New Earth: The Search for Justice. R.D. Ph.D. Pittman
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Название: New Earth: The Search for Justice

Автор: R.D. Ph.D. Pittman

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Триллеры


isbn: 9781456604325


СКАЧАТЬ Alex asked the team leader what he thought would be the best approach to handling the Marines outside? Team leader Lt. Commander Michael Morris spoke.

      “General, we have little intelligence on their exact locations throughout the base, and we are not sure of the force strength, so our first task will be to reconnoiter the base, then fallback and devise our plan.”

      “That was my thought exactly, what about the other Seal teams that are under guard?”

      “Well General, my first move would be to free them, and then we would have an overwhelming force, but I will have to play it by ear, until we can fully assess the situation.”

      “Commander Morris, God speed, do us proud.”

      “Yes sir.”

      Alex then escorted the Seal team to a storeroom, and moved a lever inside a cabinet. The cabinet swung open to reveal a hatch, much like one you would find on a submarine, and the Seal team climbed through one by one. Morris led the team down the tunnel to a set of stairs that went down another thirty feet to another walkway that led to the door of the power generation room at the flight line. There was a musty stale odor to the tunnel and it wasn’t lit. Cobwebs were everywhere—Petty Officer Everett Thompson whispered.

      “Man this place gives me the creeps; it’s like a Halloween haunted house at the K-Mart parking lot.” Muffled laughter could be heard. Commander Morris was not amused.

      “Stow that shit, get your heads straight right now.” Silence.

      There was a lever on the door itself and Morris rotated the lever counter- clockwise and the door creaked open. He motioned for a forward scout to check the room out, peer outside, and report back to Morris. The scout returned with his observations.

      “Sir, there are two Marines on guard at the hangars across the runway. Our best approach is to slip outside and go behind this building out of the tarmac lights. There’s a small hill at the far end of the runway and it’s completely dark. Circling around the hangars we can then come from behind and subdue them.”

      One by one the team moved swiftly out the front door of the generator room and followed the forward scout as he made his way along the path he had suggested. Once they had reached the hangars, Morris reminded them.

      “These are our brothers, they may not know what has happened, let me go first, if they forcibly resist, then protect yourself, and take them out quietly.” Morris stepped out from the shadows.

      “Young man, I’m Lt. Commander Morris of the Navy Seals, stand down and no one gets hurt”

      “Sir, no sir, I have orders,” the Marine countered and pointed his rifle at Morris.

      “I understand that soldier, do you know what has happened with Admiral Torrance?”

      “No sir, and I don’t care, I have orders.”

      “Before my team kills you and your partner over there, I thought you would like to know that Admiral Torrance is a traitor, and has overthrown the United States government and installed a military dictatorship. Now do you want to reconsider and I’ll have all my team members come out here and verify what I just said.”

      “Hey Joey, you better come here,” he shouted to the other Marine.

      His companion Marine guard, Lance Corporal Joseph Sebella sprinted toward his fellow Marine.

      “Holy shit what is going on here, who is this guy?”

      There was no time for a response, the team descended on the two and subdued them quietly.

      “Now listen to me you two jarheads we are here to liberate this base from your misguided leader’s orders. You can either join us or give us the layout, or well…you don’t want to know the alternative,” Morris said.

      “Man are you kidding, the Admiral overthrew the U.S. and used us to lock up our own people?” Joey complained.

      “Yes, you see that house up there in the side of the mountain. You know who is in there?” Morris asked.


      “General Alex Hanken.”

      “The General Hanken, the Desert Storm guy with all the medals?”

      “Yeah, him, and Torrance wants him locked up so he won’t oppose him with the forces under his control. Hanken is not going to stand by and let Torrance get away with this, do you understand?”

      “Yes sir, what can we do?” Joey responded.

      “You can help us spot where the other guys are, and one of you can come with us, and talk some sense into them so no one gets hurt.”

      “Okay, I’ll go, you stay here Tommy in case the Captain shows up, make up an excuse why I’m not here if he does.”

      It only took another two hours and the entire Marine contingent had surrendered to the Seal team. Morris marched them to the building where their Captain was enjoying a cup of coffee inside one of the offices of the command center. Morris stepped in through the door in his black garb, with black skullcap, painted face, and slid the auto load hammer back on his MP-5.

      “Captain, you are hereby relieved of your command,” as he pointed his MP-5 at him.

      Morris explained to the Captain what had happened and said the General would be down shortly to address everyone. Hurriedly, a loudspeaker system and podium was brought to the flight line so Alex could address all base personnel at one time.

      Alex stood before the gathered military personnel and with his family behind him.

      “Fellow patriots, tonight we begin a journey to take back our country from a group of conspirators who illegally seized control of your country. They denied you your basic rights under the Constitution of the United States, and that is to exercise your prerogative to peacefully disagree with someone else’s position. I am here to tell you tonight that this will not stand, and I will give my life in the defense of this great country. Together we can and will restore democracy to this nation and its people. We have work to do. Now go out and secure this base from outsiders. Go about your normal activities, I will keep you informed of our progress. God bless the United States of America, dismissed.”

      Alex then turned his attention to the site commanders located throughout the US; his only hope in all of this was that his backup plan was working.

      Chapter 2

      Arise You Patriots

      Alex and his contingent returned to the residence to follow-up with all the other facilities and check their progress. It wasn’t long before the calls started coming in, the first was from Major General Hank Conroe at the Coeur d’Alene facility.

      “General Hanken sir, I’m pleased to inform you that our facilities are now under our control. The Marines, when confronted with the fact that Torrance had led an overthrow of the government, surrendered to our boys. General, thank God you had the foresight to place contingent units in key critical areas.”

      “Hank, I am pleased that this was carried out peacefully, we enjoyed the same outcome here at Peterson. Now, I want СКАЧАТЬ