Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
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Название: Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary

Автор: Phan Van Giuong

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Книги о Путешествиях


isbn: 9781462914173


СКАЧАТЬ vaán n. adviser, counselor

      coá yù adv. purposely, intentionally

      coå 1 n. neck: coå aùo collar; ngheån coå/vöôn coå to stretch one’s neck; toùm coå/tuùm coå to nab, to grab 2 adj. old, ancient (= cuõ, xöa; opp. kim): loãi thôøi old-fashioned; ñoà coå antique

      coå caùnh n. partisan, friendship, acquaintances [of office holders]

      coå ñieån adj., n. classical; classics

      coå ñoâng n. shareholder

      coå ñoäng v. to campaign for

      coå huõ adj. old-fashioned, conservative

      coå kính adj. ancient, old

      coå phaàn n. share, stock

      coå phong n. ancient customs

      coå söû n. ancient history

      coå tích adj. old story, vestiges

      coå truyeàn adj. traditional

      coå vaên n. old literature

      coå voõ v. to stimulate, to excite; to encourage

      coå xuùy v. to applaud, to eulogize, to advocate

      coã n. set; banquet, feast; moät coã aùo quan [quan taøi] a coffin; coã cöôùi wedding feast

      coác 1 n. (= ly) glass [any shape], tumbler 2 n. cereal, grain: nguõ coác, meã coác cereals 3 v. to rap someone’s head with the knuckle of one’s finger

      coäc adj. to be short

      coäc loác adj. curt

      coâi adj. orphaned

      coâi cuùt adj. orphaned; waif-like

      coái n. mortar, mill: coái xay rice hulling mill; suùng coái mortar; suùng coái xay machine gun

      coãi adj. stunted: caèn coãi stunted and dried

      coãi reã n. root, origin

      coám n. grilled rice

      coäm adj. bulging; chafing with

      coân n. fighting stick

      Coân Ñaûo n. Poulo Condore

      coân ñoà n. ruffian, gangster

      coân truøng n. insects

      coàn 1 n. [sand] dune; river islet 2 n. alcohol 3 n. paste, gum

      coâng 1 n. peacock 2 n. efforts, R labor; credit: tieàn coâng wages, salary; baõi coâng/ñình coâng to go on strike; lao coâng labor; phaân coâng division of labor 3 adj. public, common [opp. tö]: cuûa coâng public funds; duïng coâng vi tö to use public funds for private purposes

      coâng an n. public security; police, secret service; policeman

      coâng an vieân n. security officer

      coâng baùo n. official gazette

      coâng baèng adj., adv. just, equitable, fair; justly, equitably

      coâng binh n. army engineer

      coâng bình See coâng baèng

      coâng boá v. to announce publicly, to publish, to make public

      coâng boäc n. public servant

      coâng caùn n. official mission

      coâng caùn uyû vieân n. chargé de mission; official commissioner

      coâng chính n. public works

      coâng chuùa n. princess

      coâng chuùng n. the public

      coâng chuyeän n. business; public affairs

      coâng chöùc n. public servant, government employee

      coâng coäng adj. public

      coâng cuoäc n. task, work, job, undertaking

      coâng danh n. reputation, titles, honors, position, career

      coâng daân n. citizen

      coâng duïng n. use

      coâng ñaøn n. public forum

      coâng ñieàn n. village-owned rice-field; public field

      coâng ñoaøn n. trade union

      coâng ñöùc n. virtue, morality, good deed

      Coâ ng giaùo n. Catholicism, Catholic

      coâng haøm n. diplomatic letter

      coâng haõm v. to attack

      coâng hieäu n., adj. effectiveness, efficiency; efficient, effected

      coâng ích n. public interest/welfare, public good

      coâng keânh v. to carry [somebody] astride on one’s shoulder

      coâng khai adj. to be done openly

      coâng kích v. to attack

      coâng laäp adj. public, state

      coâng lao n. labor, work, credit

      coâng leä n. rule, law

      coâng luaän n. public opinion, public forum

      coâng lyù n. justice

      coâng minh adj. just, fair

      coâng ngheä n. industry; technology: coâng ngheä tin hoïc information technology

      coâng nghieäp n. industry; work

      coâng nghieäp hoaù v. to industrialize

      coâng nhaân n. worker, employee

      coâng nhaân vieân n. public servant, government employee

      coâng nhaän v. to recognize, to grant, to admit

      coâng nhaät n. daily wages

      coâng nhieân adv. publicly, openly

      coâng noâng n. worker and peasant

      coâng nôï n. debts

      coâng ôn n. good deed, gratitude

      coâng СКАЧАТЬ