Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters. Karen C.L. Anderson
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Название: Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters

Автор: Karen C.L. Anderson

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Управление, подбор персонала


isbn: 9781633537163


СКАЧАТЬ some crazy-making and confusing combination of the two). Maybe she covertly competed with you in ways that set you up to fail. Perhaps you felt undermined, undervalued, or undernourished by the one person in this world who was “supposed” to be your safe place. Perhaps you’ve been continually confused by all of the crazy-making double binds you’ve found yourself in time and time again. Perhaps you were made to feel unworthy, as though nothing you did was ever good enough, though you tried—year after year—to please someone who was, on some level, devoted to never being pleased.

      In response, you may have felt handicapped as an adult woman by a nagging and pervasive sense of inadequacy or by a cavernous lack of confidence. If so, these feelings have likely been at the source of painful life-long patterns, such as giving your power away, self-abandoning, creating co-dependent relationships, isolating yourself, sabotaging your success, and failing to realize authentic happiness in life—and in love.

      If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

      This heartfelt guide, written by the brilliant Karen C.L. Anderson, will lead you step by step through the labyrinth, to the promised land of liberation. She herself has walked this gnarly path and found her way to true freedom. And now, in these pages, she lovingly shines a flashlight to help you follow in her footsteps, so that you, too, might find the same.

      Though nothing that happened to you back then was your fault, it is now your responsibility to evolve. I wish we could just pay someone to do this for us. Yet, no one but you can set yourself free from the many ways you’ve unconsciously been perpetuating the traumas of your past in the present. The key is to take a radical stand, give up being a victim of your childhood, and become willing to see how you’ve been the one keeping these hurts alive—so that you can finally begin making different choices.

      This is actually good news. Because it means you now have the power to graduate forever from living the story of not being good enough, being unworthy, or whatever term you identify with as the reason that your mother couldn’t love you in the ways you needed to be loved. It means you can literally outgrow being the “you” you’ve been in relation to your sick mother. It means that you get to awaken to your authentic self, and be liberated to live a happy, healthy life, and to have happy, healthy relationships. You can have relationships that are no longer defined by the self you’ve needed to be in order to stay bonded to your mother, but which are grounded in wholesome qualities such as mutual respect, honor, trust, and true care.

      We know, intellectually at least, that we’re not limited by what’s happened to us in the past. Yet, sometimes it’s hard to believe, given how often we find ourselves repeating it. We, once again, get involved with people who make us feel inadequate, devalued, lost, and alone. As if we are those young girls, thrown back to our childhood homes.

      The frustration and despair you may have felt as being unable to change, has been deep. You may even be wishing, hoping, and praying that your mother will finally change and see the brilliant woman that you are—that she will validate your goodness, intelligence, bravery and value. Believing that, somehow, she’s the one who is holding the key to your liberation.

      Despite this, there’s more good news. Your mother doesn’t have to change one bit for you to be free. Because the majority of your struggles today have little or nothing to do with her. If you’re still struggling to become the worthy woman that you are in life and in love, it’s most likely because you’ve been stuck with the “self” you created in consciousness in response to your mother’s behavior. You’ve somehow been stuck in the persona she projected onto you, and limited by the story that you yourself internalized—and have been sourcing your life from for decades by now.

      After all, the truth is, you are not your mother’s daughter. You are you. An autonomous adult who is a creature of goodness, light, and love and made up of the magic of Life. A woman who has the ability to take what happened to her in the past, and transform it into greater wisdom, depth, and authentic love. You can now redefine who you are, and what’s possible for you to create in this life, outside of your relationship with your mother. You also get to see this poor woman for who she really is. Just another vulnerable, somewhat confused person on this planet who was just trying to find her way, as best she could.

      Make this book your best friend. Sleep with it by your bedside. Read it each time you’re about to call your mother—to remind you of the power you hold to make that conversation go well. Ultimately, I encourage you to use these chapters to help awaken yourself to who you really are, and the possibilities you’re holding for great healing, health, and happiness. Not in spite of all you’ve been through, but in many ways because of it.

      —Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times Bestselling Author of Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life and Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After

       Chapter 1 Lineage

      Lineage is important. I didn’t just wake up one day and know what I am about to share with you. I’ve been doing my own work for years, and I will continue.

      I’ve read many books and articles. I’ve taken many classes and workshops. I’ve studied and received certifications. And most importantly, I practice.

      My most treasured mentors and teachers are Brooke Castillo, Master Coach Instructor and Founder of the Life Coach School, and Randi Buckley, life coach and creator of the Healthy Boundaries for Kind People methodology.

      Others whose work and art deeply influence me, whose work I read, listen to, practice, reference, and am inspired by include:

       Maya Angelou

       Brené Brown

       Martha Beck

       Byron Katie

       Iyanla Vanzant

       Dr. Christiane Northrup

       Dr. Shefali Tsabari

       Pema Chödrön

       Debbie Ford

       Bethany Webster

       Lynn Forrest

       Katherine Woodward Thomas

      Additional information about these and other resources can be found in the Recommended Resources section at the end of this book.

       Chapter 2 A Note to Daughters…and Their Mothers

      One of the biggest patriarchal lies is that of the “perfect” woman (and it, obviously, includes mothers and daughters). This lie is the cause of so much intergenerational pain, dysfunction, and violence.

      If you are a mother who is struggling, who worries that maybe you are a “difficult mother,” the good news is that your daughter cannot ease your pain with her validation or her forgiveness. Why is this good news? Because you don’t have to rely on her to feel better. What I wish most for you is the ability to validate and forgive yourself.

      If you are a daughter whose mother was unwilling or unable to be who you needed her to be, my heart goes out to you. I’m guessing that deep down inside, without realizing it, she was terrified of being burnt at the stake, drowned, or stoned (whether literally—like women were СКАЧАТЬ