Poles in Kaisers Army On the Front of the First World War. Ryszard Kaczmarek
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СКАЧАТЬ difficult, everything comes with joy, singing, and cheerfulness, and it will come easily. One has to always try to do his best and the stay at the army will be alright.98

      They were getting accustomed to have the day filled with any possible activities so that there was no time left for leisure:

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      Karol Małłek, who resided in Ostróda, was much more critical when it came to the relationships in the training units. The Mazurs who trained there suddenly found themselves at the very center of the centuries-old Prussian drill, in which non-commissioned officers and officers treated them as second-class people, while the training almost resembled the eighteenth-century Frederician system. It only lacked corporal punishments, abolished long ago. Małłek describes his first day of duty in the field artillery regiment as follows: