.”

      “Fantastic news.”

      “I thought so, and what are you up to with our Russian agents?”

      “Calling in favors Tina.” Secretly, he didn’t know if this would work out. Elena could very well be playing him for a sucker and shove a knife in his heart the first chance she got.

      Alex and Somers entered the stockade and had Elena and Andrade brought into the dayroom.

      “Agent Somers please remove their handcuffs.”

      “Yes sir, but I am staying close just in case.”


      Elena looked like she hadn’t slept in days, and Andrade had a look of deep concern on his face as well.

      “Why the long faces?” Alex asked.

      “General, are you in any danger?” Elena asked. Somers snickered.

      “Miss Grodny, you’re looking at the most powerful General in the entire United States military and he is going to kick Admiral Torrance and the rest of his rat pack into the Atlantic Ocean,” Somers spoke with conviction.

      “So General, you are opposed to this takeover?” Andrade asked.

      “To the last drop of my blood Andrade.”

      “I knew it,” clenching his fists, “you are the Patriot General, not a traitor.”

      “Elena are you and Andrade ready to do me a favor?”

      “Yes, of course, you have saved our lives, we owe you that much.”

      Alex told them that he knew Admiral Torrance and Deputy Secretary of Defense Carney were conspirators. He suspected CIA Director Cray, but beyond that he didn’t know who was involved. What he did know was that there were very powerful people backing the Admiral and he wanted to find them and prosecute all of them. This was the mission he wanted them to undertake. They would have all the facilities at their disposal, they could fly anywhere in the world to track down leads in the case. With one proviso, Alex asked them to just gather the information. He didn’t want them killing people to get information…he suggested they try other persuasive techniques first.

      “Before you accept this assignment, I want you to accompany me to my residence and conduct a conference call with your President Kleskova. I want to assure him that we are not in an offensive posture and that I am leading the charge to remove Admiral Torrance from power.”

      “Yes, we will do that, and while we are on the phone with him, we can get his permission to assist you in your investigation,” Elena offered.

      “That is a good idea Elena; I will ask him for your help in that matter.”

      “General do we have to stay locked up?” Andrade asked.

      “No, you can move into one of the officer billets for families, there are a few vacant homes around the base. I’ll have the base housing officer arrange that for you. But you must stay on the base; I cannot guarantee your safety off the base. I will get you some money so you can buy some supplies for your dwelling. I’ll have the base housing officer get you a vehicle to drive around the base and issue you a civilian ID so you can shop at the base annex, now let’s go make that call.”

      Chapter 3

      Old Rules No Longer Apply

      Driving back to the mountainside residence gave everyone an opportunity to relax for just a few moments; the past two days had been an incredibly tense time. Elena was intrigued by the idea that she and Andrade would be put in charge of uncovering the perpetrators of the takeover. What appealed to her even more was the fact that it would be Americans she СКАЧАТЬ