Essentials of Sociology. George Ritzer
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Название: Essentials of Sociology

Автор: George Ritzer

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9781544388045


СКАЧАТЬ values. Among the things Americans valued in the early nineteenth century were democracy, equality, individualism, “taste for physical comfort,” spirituality, and economic prosperity. Although Tocqueville wrote about his impressions of the United States almost 200 years ago, the vast majority of Americans today would accept most, if not all, of the values he described (L. Crothers 2018).

      Indeed, Americans find these values so natural that they expect them to be accepted in other cultures around the world. However, this expectation has had some disappointing, even disastrous, consequences for the United States. For example, when the United States undertook invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, one of the objectives was the creation of democratic regimes in those societies. The assumption was that Iraqis and Afghanis wanted the same kind of democracy as the one that exists in the United States. But creating democracies in those countries has proven to be extremely difficult for a variety of reasons, including the fact that their cultures lack a tradition of democratic government. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to impose a value, such as the value of democracy, on a society where it does not already exist, or where it exists in a very different form.

      Researchers using data collected through the World Values Survey (WVS) have found support for the idea that democracy is a hard, if not impossible, sell in many parts of the world (Welzel and Inglehart 2009). As you may recall from Chapter 2, the WVS has gathered data from a variety of countries around the world on individual views on topics such as gender equality, tolerance for abortion, homosexuality, divorce, desire for autonomy over authority (for example, obedience and faith), and democratic participation over security. Respondents in countries where personal freedom is not valued highly—such as Pakistan, Jordan, Afghanistan, and Nigeria—tend to think of antidemocratic authoritarian regimes as being democratic. The data also show that citizens within these countries have little knowledge of the meaning of liberal democracy. There is little chance that American-style democracy will succeed in these countries.

      Of course, there are many other reasons democracy has a difficult time succeeding in some countries. Among other things, before democracy can be established, people need to have enough to eat, to feel safe, to be able to get an education, and to trust the government. Unfortunately, many, if not all, of these needs are not being met in many parts of the world.

A photo shows several young women standing on the aisle in a subway train. The one nearest the camera is just wearing a t-shirt and jacket. Her t-shirt reads: No pants are the best pants.

      Have you ever deliberately broken a social norm? Some of the passengers on this New York City subway are participating in an annual “No-Pants Subway Ride” event.

      KENA BETANCUR/AFP/Getty Images


      Based on values, norms are the informal rules that guide what people do and how they live. Norms tell us what we should and should not do in a given situation. Many norms are informal. That is, they are not formally codified, not written down in any one place. Laws are norms that have been codified. They are written down and formally enforced through institutions such as the state. Rules prohibiting speaking and texting on handheld cell phones while driving are examples of how informal norms can come to be codified into laws.

      You are expected to follow norms and obey laws, but the consequences of failing to do so are usually very different in the two cases. If you violate the law against homicide, you can expect to be arrested, incarcerated, and perhaps even executed. But if you fail to follow the norm of using utensils to eat your dinner and use your fingers instead, you can expect merely a few raised eyebrows and a tsk-tsk or two from your dinner companions. However, reactions to violating norms are not always so gentle. For example, a gang member’s violation of a norm against fleeing a fight with another gang may lead to physical violence, death, and other not-so-subtle outcomes.

      Norms are reinforced through sanctions, which can take the form of punishments (negative sanctions) or rewards (positive sanctions). In general, when norms have been violated, punishments are used, while rewards are employed when norms have been followed. For example, dinner companions might frown when you eat with your hands and grin approvingly when you use the right utensil. Gang members would be likely to disapprove of those who flee and approve of those who stay and fight. In other words, sanctions may be applied when norms are observed as well as when they are violated. Sometimes either positive or negative sanctions are enough to enforce norms. However, enforcement is generally more effective when positive and negative sanctions are used in tandem—when both the “carrot” (reward) and the “stick” (punishment) are applied. Most people follow norms primarily because sanctions are associated with them.

      Ask Yourself

      What norms are operating in your classroom, dorm, or apartment? What negative sanctions have you observed when these norms have been violated?

      Not all norms are the same, are equally important, or carry with them the same penalties if violated. On the one hand, there are folkways, or relatively unimportant norms. Whether they are observed or violated, they carry with them few if any sanctions (Sumner [1906] 1940). Not intruding on the space of the passenger sitting next to you on a plane is an example of a folkway.

      In contrast, mores (pronounced MOR-ays) are more important norms whose violation is likely to be met with severe negative sanctions. Airplane passengers who are belligerent toward other passengers or crew members are violating mores and may be forcibly ejected from the plane. Although a clear distinction is often made between folkways and mores, in fact they exist along a continuum; it is often hard to distinguish where folkways end and mores begin.

Two women are seated in a train; one is speaking on a cell phone while the other looks bored.

      Sharing an armrest on a train can be a fraught experience. How do you react if someone violates what you see as an established social norm?

      BE&W agencja fotograficzna Sp. z o.o./Alamy Stock Photo

      Material Culture

      Values and norms exist within the realm of ideas (see the following section for a related definition and discussion of symbolic, or nonmaterial, culture). However, culture also takes material—that is, tangible—forms. Material culture encompasses all the artifacts, the “stuff,” in which culture is reflected or manifested. A wide range of things can be included under the heading of material culture, including this book, the clothes we wear, the homes we live in, our computers and smartphones, the toys children play with, and even the weapons used by our military.

      Culture shapes such objects. For instance, the value that Americans place on economic prosperity is reflected in such material objects as games like Monopoly. This game was first patented in the mid-1930s, and its icon is a well-dressed, economically successful tycoon with a monocle. The goal of the game is to accumulate the most property and money. There are now also nonmaterial games (such as Fortnite and Pokémon Go) that are not only enjoyed by millions of people online but are also played by thousands in material sports arenas for millions of dollars in real and material prize money (Wingfield 2014b, 2014c).

      Material culture also shapes the larger culture in various ways. For example, when playing Monopoly, children are learning about, helping support, and furthering a culture that values wealth and material success. To take a different example, the centuries-old American value of individual freedom and individualism has been greatly enhanced by the widespread adoption of such material objects as СКАЧАТЬ