Visits From Heaven. Josie Varga
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Название: Visits From Heaven

Автор: Josie Varga

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780876046753


СКАЧАТЬ know how I knew this information, but I realized that it was he. There was nothing earthly about this magnificent form before me which was now my father. But I recognized his posture and his penetrating eyes.

      So this was not a “ghost” as we would usually think of it, but more accurately it was the strong presence of my father. No words were actually spoken, but no words were needed. I knew instantly that he was there to let me know that everything would be OK.

      Interestingly, my father was a 5:30 a.m. riser, and this had happened at exactly 5:30 a.m. I must admit I was a bit shaken by this experience. But, by its timing and strength, my father was sending me a clear message. He is still around, there is life after death, and there are many levels to our existence.

      A day later I told my husband what had happened. Neither one of us is spiritual or religious. I was stunned and told him, “I don't imagine I will tell another living soul this story for fear of being deemed unstable or crazy.” I am a professional insurance agent who had never before thought about afterlife communication.

      But everything happens for a reason, and I know that I am meant to share my experience. Life goes on, but there is so much more to wonder about than we realize.

      image A Twin Brother's Wallet


       Denise Lescano


      As a professional medium, I am constantly receiving “visits from heaven.” Every reading that I give offers a brief glimpse into the heavens, and I am as amazed as my clients are by the messages that spirits bring through for them. I have been very fortunate to have the honor of working with some very well-known and respected non-profit organizations that provide support services and counseling for those who have lost loved ones suddenly and tragically.

      One such organization offered grief support for families who had lost loved ones to homicide, suicide, overdose, or accidental death scenarios. It also took referrals directly from local law enforcement agencies and the DA's office. I volunteered my time for this non-profit for two years. During that time I would sit with the different support groups with the grief counselor present and read for the family members offering them a last communication with their loved ones on the spirit side of life. Incidentally, the grief counselor that I worked with was also the “victim's advocate” for the local state attorney's office here in Naples, Florida. Due to the strict confidentiality rules of this organization, I was never told beforehand or even afterwards anyone's name. I was also not told the circumstances of death or even which support group I would be reading for each evening.

      I have read for very many people, but every now and then one particular reading will really stand out in my memory. This is one of them, and it provides in no uncertain terms complete validation for the concept of life after physical death and that our loved ones in spirit are always with us. That night at the support group for an accidental death I was as amazed by this very special reading as was everyone in attendance.

      A very attractive middle-aged women came in and took a seat with a very handsome young man whom I later learned in the reading was her son. Before I even started the reading, I knew immediately that she and her son were very skeptical. I found out after the reading that the mother had been attending the support group and that she had told her son about a medium coming to the group. Out of concern for her, he came along to make sure she was not being taken for a ride. He was certain that I was a fraud and that this reading was not possible so he came to protect his mom. They were both astounded by what came through that evening with the victim's advocate present.

      The son had had an identical twin brother who had been killed in a car accident. His brother came through to me crystal clear, and with his wonderfully funny sense of humor, he kept us all laughing and the mood uplifted. There are so many things about this reading that I would love to share, but I will narrow it down to two specific very “evidential” messages.

      The mother, on the way over in the car that evening, prayed in her head to her deceased son. She asked him to prove that I was real and that he was really coming through by telling a specific story about his brother and him. She almost fell off her chair as her son came through talking to his brother about a particular evening when, in order to fool their dates, the boys had decided to pretend they were the other one so that they could switch dates. It was the exact story that his mom had asked him to tell. Needless to say, the brother, sitting with his mom, was amazed at hearing the story, and I had really gotten his attention at this point. The next thing that happened was even more amazing.

      The living brother had brought with him in his back pocket his deceased brother's wallet still containing all of his brother's personal effects. On the way over in the car, he had asked his deceased brother to prove to him that this reading was real and that he was really there by telling me about the wallet. As you can imagine, his jaw dropped to the floor when I told him that the deceased brother was telling me that his brother had his wallet in his pocket with all of his things still in it. He even went on to describe, in detail, a few of the items that were in the wallet.

      The reading continued on with plenty more jaw-dropping information about their lives and a family business that the sons had run with their father. The mother and son may have walked in as skeptics, but they were walking out as believers. In that moment, I knew that their lives had been changed forever by the steadfast commitment of this young man on the spirit side of life to prove to his family, without a doubt, that he was alive and well and still with them. It was a very memorable evening for all of us and one that I will never forget. It was truly a miraculous “visit from heaven” for all the people who were present and fortunate enough to witness it.

      Jane Heady, the victim's advocate and grief counselor who witnessed the above “visit from heaven,” notes, “Denise did not know anything about the people who were there that night. I told her only how many people would be attending. As the first reading began, I could not believe what I was witnessing.

      “The spirits were coming through her with facts that I knew to be true from my individual sessions with the clients. I was blown away! There was no way on this earth that she could have known these facts, not knowing the people or their circumstances. Later, in some of my private sessions with these clients, they would ask me how much I told her. I could truthfully tell them, ‘Not a thing.' From that day forward, I was a true believer.”

       About Denise Lescano

      Denise is a professional medium and is famous for her ability to deliver specific, detailed, and “evidential” information to her clients seeking to connect with the Other Side. She has been the guest on numerous radio programs and television shows over the years and is currently working on a book and TV series.

      She specializes in working with families who have lost loved ones tragically as a result of sudden unnatural or accidental circumstances. Denise has worked with several non-profit organizations, reuniting people with their loved ones for over twenty years. For more information, visit

      image Promise Me

