Poles in Kaisers Army On the Front of the First World War. Ryszard Kaczmarek
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СКАЧАТЬ we were all tired and sleepy…. After the lecture, we quickly put on our drill uniforms and again ran down to the stable. Here, both Lance Corporals shouted: “Putz! Putz!” … During the assembly, the Head of the Battery introduced us to tomorrow’s schedule, which did not differ from today’s … The only difference was that three of our friends were assigned to twenty-four-hour stable duty. We performed it every sixth day. For dinner, we received half of mess tin of tea, ninety g[rams] of liver sausage, and one kilogram of bread for two days…. We barely ate and rested a little when it was already eight o’clock, time for cleaning. We started to clean our uniforms, shoes, leather, and other things. After an hour, everything was squeaky clean. Shortly before ten in the evening, we were in beds, waiting for the sound of the trumpet, and for the lights to go out.108

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      Interestingly, this kind of rigorous training did not differ much from the training of one-year volunteers; the only difference was that the superiors did not use violence toward their subordinates in the latter case. However, all the emphasis was on the implementation of thoughtless automaticity of behavior on the battlefield, and this was achieved by repeating the same actions in constantly induced stress; through haste, screaming, and physical effort at the verge of human capability:

      However, the duty of officer candidates changed over time. The breakthrough moment was when they left the barracks and started living in the quarters:

      Only then, the commander of the subunit assumed command and conducted field training. The period of duty in the military training area sometimes lacked ←44 | 45→the disparaging harrasment of non-commissioned officers, and some of the young Poles even recalled it as a useful time of great adventure of youth:

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