A Drake by George! - The Original Classic Edition. Trevena John
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Название: A Drake by George! - The Original Classic Edition

Автор: Trevena John

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781486412761


СКАЧАТЬ the Drakes do not claim to be of the blood royal; but, as you will remember, Queen Elizabeth knighted Sir Francis, and there is a pleasant tradition in the family that she once flirted with him."

       "Ain't that wonderful!" gasped one of the ladies.

       They entered the parlour, where George was crushing flies with a cork against the windows. It was his habit to display some form of

       activity when his uncle was about.

       "The pictures," resumed the Captain, "are chiefly good examples of the oleographic school; with here and there a choice engraving taken from the illustrated press: marine landscapes, depicting sea breaking upon rocks, being a prominent feature. The young lady picking sunflowers was painted by my wife at the age of seventeen, and is the only example of that period which survives."

       "The flowers are dahlias," Mrs. Drake corrected somewhat sharply.

       "My dear, anybody acquainted with our simple wayside plants could tell that at a glance. I am afraid, ladies and gentlemen, the only flowers I can name with absolute certainty are sea anemones and jellyfish. The grandfather clock is unique," hurried on the Captain. "It strikes the hours upon a gong, chimes them upon bells, and is also provided with a Burmese instrument which discourses sweet music at the quarters. A clock like this relieves the unnatural stillness of midnight, and gets the servants up early. A barometer is af-fixed to the case; this wind gauge records the velocity of the draught between door and window; while the burning glass registers the amount of sunshine received in this portion of the room daily. Twice during the twenty-four hours this wooden figure winds up an iron weight which, becoming detached at a certain point, falls upon a detonating substance contained in this iron vessel. The explosion occurs at noon and midnight."

       "Ah, now I knows it ain't always cats," muttered the Dumpy Philosopher, who lived about a hundred yards away. "About four hours behind, ain't it, Captain?" remarked Squinting Jack.

       "It does not profess to be a timekeeper," replied the Captain. "Any ordinary clock will tell you the time. This does more--it instructs and entertains. It keeps us alive at nights. I like a clock that announces itself. Last Sunday evening, when in church, I distinctly heard the explosion, the clock being then seven hours slow, and it seemed to me a very homely sound."

       "I hope Mrs. Drake ain't nervous," said one of the ladies.

       "No, indeed," came the reply. "I lived for ten years next door to one of the trade union halls. I find it very quiet here."

       "I reckon this would be another clock," said the Gentle Shepherd, staring at a grandfatherly shape in the corner. "No, my friend, that is an Egyptian mummy."

       "One o' they what used to go about on Christmas Eve in the gude old days what be gone vor ever!" exclaimed the Yellow Leaf with great interest.

       "Not a mummer, but a body, a corpse--dried up and withered," explained the Captain.

       "Same as I be nearly," murmured the Yellow Leaf; while some of the women screamed and some giggled, one hoping the creature was quite dead, another dreadfully afraid there had been a murder, and a third trusting she wouldn't have to adorn some parlour when she was took.

       "Can he do anything, Captain--sing and dance, or tell ye what the weather's going to be?" asked Squinting Jack. "'Tis a matter of taste, but I couldn't fancy corpses as furniture," observed the Dumpy Philosopher.

       "What I ses is this," commented the Wallower in Wealth, "if I wur to dig bodies out of churchyard, and sell 'em to folk as genuine antiquities, I would have the policeman calling on me."


       "You mustn't dig up Christians--that's blasphemy," said the Captain. "This chap was a heathen king, one of the Pharaohs you read

       of in the Bible, and he died thousands of years ago. He may have known Jacob and Joseph--and I bought him for five bob."

       "Ain't that wonderful!" exclaimed a lady.

       "It do make they Children of Israel seem amazing real," admitted the Gentle Shepherd.

       "The remarkable object occupying the centre of the mantelpiece is a Russian Ikon. It used to hang upon the quarterdeck of a battle-ship which was lost in the Baltic," continued the Captain.

       "I suppose 'tis useful vor navigating purposes," suggested the Dumpy Philosopher.

       "It is what the Russians call a holy picture. They say their prayers to such things," shouted the Captain angrily. "A queer lot of old stuff here along," said the Gentle Shepherd.

       "A few articles are priceless," declared the proprietor. "These two vases, for instance. They were looted from the royal palace at Pekin

       by an English sailor lad who had intended them as a present for his sweetheart; but, as he couldn't carry them about, he sold them to me for ten shillings. An American gentleman offered me a hundred pounds for the pair, but I wouldn't part with them for five times that amount. These blue dragons are covered with a lustre known as glaze, which is now a lost art. This portfolio of pictures also comes from China: there are more than fifty, and each represents one of the various kinds of torture commonly practised by Chinese magistrates upon people who are brought before them, charged with such offences as forgetting to pay local rates or being polite to foreigners. Here is the usual punishment for omitting to lick the dust when a big-pot passes--being impaled upon three stakes above a slow fire without the option of a fine."

       "Nice pictures to look at on a Sunday evening," said Squinting Jack.

       "The curiously twisted spike, which bears a close resemblance to iron, and is indeed almost as heavy as that metal, was given me by an Egyptian fellah, who said he had discovered it in the Assyrian desert," resumed the Captain with somewhat less confidence. "It is supposed to be a horn of that extinct animal the unicorn, but I don't guarantee it. According to a mate who sailed with me once--a chap who knew a lot about animals, and had taken prizes at dog shows--the unicorn had a hollow horn, and this, you see, is solid."

       "The Egyptian fellow had you, Captain. It is iron, and there's a mark upon it that looks to me like a crown," declared the Wallower in

       Wealth, who had commenced prosperity as a wheelwright.

       "Don't that go to show it is genuine? Ain't the lion and unicorn the--the motto of the crown of England?" demanded the Yellow


       "The beast wouldn't have a crown stamped on its horn when he drawed breath," said Squinting Jack. "I b'ain't so certain. I ha' seen rummy marks on a ram's horn," answered the Gentle Shepherd.

       "There are wonderful things in Nature," said the Captain. "When I was off the coast of South Africa, I watched a big fish flap out of the water, climb a tree, stuff itself with fruit, and then return to its native element. It may be the unicorn was adopted as one of the supporters of the Royal Arms, because it had this mark of a crown upon the base of its horn."

       "Some volk ses there never wur no unicorns," remarked the Dumpy Philosopher.

       "Plenty believe creation started after they were born," retorted the Captain sharply. "The lion and the unicorn are the royal beasts of England--any child knows that--and when all the lions have been shot, lots of people will say there never were such creatures. If unicorns never existed, how is it we possess pictures of the beast? How do we know what 'twas like? How do we know its name, and how do we know it had only one horn bang in the middle of its forehead?"

       "That's the way to talk to unbelievers," chuckled the Yellow Leaf. "I make no СКАЧАТЬ