Visits From Heaven. Josie Varga
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Название: Visits From Heaven

Автор: Josie Varga

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9780876046753


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      The funeral was, of course, painful. It was the most difficult when I saw her hardened body lying in the casket. I held onto her hands as a reminder of our dance together and wished her love on her journey. I admittedly felt distraught with the stone-cold feeling of her hands and the lack of warmth. I wondered about her promise to me before she died. Would she find a way to contact me?

      My grandmother died on November 16, and my co-worker told me that she had a black kitten that needed a home. My grandmother loved cats, often feeding them outside our kitchen door so I immediately believed that this as a sign and agreed to take the cat. My co-worker said in another couple of weeks the kitten would be ready to leave her litter. When I asked what day the kitten was born, I was shocked to find out it was November 16, the same day my grandmother passed. Surely, this was a sign. She was sending me a black kitten born on the day that she passed. This must be her message that “life does continue after death.” I didn't realize it then, but this was only the beginning. I named my cat Lavender because this particular flower is known as being an emotional healer.

      A month later I returned to my parents' home in Connecticut for Christmas. I was saddened that my grandmother wasn't there and thought about her often. One night I went to sleep; the room seemed to be filled with unusually cold air. My bedroom was always cold so I always slept in layers and frequently used an electric blanket. On this night I experienced an unbelievable dream and visitation. In the dream my grandmother walked out of the closet and came up to my bed. She was heavyset and looked healthy as she gave me a warm hug that I could literally feel.

      I could feel the strength of her arms and the intense sensation you get when you are truly missed by someone. She told me she had come through dimensions and was very happy where she was. She spoke telepathically and told me things about heaven, which I barely remember but was impressed at the time. I sensed she wasn't alone when she stated she had to go because she was still being “adjusted.”

      She then hugged me again and grabbed my hands, and I immediately felt this warmth of energy penetrate into them. It felt so warm, healing, and heavenly. When she left, I woke up, but it took me a long time to open my eyes. When I finally did open them, I was surprised to find the covers had fallen off of me. My body was fairly cold, but my hands were astonishingly hot! I held onto them and realized they were the only warm part of my body

      I ran out to my mother and told her to feel my hands because grandmother had come to visit. My mother who had numerous mediumship experiences didn't even blink and replied, “What did you expect? She said she would!”

      Grandma's healing hands from heaven helped me believe in the afterlife. She kept her promise and came back to visit me. Today, I continue on my own spiritual journey helping others believe in the continuity of life. As a medical social worker, I relay this story to other grieving families as it helps to soothe their soul. Hopefully it will do the same for you.

       About Carolyn Coleridge

      Carolyn Coleridge, LCSW is a psychotherapist, intuitive, and healer. A former voluntary faculty member at the UCLA Pediatric Pain Program, she performed hands on healing for children in chronic pain. She currently has a private practice and works at various hospitals as a medical social worker.

      Appearing on several radio and television programs including CNN International, she speaks on a variety of spiritual topics and is the editor of a monthly newsletter. Carolyn wrote a chapter in The Spirit of Women Entrepreneurs and is working on her first book about soul healing. For more information, please visit

      image Lifelong Friends Keep Their Promise


       Mary Ellen “Angel Scribe”


      [email protected]

      The first time I realized that there was more to the world and that mystery, magic, and miracles existed was when my grandmother Anne Woods shared her personal true experience.

      Each morning, as Grandma walked to the trolley car on her way to work, she would exchange greetings with Mrs. Carmichael over the garden fence. Their friendship started casually this way. And on Grandma's return trip from work, while Mrs. Carmichael was lovingly tending her garden's flowers, they would chat again.

      As the flowers bloomed, so did their friendship.

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