Английский язык. Грамматический справочник. Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Ильмира Маратовна Дубовицкая
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Читать онлайн книгу Английский язык. Грамматический справочник. Подготовка к ЕГЭ - Ильмира Маратовна Дубовицкая страница 2

СКАЧАТЬ местоимения используются для обозначения выполнения действия самим субъектом или, когда действие направлено на самого человека.


      I cut myself. Я порезался.

      She introduced herself. Она представилась.

      John introduces himself. Джон представил себя сам.

      We cooked the dinner ourselves. Мы сами приготовили этот ужин.

      В единственном числе добавляется суффикс – self

      Во множественном числе – selves (обратите внимание на правило образования множественного числа существительных f/fe – ves)

      2.1. Замените слово в скобках на личное местоимение:

      1.He is sleeping. (George)

      2.___is brown. (the blackboard)

      3.___are on the shelf. (the books)

      4.___is running. (the boy)

      5.___are watching videos on YouTube. (my friends and I)

      6.___are in the shop. (the flowers)

      7.___is riding his bike. (Ted)

      8.___is from New York. (Victor)

      9.___has got a brother. (Diana)

      10.Has ____ got a computer? (Mark)

      2.2. Выберите подходящий тип притяжательного местоимения:

      1.Is this yours / your ball?

      2.It's theirs / their problem, not our/ours.

      3.It's a bad idea of your / yours to go to the bar tonight.

      4.Are these her / hers shoes?

      5.We're going swimming with some friends of our/ours.

      6.Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it's not my / mine.

      7.We know their / theirs phone number but they don't know our / ours.

      8.That's not my / mine book. Mine / my is with me.

      9.His home is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is modern.

      10.My / mine parents live in Moscow region, and your / yours?

      2.3. Дополните текст притяжательными местоимениями:

      1.Trevor and Stuart write articles for their school newspaper.

      2.Mark nodded at ____ wife as if he wanted to say «You see?»

      3.Do you think they are losing ____ popularity?

      4.From ____ place I could watch the people eating ____ lunch.

      5.I like____ new bag. I bought it two days ago.

      6.He took off ______ shirt and loosened ____ tie.

      7.My dad usually came to ____ office at 6 o'clock.

      8.They’ve got three children but I don’t remember ____

      9.We are going to invite all ____ friends to the party.

      10.We’re staying at a very nice hotel. ____ room is very comfortable.

      2.4. Замените слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом на личные местоимения:

      1.That poor man looks as if he needs a new coat. He

      2.Kilye arrived yesterday. I met Kilye at the station. ____

      3.When the lions saw us, they began roaring. _____

      4.Mike and I were hoping no-one would find us. _____

      5.You and Mike can come if you like. ____

      6.Jake hurt himself. ____

      2.5. Дополните тексты местоимениями:


      – Do you know Andy?

      – Sure, he's in my class, I study with ___ Why?

      – Oh, nothing. I want him to help me, that's all.

      – I have ___ phone number. Call him!

      – Ok, thanks!


      – Hey Tyler, do you like lemon cakes?

      – Yea, I really like ___.

      – And do you like green tea?

      – Sure, I like ___.

      – And how about sweets?

      – Yep, I like ____ too. Why?

      – I want to invite you to my birthday party.

      – Great! I will be there.

      2.6. Добавьте соответствующее возвратное местоимение:

      1.I did not want to believe it and then I saw the yeti myself.

      2.The boy looked at _____in the mirror.

      3.Mike, you'll have to do your homework ______.

      4.You don't need to come tonight. They can repair the car _____.

      5.I introduced _____ to my new classmate.

      6.Boys, can you make your beds ______?

      7.My granny used to make wool clothes _________.

      8.What happens when a fighting fish sees ______in the mirror?

      9.He СКАЧАТЬ