Английский язык. Грамматический справочник. Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Ильмира Маратовна Дубовицкая
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СКАЧАТЬ teacher is younger than ours.

      8.She is a friend of my.

      9.The umbrella belongs to hers.

      10.Did you like mine present?

      2.8. Дополните текст местоимениями в объектном падеже:

      1.My brother loves cookies. This cookie is for him.

      2.My children like cartoons. The movies aren’t for ________.

      3.My granny collects china. These beautiful cups are for ________.

      4.My parents like music from the 90s. The memory stick with the music is for _______.

      5.I like sunglasses. From her last trip my aunt brought _____ another sunglasses.

      6.My wife and I love sweets. These sweets are for _____.

      7.My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for _______.

      8.My teacher wants to go to London next year. The guide book is for _____.

      9.I have so many socks. I don't know what to do with ______.

      10.I have a problem and don’t know what to do with ______.

      2.9. Дополните текст притяжательными местоимениями:

      1.This is my elder sister. Her name's Sue.

      2.These are my nephews. ___ names are Peter and Ben.

      3.These are my friends. ___ names are Tom and David.

      4.This is my cousin. ___ name's Mary.

      5.This is my father. ___ name's Paul.

      6.These are my classmates. ___ names are Terry and Jane.

      7.This is my aunt. ___ name's Pam.

      2.10. Дополните предложения соответствующими местоимения используя than и заменив существительные в скобках:

      1. Their house is bigger than mine (my house).

      2. The street he lives on is wider _______________ (their street).

      3. Father’s suit is more fashionable _______________ (grandpa’s suit).

      4. Your test doesn’t take that much time _______________ (her test).

      5. Her flat is larger _______________ (our kitchen).

      6. This car drives more quickly _______________ (your car).

      7. My armchair is more comfortable _______________ (their armchairs).

      8. Her studies are more complicated _______________ (her sister).


      Существует три степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке – положительная, сравнительная и превосходная.

      My friend Jon has a huge library at home though he has not got much space and keeps all his books on a small shelf. He is also keen on old books. There are a lot of interesting books. There is one that I find the most interesting is Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. I think classical literature is more interesting than modern one.

      Большинство прилагательных имеют степени сравнения.

      старый – старше – самый старый

      old – older – the oldest

      У прилагательных содержащих абсолютное значение нет сравнительной степени.

      Например, huge – огромный (не может быть огромнее и т.д.)

      Сравнительная степень может сопровождаться словами маркерами, например, than.

      Our local library is smaller than the one in the city.

      Сравнительная степень образуется при помощи следующего суффикса – er

      Прилагательные в превосходной степени получают суффикс – est и сопровождается определенным артиклем – the

      Small – smaller – the smallest

      При этом прилагательные с – y на конце, получают суффикс – ier и – iest соответственно

      Happy – happier – the happiest

      У односложных прилагательных удваивается

      Hot – hotter – the hottest

      – e в конце у прилагательного опускается

      Large- larger – the largest

      Brave – braver – the bravest

      Многосложные прилагательные в сравнительной степени получают more и в превосходной the most

      Interesting – more interesting – the most interesting

      Effective – more effective – the most effective


      good – better – the best

      bad – worse – the worst

      little – less – the least

      many – more – the most

      far – farther, further – the farthest, furthest

      old – older, elder – the oldest, eldest

      Farther, the farthest используется в отношении местонахождения